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  1. So I've got the dress up in Nifskope and I can see the textures named in Block Details - but is that it? I just... see them? Am I supposed to use the information provided in Block Details to do something? Do I change them? I've added 3 new forms in the CK to the textureset section and now I am here... And I ... don't actually know what I'm being told to do. What does re-editting the .nif mean/do if I've already made it the mesh I need? Also... which node? Where? I can't actually see anything to change other than 'Skin Texture'? Is that it? If so it only really provides the option for one texture when I need to include two (the torso and skirt are two separate textures). Clarification would be lovely :smile: EDIT: Oooh I may have found it xD EDIT 2: I did! And I tested it in game and it workeddd! /does a shimmy. Thank you!
  2. Thank you! This is massively helpful! Quick question re: ^ the quoted section - which one is the worn model outfit_0 or outfit_1? Or does it not matter?
  3. So vaguely winging it I've managed to replace Elisif's outfit mesh by putting the mod meshes into the directory meshes/yarlsclothes03 and she wears the clothes - YAY. HOWEVER I've run into an issue. The textures I put under textures/yarlsclothes03 are not being recognised and the meshes are still being textured by the defaults which are located under the textures/maker name/weddingdress. Is there a way to remove or change this association?
  4. So I'm not quite sure where to post this but; I've acquired a pair of wonderful mods, from the nexus, that add beautiful lorefriendly-ish dresses to the game and at the moment they are either stand alone, or a replacer for the noble wedding dress (will only link if requested). What I want to do is replace all the noble/jarl/fancily dressed women's clothes (including things like the party outfit, wedding dress, and refined raimants that I think Elisif wears), in the game with the mods' dress mesh, the differing textures offered providing variety where possible. The issue is, I have never ever done any sort of mod creation. I don't even know what to do or where to start. I don't know what files I am looking at inside the .bsa - I don't want to make men wander around with a skirt on today - and I don't really know how to replace them with the meshes and textures I have downloaded. Do any of you lovely folks happen to have an easy to follow !non-video! tutorial for doing such things - that is beginner friendly? Or is anyone lovely and patient enough to walk me through the process? Or even willing to *le gasp* do it for me? I have looked through the pinned tutorial thread, but I'm not interested in creating new textures or introducing them to the game as standalone, I want to replace the fine clothes from vanilla. Also is there a wonderfully impossibly convenient list of filenames in the BSA that also give a little descriptior of what each file is so I ain't just replacing the wrong thing due to lack of knowledge? Or will I have to download a program that just lets me... view them? I plan on this just being for my personal use, exclusively, as I have no intention of uploading it anywhere without permission from the original authors. It would be nice to get the ladies of Skyrim out of those hideous 'fine' clothes and into some perdy shtuff.
  5. If you have it with Steam, just delete the files you think you broke (and the data folder if you want to wipe your mods) and then verify the game cache, it will then re-download (may take a while) any file that is missing. It shouldn't touch your save files.
  6. That thread was exceptionally helpful! Thank you! I've managed to fix it now. :)
  7. I'm afraid I am not :( Otherwise, I would have provided it. All I can say is, its like an embossed like texture that shows in a pattern underneath all the foliage in game. As it stands, I checked my nVidia (gtx 460) card settings directly and it suggested I put my shadows to medium, which I have, and now the shapes are vaguely more ignorable, though still very present. I will try rolling back my drivers for it, though, and see if that helps at all, because I did update them recently along with the game. The Geforce information you recommended basically suggested the set up I was already using (bar medium shadows), so it wasn't awfully useful for me, but thank you.
  8. So, I haven't played Skyrim in a while. Maybe about a month? Busy life and all that, so when I come back I start up steam let it update, catch up with any mods I can be bothered to keep and start up the game. Make a new Char, do Helgen, all that jazz. Well, it's not until out in the countryside that I notice; strange things are afoot in the circle-K. Whenever I move, this weird background image shows up on top of all the foliage. It's like lines and circles, in some places it's like a wood texture; I think it's meant to be part of the shadows. The thing is, it NEVER goes away unless I am stood still. When I run, ride a horse, move my char simply sideways with the mouse, this peculiar background mess appears to s*** all over my screen. It drives my eyes insane. It IS affected by the shadow settings in the launch option, if I set it to Ultra I can see it on everything all the time, on high it is smaller, more distant, but still present. I would get a screenshot, but the game makes itself stationary to take it, so the images aren't there, and I can't run and quickly alt-tab print screen to get it cos the moment my char is STILL it stops. Is this an issue that was arisen with a new patch? I removed all my mods and started again after getting the official dlc texture pack (mostly out of curiosity) and have not installed a single 'texture' related one (bar armor and better skin/face things) since, to see if it was one of those. It clearly is not, as it is still there. Is there a way to fix this, without just turning my shadows off? I really would love to be able to play my beautiful skyrim once more, without breaking my eyeballs, so any help would be MUCH appreciated. Roofs
  9. So, I have a request to make of your wonderful modder minds - if you don't mind. Whilst stood in Sky Haven Temple, barely able to see without spell or torch, I happened upon a thought whilst staring at a perfectly useless brazier that NPC's can light when the mood takes them, but I can't. 'Wouldn't it be great if I could light these things?' - then the thought occurred that I'd seen many-a-useless brazier I could have lit to make dungeon crawling brighter... So my request, most humbly made with my code-ignorant mind, is; can someone make them lightable, with flames spell or with a torch and an 'activate' button? I would be forever in your debt... and happy as a pig in muck :) Roofs
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