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Nexus Mods Profile

  1. Has anyone else looked at this? The viper weapon shows up in the content browser, but when you export the weapon doesn't export. Then if you import back into the content browser, the weapon is gone and doesn't show up in-game, despite the re-import and the original having the same number of vertices. Is there somewhere in the content browser to assign a weapon mesh or something? What am I missing here?
  2. The documentation explains how to create a new archetype using a new mesh and textures for an existing alien, I get that part. I'm just wondering what .ini changes I need to make to have the game read the new archetype. The only examples I have seen have to do with soldier gear and weapons. Thanks for any advice.
  3. TL;DR: Need an existing mod that adds an armor to the game so I can see how it's done Sorry if this is common knowledge, but after 2 days of tinkering I can't seem to get any kind of modded armor to show up in game. To my knowledge I need the following: upk with the archetype, model, and material ( thought I'm not sure how the material get's assigned to the skeletal mesh, I don't seem to have done anything to 'link' them XComContent.ini edit - long line of stuff that identifies the archetype and the template name XComGame.int - basically just shows what the item is called in game? Do I need some unreal script files in here somewhere or something? At this point let's just say I'm not worried about the stats of the armor, just trying to get it to appear in game. Thanks!
  4. Sorry man, the short answer is that we can't do any model edits unless we get some help from Firaxis. Me and a few other guys spent a lot of time on this when the game first came out, I even started asking around the main UDK forums where I'm assuming people know a lot more about these types of files than I do. Unless Firaxis gives us an Unreal Development Kit type tool that is compatible with xcom there is no way to put the files back together again into a usable upk. Even if you download the freeware Unreal Development Kit and manage to jam all of the pieces back into a upk it still wont work because Firaxis used a modified version of the UDK to create the files. There is a project up on google code that talks about eventually being able to mod meshes into the U3 engine after the game is running, the way that texmod does with textures. http://code.google.com/p/texmod/ Meshes have been on a list of possible features to add for a really long time though, so I wouldnt count on it being done soon, if ever. I completely agree that it was a PR stunt brother. I really enjoyed the game but I feel like they mentioned modding just to get some extra sales. I really wish they just hadn't said anything about it, its a great enough game to have done well without teasing mod support and then disappointing those of us who took them seriously about it.
  5. Sorry, I have to ask... Hey EliotVU, is there any concievable way that, somehow using your program or any other, that we migh eventually be able to replace meshes in-game without developer support?
  6. haha, :thumbsup: also that was the xcomgame.ini, if the one you needed wasn't that one or the xcomgamecore that FMod posted just let us know man
  7. Now I definately have to check this out, as XCOM has thoroughly duffed me up many a time
  8. Is it worth playing as it is right now? I think the game looks great, but I'd like to hold out until its filled out enough to really dive into
  9. Here you go buddy [Engine.GameInfo] DefaultGame=XComGame.XComStartupGameInfo DefaultServerGame=XComGame.XComMPTacticalGame bAdminCanPause=false MaxPlayers=16 GameDifficulty=+1.0 bChangeLevels=True MaxSpectators=2 MaxIdleTime=+0.0 MaxTimeMargin=+0.0 TimeMarginSlack=+1.35 MinTimeMargin=-1.0 TotalNetBandwidth=32000 MaxDynamicBandwidth=7000 MinDynamicBandwidth=4000 AutomatedMapTestingList=xcomgeoscape?game=XComStrategyGame.XComHeadQuartersGame NumAutomatedMapTestingCycles=1 [Engine.AccessControl] IPPolicies=ACCEPT;* bAuthenticateClients=False bAuthenticateServer=False bAuthenticateListenHost=False MaxAuthRetryCount=3 AuthRetryDelay=5 [DefaultPlayer] Name=Player Team=255 [Engine.HUD] bMessageBeep=true HudCanvasScale=0.95 ConsoleMessageCount=4 ConsoleFontSize=5 MessageFontOffset=0 bShowHUD=true bShowDirectorInfoDebug=false bShowDirectorInfoHUD=false DebugDisplay=AI [Engine.PlayerController] bAimingHelp=false InteractDistance=512 bCheckRelevancyThroughPortals=true MaxConcurrentHearSounds=32 bLogHearSoundOverflow=FALSE bShowKismetDrawText=True ForceFeedbackManagerClassName=Windrv.xnaforcefeedbackmanager [Engine.Weapon] Priority=-1.0 [Engine.WorldInfo] DefaultGravityZ=-750.0 RBPhysicsGravityScaling=1.0 MaxPhysicsSubsteps=2 SquintModeKernelSize=128.0 EmitterPoolClassPath=Engine.EmitterPool DecalManagerClassPath=Engine.DecalManager FractureManagerClassPath= FracturedMeshWeaponDamage=1.0 ChanceOfPhysicsChunkOverride=1.0 bEnableChanceOfPhysicsChunkOverride=FALSE FractureExplosionVelScale=1.0 DefaultAmbientZoneSettings=(bIsWorldInfo=true) bPersistPostProcessToNextLevel=TRUE bAllowHostMigration=FALSE HostMigrationTimeout=15 bAllowTemporalAA=True bNoMobileMapWarnings=True ParticleEventManagerClassPath=XComGame.XComParticleEventManager [Engine.AutoTestManager] NumMinutesPerMap=50 #CommandsToRunAtEachTravelTheWorldNode=MemLeakCheck #CommandsToRunAtEachTravelTheWorldNode=SNAPSHOTMEMORY [Engine.DecalManager] DecalLifeSpan=30.0 [Engine.UIDataStore_GameResource] ElementProviderTypes=(ProviderTag="GameTypes",ProviderClassName="Engine.UIGameInfoSummary") [GameFramework.MobileHud] bShowMobileHud=true bShowGameHud=false [GameFramework.MobileInputZone] RenderColor=(R=255,G=255,B=255,A=255) InactiveAlpha=0.5 SizeX=100 SizeY=100 VertMultiplier=1.0 HorizMultiplier=1.0 bUseGentleTransitions=true ResetCenterAfterInactivityTime=3.0 ActivateTime=0.6 DeactivateTime=0.2 TapDistanceConstraint=5 bApplyGlobalScaleToActiveSizes=true AuthoredGlobalScale=2.0 [Configuration] [XComGame.XComLevelBorderManager] LevelBorderTileRange=4 LevelBorderHeightRange=1 [XComGame.XComMovementGridComponent] MovementBorderWidth=12.0 CurveSmoothing=16.0 CurveResolution=0.5 UVTilingDistance=96.0 [XComGame.XGUnitFlyingRing] m_fSweepDistancePerSecond=300.0f m_fTimeToDelay=4.0f [Engine.CoverLink] GLOBAL_bUseSlotMarkers=1 [XComGame.XComOnlineProfileSettings] LoadoutSlots[0]=(eRank=1, strRank="", eChar=eChar_Soldier, strChar="", ePistol=eItem_Pistol, strPistol="", eWeapon=eItem_LMG , strWeapon="", eArmor=eItem_ArmorKevlar , strArmor="", eItem=eItem_FragGrenade , strItem ="", bIsValid=false, eClass=eSC_Assault) LoadoutSlots[1]=(eRank=1, strRank="", eChar=eChar_Soldier, strChar="", ePistol=eItem_Pistol, strPistol="", eWeapon=eItem_LMG , strWeapon="", eArmor=eItem_ArmorKevlar , strArmor="", eItem=eItem_FragGrenade , strItem ="", bIsValid=false, eClass=eSC_Sniper) LoadoutSlots[2]=(eRank=1, strRank="", eChar=eChar_Soldier, strChar="", ePistol=eItem_LMG, strPistol="", eWeapon=eItem_RocketLauncher , strWeapon="", eArmor=eItem_ArmorCarapace , strArmor="", eItem=eItem_FragGrenade , strItem ="", bIsValid=false, eClass=eSC_HeavyWeapons) LoadoutSlots[3]=(eRank=1, strRank="", eChar=eChar_Soldier, strChar="", ePistol=eItem_Pistol, strPistol="", eWeapon=eItem_Shotgun , strWeapon="", eArmor=eItem_ArmorCarapace , strArmor="", eItem=eItem_FragGrenade , strItem ="", bIsValid=false, eClass=eSC_Support) MultiplayerLoadoutSlots[0]=(strUnitName="", eCharacterType=eChar_Soldier, iCharacterCost=0, ePistol=eItem_Pistol, iPistolCost=0, strPistolName="", eWeapon=eItem_AssaultRifle, iWeaponCost=0, strWeaponName="", eArmor=eItem_ArmorKevlar, iArmorCost=0, strArmorName="", ePrimaryItem=eItem_FragGrenade, iPrimaryItemCost=0, strPrimaryItemName="", eSecondaryItem=eItem_None, iSecondaryItemCost=0, strSecondaryItemName="", eClass=eSC_Assault, eTemplate=eMPT_AssaultCaptainOffense, iPointValue=0, iSquadPointValue=0, iIconType=0, bIsValid=true) MultiplayerLoadoutSlots[1]=(strUnitName="", eCharacterType=eChar_Soldier, iCharacterCost=0, ePistol=eItem_Pistol, iPistolCost=0, strPistolName="", eWeapon=eItem_AssaultRifle, iWeaponCost=0, strWeaponName="", eArmor=eItem_ArmorKevlar, iArmorCost=0, strArmorName="", ePrimaryItem=eItem_FragGrenade, iPrimaryItemCost=0, strPrimaryItemName="", eSecondaryItem=eItem_None, iSecondaryItemCost=0, strSecondaryItemName="", eClass=eSC_Assault, eTemplate=eMPT_AssaultCaptainOffense, iPointValue=0, iSquadPointValue=0, iIconType=0, bIsValid=true) [XComStrategyGame.XComHeadquartersGame] [iniVersion] 0=1349782577.000000 1=1349782591.000000
  10. Yeah, you're right, I cleaned it up to where I think it will be ok. Also, oh man I can't wait for xenonauts, should be good times.
  11. I've spent way too much time studying the U3 engine, and it seems like it's the most mod-unfriendly engine ever. After asking around a lot on the epicgames UDK forums and gildor's forums, I think that the reason the .exe file doesnt check the .upks with meshes or textures in them is because it's impossible to change these without developer supported tools. (or texmod, for textures) As has been pointed out though, to be fair they never promised it. I'm just worried that it won't come for a long, long time. I kind of which that Firaxis hadn't mentioned modding if they didn't intend to support it sooner, and I'm afraid that mentioning it was only a bid to sell more of the game. I hope eventually I'll see that I was wrong. edit: revised the post as it was originally written at like 3am by a very drunken me, and was probably overly billigerent.
  12. Just my 2 cents, but I'd say only do your models if you're going to get some personal satisfaction out of finishing them. I'm inclined to agree with you when you say that model replacing won't ever be supported, and I think it's due at least in part to the fact that it has too large a potential for reducing the demand for DLC.
  13. I've tried for about 2 weeks. Did you mean you have successfully gotten a model into a U3 engine game that was commercially published or that you have done models for UDK created games? If it's the former, I'd love to know how. When you say you don't know how the developers have this one set up what do you mean? The structure of the meshes and textures in the .upks files? Just looking for any help I can find, as I seem to have exhausted every avenue.
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