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Everything posted by RubikNight
Another good 3DS game is the Final Fantasy Music game. Incredible visuals, tons of remixes of songs from the series, and it looks so damn good. I think it's called Ogarythm or something like that. IF you like J-Pop or Japanese music in general then find Takitu No Justu, it's the arcade drum game for the 3DS. Really simple music game. Fire Embelem is a fantastic game, also Kid Icarus and the new Luigi's Mansion game are fantastic as well. Another is Virtue Last Reward, it's a visual novel game (don't worry there's english version) and it's the highest rated 3DS game on Metacritc. It has puzzles in it as well, and there's 32 different endings.
Writer that want's to get involved in modding
RubikNight replied to RubikNight's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Is there a link I can go to? -
Thieves Guild Expansion - submit jobs for the Guild
RubikNight replied to kryptopyr's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
No posts? -
I have a year and a half old PS3 since my last one YLOD. GTAV just got delayed to September. I reallllly can't afford a console with my library of games.
What was the game that caused your gaming addiction to begin?
RubikNight replied to Systex's topic in Classic Games
The thing that really began my addiction was MMO's like Runescape (I know I know) Guild Wars and random free to play MMO's. I'd say the 1st game I played was on the SNES, but nothing in that era made me addicted. Tekken was pretty damn addicting too. -
Add Nefurnest if you haven't already, see you online soon!
I heard that they were getting bought (the studios) by Ubisoft. I wouldn't be surprised. Damn that amount of debt to fake wrestling:facepalm:
BY THE NINE DIVINES! The video is blocked in my country due to music rights! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?
Why you are welcome, as I shall speak for the whole community for now! :D Let's see what his vid is...
There's these tiara like things. But they aren't called tiaras. I forget what they are. Mods would be better if you are looking for something truly princessy.
Adopted Children don't go to bed/go inside
RubikNight replied to SarinGlave's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
What do you expect? They are adopted. Nah, I'm just kidding. I suggest getting the unofficial patch, as it fixes this. -
I think you have the Southpark dragon voice mod. It replaces the original voices.
Still trying to find the way to appeal to people to get views...
Anyone abuses the barrel in Dark Souls? Cause that's the best armor in the game by far.
It's a little better then my business laptop but honestly I would upgrade it if you have the money and have had this kit for a while.
Feachers= Features XD Sounds interesting, kind of like a mecernary management component. It would take up a lot resrouces though. I won't be one of the modders to do this though.
I don't think it is really fair to call Dota 2 ugly. Compared to LoL Dota 2 features higher poly models, crisp textures, normal maps, shader maps, great looking water (+reflections), animated forest and aquatic critters which move around the map, objects acting as additional light sources, various shop keeper models throughout the map, animated portraits (which update based on player items) and very polished particle effects. Outside of the visuals Dota 2 also has blended animation for both movement and attacking, ambient map sounds, sound which have a 'Doppler Effect' feel to them, destructible trees, micro managing and hero item slots to make your favourite character unique. It is also disappointing that most female skins in LoL are nothing more than a fan service and most of the male skins shred whatever 'lore' or immersion the game had (+there are very few ways to obtain skins outside of ones wallet). Having said that, I don't find LoL to be a bad game. It's all preference. (things like insta-turning and lore unfriendly stuff just don't sit right with me :tongue: ) I completely understand what you mean. My opinion is from very early beta, so I actually have no idea how it is now. Also, it has a way steeper learning curve then LoL, which really turns me away. As for the Skins in LoL, I think it's a good thing they cater to fans for skins. As lore-breaking as it can be, I mean we are paying for it.
Writer that want's to get involved in modding
RubikNight replied to RubikNight's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I'd love to! And if you need voice acting I'd love to do it too! -
Looks to big for me. As great as it seems, doesn't seem that portable.
Mass Effect DLC's are pretty good. Thor I'd like some Legendarys please!
I can't make mods, I know that for a fact, but what I can do is write stuff like dialogue and storylines. So hit me up if you plan on making a quest-line. Here's a sample. The blaring sounds came echoing down the moist caverns,bouncing in rhythm upon the bones of the earth. Fork’s body vibrated as one withthe tune. The crevices of stone above shook, the dust seeping out the slits.Splashes of cool green water sounded out the pitches of a peril surely cominghis way. Fork ignores it, and concentrates on finding a means to hide. Heglances left and right, above and below, but he’s gotten himself trapped in adead end. There was nothing left for him to do but to face his doom. What hewas about to encounter would ignore any of his ideas or tricks to avoid thecreature. He may as well give up. Fork continued to search for a solution tohis problem. Of all the things Ican think of… Fork let out a breath of disappointment and then took downthe satchel at his waist, and fingered for something to use. He pulled out asmall green book, with pages falling apart and a large stain that made it lookas if it all had been dipped in blood. Asquickly as he could he untwined the rope that held it all together. Pages beganfluttering, almost as if they flapped their folded wings behind him as heproceeded to flick through. Sweat had begun to roll down the side of his cheekas if it were a goblet of wine on a warm summer day. “Where is it, where is it…” As he was fumbling through the many sheets of text, he heardthe screeches of the impending horror continue to ring about him. Louder andlouder did it ring, each note of what he thinks is the creatures scream, higherand higher then before; Fork’s eyes widened, his life hanging on a the finding ofsome dusty lifeless note he had never care to look at before. “There!” Fork swiped at one of aged sheets, unfolding it and holdingit up to what little light he could find. He read it aloud: “For any time of great danger against a male or femaleDevourer, you’re best hope is to use 5th Class Blood magic. Hey yousacrifice pretty much all of your dignity and you will be forever in service ofuntold creatures, but it’s you only way out. Sorry bud-“ What an ass! Fork closed his eyes and dropped his hands, paper swingingside to side as it fell to the ground. Countless thoughts waved across Fork’shead, hitting him punch after punch with each thought. Why had he come here? Why did it have to be a Devourer? Oranything that seemed remotely life threatening? Couldn’t it have been a simplefetch quest? No. Of course not, silly. Nothing in this world was simple. Everything had too muchmagic to it. There were new creatures born everyday. All it took was anexperiment to go wrong or some unwanted cross breeding for anything to be addedto the vast compendium of beasts. Each and every one with their natural duty toeither frolic, pillages, or farm. Fork pushes the thoughts aside as the shrieking ceased. Helooked at what he thinks is a Devourerstanding right in front of him. “Well, you are definitely nothing like what I expected” Why is she called aDevourer? Why indeed. She has an animal-like roar, the distinct glowingtattoo marks, but in the end she was very much human. Nothing rang the small bellin Fork’s head that a hungry salivating nightmare was about to tear him a newone. In fact, she was much morearousing then scaring the living piss out of Fork. The tangled white hair that flowedfrom her head, those lips black as the warm summer night. The spirals of possibly hundreds of different Elvishdialects that were embedded in her skin had him continue to stare; it was a imageof pure art. It didn’t take my imagination to see this as a painting doneby a lonely and desperate man. Her most heavenly appearance wasn’t what stoodout the most. The choice of clothing …or lack of left him dumbfounded. Justsimple thin black leather straps to cover the most important parts, all heldtogether by brass buckles. The Devourer placedher claws delicately on her hips and swayed side to side, her head bobbing leftto right in rhythm. Then out of theblue, her lips moved to speak, “Are we just going tostand here and have your eyes run down my body? “ she said. “Oh your kind speaks?!” Fork replied with surprise, his eyesand mouth widening as one. “ What do you think I do? Moan and groan only? Wait, thatdidn’t quite come out right.” She said as she turned away in embarrassment.Fork still couldn’t quite grasp the possibility of such a menace to becivilized enough to speak, and to speak with such accuracy. At the back of hismind he remembered the ‘voice’ he knew Devourers by. “But those sounds! Those horrible sounds!” He stuttered. TheDevourer let out a sigh, whipped her hair aside and looked up with a sense of selfpity as she raised her ‘hands’. “I blame these ‘lovely’ things…” She held up the long scythe-like claws from her hands asthey slowly retracted back into her human, if you can call them that, gapsbetween her fingers. With the hostile atmosphere eerily gone now, Fork was finallyat ease, the quivering of his very soul had come to a halt. He then thought what the creature had said ofthe noises he heard. Was the striking of the claws against the stony cold wallscausing the wretched sounds that he came to know her by? She sat down on cold, wet cavern floor, legs brought up toher chest, blowing the few white strands of hair out of her eyes. Silence. Thewhole awkwardness of the situation called for Fork to say something. Something. Anything at that came to hismind “So…you live here?” he quickly muttered with a hinthesitance. She stood up and Fork backed away cautiously, the Devourer rollingher eyes for his actions. “Look I’m not going to hurt you. At least I don’t think Ineed to. And to answer your question, yes, unfortunately. My whole life I’vebeen banished or exiled in any human settlement I try to blend in. I’m chasedaway by men with pikes and mages with staffs. I could easily kill them all, butthat would just add to my troubles. I’m forced to live independently. It’s ahorrid, lonely, cold, tough life, but you make do, and soon you get use tohaving no one like you.” She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth after for amoment. Fork saw something in this Devourer. It was beyond the myth of dangerthat her kind was forever shrouded in. He saw more humanity in her then mostmen of these wretched lands. Fork looked down and back into the crimson eyes ofher. “That…sounds awful.” She gazed up at the cracks of light that cut deep into thecavern. “ Just for a dayeven, I wish I could just walk among the men and women that are out there andnot have to fear having to rip them apart.” Fork gulped. “Ugh…something you do often?” She snorted at his reaction. “Mostly the ugly ones. But ofcourse you oughta do something to get me going. Had my fair share of killings, maybe some of them didn’t deserve it, butdo what you gotta do to survive. I always leave a few alive to send a message sothe fools who sent them, and if they came on their own accord, like a treasurehunter, well they can take what they want as long as the leave my stuff alone.Cross that line and I think you know what happens.” To picture what those silver claws could do to the men shekilled was ghastly sight for Fork. Thesqueamish face he made cause the Devourer giggle. Then again he’s seen worse asan apostate’s assistant. So many magical experiments that had gone wrong, eachone more brutal then the last to the poor sod who volunteered. Her hands whipped out and startled Fork, as she placed herright palm on his face, and pulled him so close that their lips were almosttouching. She slowly spoke in a very sensual voice. “What are you doing hereanyways? Not that I mind company. Just most of the time I end up shreddingwhatever ‘company’ I have to bits. It gets ever so lonely here. And boring. So,so boring.” Fork straightenedhimself up, swallowed hard, put his hands on her shoulders and sat her down,and then sat next to her, all while trying to keep the straightest facepossible. It was probably the bravest thing he’s ever done with a non-Human. Sheshifted closer, and the movements made Fork freeze a bit. She inched closer andher hands grabbed around Fork’s waist and she leaned her face his chest. He suckedin a breath, and waited for the inevitable, she was surely going to let freethose claws of hers straight into his sides. “I barely know you and I’ve told you so much about myself.I’ve never opened up to anyone. I’ve never had anyone to talk to, no one tolaugh with, no one to cry with.” She dug her fingers into Fork’s pale blue robes, her faceburied in his chest, and all of a sudden she began to tear up. Bright clearstreams came from her eyes, her voice breaking into wails. Her white hair beganto glow with a bright hue, and her the markings in her skin responded with thesame effect. Fork felt her warmth against his body, and inside him he feltsomething else. When Fork looked down at her what he saw was a frail, fragilegirl. Not a legendary predator, a danger to his life, but a lonely and veryemotional girl. He hesitated, but steeled himself and slowly placed his handaround her. The Devourer grasped him harder, Fork feeling the full strength ofher arms, his face turning red with both pain and joy. She looked up at him andsaw the scrunched up and painful features he made and promptly pushed him away,sliding to the edge of the rock. “S-Sorry.” She let out of her lips, stuttering to apologize.“ I forget the extent of my strength…ha ha.” She looked at the ground with embarrassment, hands on her knees. “It’s fine. Really. You’ve been through a lot. It’s normalto be experiencing this.” Fork replied with a comforting smile. She looked backat him, quickly wiping away her fresh tears. The Devourer began to speak, “I don’t even know your name or why you are here. You knowmore about me than I do about you. Probably toomuch.” “My name is Fork Dawnlight, a apprentice mage to mygrandfather Moor Dawnlight. I actually came here in search of relics of myfamily-line, the Dawness, but let’s just say I didn’t want any part of it. Doyou have a name? I highly doubt you want to be called Devourer.” Fork replied,raising an eyebrow with his last remark. “A name? I’ve well…never actually been given a name.” Her eyes looked around in dismay at thequestion, confusion swelling up inside of her. “Well we can’t have that now can we? You know what? Becauseof your impeccable beauty, I’m going to give you a name. I use to be a poet youknow! Here I’ll name off some names, and you stop me if you like one.” Forkproudly announced. Her face flushed, “That’s really nice of you to say…alrightthen. Go ahead. Give me a name.” Fork unfastens his satchel and took out a leather-boundbook, opening its crisp clean pages. “This book here has a list of names ofgirls I give to the characters for my romantic love poems. Honestly there’s toomany of them, but I’ve put a lot of thought in each one. I’m going to say theone’s I’ve categorized into ‘fairies’.” The Devourer made a disgruntled look. “Fairies? Really?Can’t we go for something a bit more stronger and fiercer then a bunch ofminiature tree folk?” Fork responded with a stifled laugh. “Ha…ha. Ah…I know justthe kind of race of creatures. How about the Moon Elves? Strong, female onlywarriors that come out only at night as vigilantes and keepers of justice.” Devourer had a mischievous smile go across her face. “Soundsjust like me.”
Going to put up a list soon.
I just like LoL since it has a big user-base and it's what all my friends play. It's also the MOBA game I'm any good at. I also find DOTA incredibly ugly.
About 18, and damn is life good. Except with Shanghai internet. And being in Shanghai. Sigh.
I play on the NA Server, and go by the handle AcheNone. Add me on Skype if you can, I much prefer voice chat especially in MOBA games. BTW, I main Evelyn as a AD Jungler.