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Everything posted by Panshesi

  1. I did this... I think if it works on any clothes it should work here too.. I don't get what I am missing.
  2. Vis-Gifier kinda just add the dn_clothes instance naming rule... And it still doesn't work :(
  3. I don't know why but it just don't work. Can anyone explain to me how to do this right please ? I added the Instance Naming Rule and the right Keyword but it don't seem to work. Here's what I done : https://ibb.co/wsQZ5vq Thanks for reading :)
  4. Yeah it was that !!! Thanks a lot. I'll see if I can fix this. The esp I dislabed was Trade and Barter Edit : The only way I found to correct this is by dislabing Trade and Barter lower and better prices functions before starting the quest. And never re activing it again. By doing this the mod lost a lot of its interest.
  5. I tried and it still change nothing ... Why do I always fall on the most unsolvable troubles
  6. Hm I tried dislabing the smashed patch for testing and forgot to re activate it before I copied the load order. I checked Lucan Valerius records and the only mod editing its records is USSEP (and it's still crashing if I disable it). Thanks a lot though. Any other ideas? I also checked merchants from other cities and they don't crash. Well I created a new character and it seems it doesn't crash so the problem come from my save... Maybe it's because of his quest? (The only one I have done) I don't know) Edit : I've done its quest on a new character now. Its clearly this quest that breaks this NPC. Maybe it's the fact that he become a friend and as I use mods to lower prices with friends merchants, it's maybe that ?
  7. Hello, when I trade with Lucan, the game instantly CTD. It's only him in Riverwood, not the blacksmith. I tried pickpocketing him and using TCL command to check his "merchant chests" and it works well. I don't know what could be the cause of that. My messy load order is WryeBashed, LOOTed and Mator Smashed. Here it is https://pastebin.com/94hfTSVH
  8. Hello, Nexus Mod Manager is dislabing my .esp files (all of them, I dont think I need to list them) (even the DLCs). I can enable them from MODS (but not the DLCs) on start menu, but every time I open NMM (just open, without touching any settings) all the .esp are getting dislabed. Please help me. I watched some issue on internet, but nothing of this is working : My plugin.txt file is read-only I tried to clean reinstall NMM I tried to uninstall/reinstall all my mods I tried to put a * before every .esp files name in plugin.txt I don't know what to do, please help me... Thanks for reading
  9. It's this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/2928/? ? it change the item's langage name, there is an french translation patch ?
  10. it could be great if we can modify some unique armors like kellog's outfit, minuteman general outfit, etc, beacause it's a really bad stuff sorry for my very bad english but I think you understood
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