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Posts posted by RubikNight

  1. I have no idea on how to poison (the potions are made, but how do I combine it with my arrows/dagger?) I hit with a Drawven Warhammer of Master Wielding or 2-handed Sword (clay-more) in CQC, and range use a one handed enchanted Daedric sword with Fire Rune in the right or a Elven Animus Bow.


    Also, soul trapping is a good build. Touch and run (Fire cape/Frost Cape and Chain lightning) is ideal..I play mostly a Battlemage/Ranger with Rune/Ward Trapping.


    Soul gems then would be used for enchantment. Another thing I wonder about is crafting. Where do I smelt ores? D:?

  2. Responses like that anger me for some reason, maybe because I'm a pc gamer, and Skyrim knowing how its a console port, and so on. It disturbs me in every way, its developers being lazy.


    I think graphics has a lot to do with the game, especially if its done right it could be as popular as any smartphone casual game. Take for instants Skyrim it has decent graphics but with a good story and gameplay elements mixed together wich wins, not to mention it nearly out sold Call of duty at one point. Althoughs its a console port wich i am against. becuase it hurts enovation. Developers should be looking at all especs of hardware not just one, infact why not stop there and improving it with the better specs like for pc. instead of one release all together.


    Also i don't care if its 2d or 3d as long its not tethered to one peace of hardware.Thats not bottlenecking the others.


    I completely understand what you mean Thor, and I have to agree. Let me say the graphics of the PS Vita are like a PS2.9 rather than PS3. Also thanks to the OLED screen, it graphics are great.


    For example, take Uncharted:Golden Abyss. The fire, characters eyes and teeth and Sully look really out of place. The best model in the game is a female and a Spanish General. Even Drake looks odd thanks to his glossy eyes and metal looking teeth.

  3. In reply to Hoof and Halo, from what I've played, all the games DONT try to be a console game. The only thing they take are the mechanics.


    Uncharted:Golden Abyss and Gravity Rush are one of the most unique titles.


    As for Tekken 6, Tekken Hybrid, Street Fighter X Tekken, Ulitmate Marvel VS Capcom 3, they do feel like PS1 style fighting games, which actually, is a good thing.


    With so many third party publishers, I can tell you the Vita , and I will stick to this, is the finest portable gaming since the DS. If more JRPGs and Japanese games make it to the rest of the world I will take a bite of a pine cone.

  4. Meh it kind of reminds me of Peacewalker without voice acting, with the comic book like cutscenes.


    Not my thing to tell you the true, alt though peace walker was awesome, pushed the psp to its limit.

    Wrong. I played 2 hours of it at AGS and it's beautiful.


    Think/watch Deadman Wonderland (anime/manga) The voice actors and manga artist are the same. The comic is voiced... that's a cutscene. And there are also story cutscenes(real time ones, think Uncharted or Call Of Duty's).


    And it is the most unique J-RPG I've played since The World Ends With You by Square Enix on the DS.



  5. lol ive had a Ps3 for like 4-5 years now (will be 5 in a couple of months) and i still havent played an Uncharted game



    but thats another thing...i dont have AT&T, sooo no 3G stuff for me, if i got it.


    There will be others Verizion and such. Sony made the mistake of saying they will solely being using AT&T, it was more like they partnered with them.



    Get Gravity Rush....best Vita game ever...




  6. Here's a basic storyboard I've worked out so far. I'll pm this to you also.

    Quest Name: Dan the Dohvakiin


    Requirement: Lvl 10-20 Quest/Done at least the first main quest (one where you fight your first dragon)

    Has visited the Graybeards

    Quest Start: Upon entering the College of Winterhold

    -Conversation and summon happens in front of the player

    -Dan Bull appears in casual day to day (hip/hop) clothing. Confused/ Excited. Thinks he is still 'playing' the game.

    -Race likely Nord/Imperial

    -Dialogue will decided in response (I'm guessing Dan can edit to his liking) Written by me (of course there can be other writers)

    -After brief encounter, player speaks to mis-hapen summoner to explain to the player why Dan Bull appears

    -Speak to either, but banter either will then have a non-vanilla NPC run in and warn of a Dragon attacking town. Dan, thinking it's a game will take

    a useless broomstick/staff to take out the dragon. Player has to help/aid/protect him (Make Dan Bull a essential or have higher HP to not force babysit or frustration)

    -Dragon speaks and attacks Dan (reveals he is Dragonborn too)

    -Dan feels pain, understands this is real (makes comments about waking up and such) asks for you help (essentially becoming a companion)

    -Dan will need dynamic dialogue like Oblivion's Companion Vilja mod. (Random comments for quests, area's certain enemies etc if possible a 1000+ lines)

    -With Dragon defeated, Dan absorbs soul instead of you.

    -Graybeards will call for him (like they did for you)

    -Has the power to shout, needs to learn words ( couple of dungeon quests)



    This is what have so far, and I''ll start working on dialogue soon.

  7. Warning - this should be added to the top by a mod

    Using the console (even by accident) will label you a cheater on Steam and all your achievements will not be recorded. So if you are into that Steam stuff, then you have been warned.


    Thanks for the codes again. I have already been stuck twice, and was thankful that this is the old gamebyro engine so the codes still work.


    Achievements are still unlocked even if you use console. I've tried it, and I don't consider it cheating persay but enjoying the game as I see fit...imho.

  8. Maybe it's just in my opinion but Crysis's story is pretty weak. Gameplay is plenty of fun, and I would prefer the open sandbox of the first one rather than the second one's rather linear though spectacle of explosions was great. I'd expand more on the origin of the suits, how it came to be, and it be more squad based, have more developed characters.
  9. After attending the Asia Game Show 2011 last Christmas (2011) I was convinced enough after play testing the PS Vita and it's abundant amount of ingenious games to buy one. Unfortunately, the craze in Asia (well, more like Malaysia, Korea, Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore) it was very hard to find one. Luckily, there was one left at Hong Kong Records, the HK version of HMV (which in my IMHO is better in selection).


    The guy selling it to me bought one him self, and all the other stores (Sony Style, other gaming stores, black market) didn't have any left thanks to online pre-orders. The price was of course higher by $60 then it suppose to be, and with that money I could easily get myself ANOTHER PS3 or a Xbox.


    But the Sony fanboy and pure Christmas glee got the better of me and I pulled out my wallet and gave the man the money he needed for me to leave the store without the alarm going off.


    And with that, I enjoyed Uncharted:Golden Abyss, which was a Uncharted game to it's fullest, even improving on certain error's in previous ones like giving a reason for getting treasure other than a trophy (expanding on the story) and the oddest or should I say most brilliant use of the touch screen/back rear camera.


    Here's a example:


    At one point Drake and Chase (his romantic interest this time round) are holding up a blank parchment. This parchment is then put into light, where in turn, I had to put the PS Vita near a bright light, and the closer it was to the light, the more text in the parchment it revealed.


    There are other small things like charcoal rubbing and puzzle pieces being put together and being able to guide Drake across climbing sections with one touch. You'd really have to play the game to see how beautiful it is for a portable.


    Almost PS3 quality is a bit a of a exaggeration though.


    Certain character models, most notably Sully, look out of place, and fire looks cheaply done. Of course after seeing Uncharted 3's any fire looks quite cheap...XD.


    That's just one game, there's still plenty of other ace titles I have tried (and finished) at AGS. Gravity Daze was one of my favorites, but playing it will be the only justification you can get, as it is one of the most unique titles.


    Of course Vita is also a Media device. Along with the PSP offers (Video, Music, Photos, Internet Browser) there are also Near, Party and Trophies. Though they seem small additions they actually add a lot. Near gives a 2km radius of other PS Vita players, what they are playing/doing, there recent activities, PSN connectivity, while party is that long awaited part chat, no matter what game. Another thing is the Live area, which is like the Xbox dashboard, but in the LA's case, multiple tasks can be done.


    The internet browser is nothing like the PSP's, it's a fully realized one, and is like the Samsung Galaxy Tab or iPad's.


    So, worth the day one purchase? Not really, but definitely the best portable gaming device out there now.

  10. I can see the Twili being added as a NPC but not a playable character. Also, height-wise, the Twili would have the same issue as the female child mods of Oblivion where when they die they become large. Do you wish to make them as a Companion or a custom race?
  11. Trace file has been created: TraceLog20111221111538.txt

    Mod Manager Version:

    OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1

    Tracing is forced: False


    Discovering Game Mode Factories...

    Looking in: C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes

    Checking: Fallout3.CSharpScript.dll

    Cannot load C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes\Fallout3.CSharpScript.dll: cannot find dependency CSharpScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Checking: Fallout3.dll

    Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.Fallout3.Fallout3GameModeFactory

    Checking: Fallout3.XmlScript.dll

    Cannot load C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes\Fallout3.XmlScript.dll: cannot find dependency XmlScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Checking: FalloutNV.CSharpScript.dll

    Cannot load C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes\FalloutNV.CSharpScript.dll: cannot find dependency CSharpScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Checking: FalloutNV.dll

    Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.FalloutNV.FalloutNVGameModeFactory

    Checking: FalloutNV.XmlScript.dll

    Cannot load C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes\FalloutNV.XmlScript.dll: cannot find dependency XmlScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Checking: GamebryoBase.dll

    Checking: Oblivion.dll

    Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.Oblivion.OblivionGameModeFactory

    Checking: Oblivion.ModScript.dll

    Cannot load C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes\Oblivion.ModScript.dll: cannot find dependency ModScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Checking: Skyrim.CSharpScript.dll

    Cannot load C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes\Skyrim.CSharpScript.dll: cannot find dependency CSharpScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Checking: Skyrim.dll

    Initializing: Nexus.Client.Games.Skyrim.SkyrimGameModeFactory

    Checking: Skyrim.XmlScript.dll

    Cannot load C:\Program Files\Nexus Mod Manager\GameModes\Skyrim.XmlScript.dll: cannot find dependency XmlScript, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null

    Determining Game Mode: (From Selection Form) Skyrim

    Game Mode Factory Selected: Skyrim (Skyrim)

    Creating Game Mode mutex.

    Messaging to bring to front.

    Getting listener on: ipc://Nexus Mod Manager-SkyrimIpcServer/SkyrimListener



    Tracing an Unhandled Exception:



    Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.


    Full Trace:

    System.Runtime.Remoting.RemotingException: Failed to connect to an IPC Port: The system cannot find the file specified.



    Server stack trace:

    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcPort.Connect(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel impersonationLevel, Int32 timeout)

    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.ConnectionCache.GetConnection(String portName, Boolean secure, TokenImpersonationLevel level, Int32 timeout)

    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.Ipc.IpcClientTransportSink.ProcessMessage(IMessage msg, ITransportHeaders requestHeaders, Stream requestStream, ITransportHeaders& responseHeaders, Stream& responseStream)

    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Channels.BinaryClientFormatterSink.SyncProcessMessage(IMessage msg)


    Exception rethrown at [0]:

    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.HandleReturnMessage(IMessage reqMsg, IMessage retMsg)

    at System.Runtime.Remoting.Proxies.RealProxy.PrivateInvoke(MessageData& msgData, Int32 type)

    at Nexus.Client.Messager.BringToFront()

    at Nexus.Client.Bootstrapper.RunMainForm(String[] p_strArgs)

    at Nexus.Client.Program.Main(String[] p_strArgs)


    Running Threads (0)


    Any Idea what's happening or how I can fix this? Thanks in advance!

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