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  1. I´m stuck at this too. Started atleast 5 new games, with mods, without mods, without DLC´s, with DLC´s. Console commands didn´t help either. I did the main quest of the game too, then didn´t do it on another game, same results: Stuck at Legate Cipius or Galmer.
  2. Actually my character is ALWAYS a psychopath. I kill anyone that comes in my way. Legion, NCR, civillian, doesn´t matter I kill every non-quest related character, in a quite violent and bloody way if I may add that...
  3. The first ending I did was the NCR, it felt right but after some time it felt wrong because they´re corrupt and blinded by money. Then I made House´ ending, but when Cass´ line came in the ending "We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time" it didn´t feel right too. Also House wanted me to kill off the BoS, which is the immediate death sentence for anyone who gives this order. The Independent ending felt best for me, because it would turn out good in the long run. The Courier controlling the whole Mojave as a kind-hearted leader who defeats any threat to the people. I´m wavering about the decision to do Caesar´s ending, but he wants the BoS gone too and... well like I said before "immediate death sentence for anyone who gives this order".
  4. This is going to be tough because in Fallout 3 the ending songs cut there off where in New Vegas it would continue to play, however you can recreate the ending music from FO3. I could write these endings down if you want but recreating the New Vegas ending music is very hard with the FO 3 files.
  5. Well those are forcefield shields, they are supposed to be so strong. Also they´re aliens, so don´t be surprised they´re tougher than humans and before you ask I don´t think you can deactivate their shields.
  6. That didn´t work, it´s still the same as before... well except that the guard now teleports himself instead of running or walking.
  7. Yes, I tried setting the voice type to the enclave one (no change) and the only faction is the player faction and the only AI package is the default sandbox one. I also made that guard completely new, so I didn´t pick a NPC and changed it. Gonna try that though, I´ll see if that works thanks for the tip.
  8. I had some pretty bad WTF moments too: - Me as Lvl 2 character at first play charged off to discover EVERYTHING, but by the time I found the school of Springvale I got much more cautious because I headed into the destroyed part of the building only to find 6 and more raiders armed with frag´s, that they used to remove my bodyparts. - I went into the Dunwich Building... I think I don´t need to say more. - After I installed 'Increased Spawns' I tried sneaking past an army of Overlords after completing the game. I had Charon and Dogmeat with me. Ofcourse ,like always, Dogmeat charged off to attack them, forcing Charon to stop sneaking to constantly shouting "Where?" "You like that?". After I got the message that Dogmeat died I knew it was time to retreat but... well... let´s just say some Super Mutants came from behind and Charon thought now was the best time to use his Fatman to attack the Super Mutants that were right in front of ME. End of story, Dogmeat and Charon doomed me... again! So those are all the WTF moments I remember when I still was a 'Newcomer' to the game.
  9. Hello this is my first topic here and I need some help for one of my self-made mods. I made an NPC as guard of one of my bunkers I made. He´s supposed to have the voice of the Enclave but for some reason the only voice of the Enclave is his death sound. During combat he´s completely silent and doesn´t shout any 'battlecries'. So if you could help it would much appreciated. PS: I already tried making a quest with the dialogue it didn´t work.
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