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  1. Death mechanics irk me in games like this. The idea that you are defeated in combat and then die and then reload just doesn't make sense ( to me ). Currently I roll a dice every time I die and subtract between 10-20% crowns as a sort of , tip for death.. This works well as there is desire to survive which adds to immersion. Playing GM on DM is a trip , have to plan and think about builds and strategies which again adds to immersion. I've noticed dolls are a junk item that drop and at least with GM they aren't found frequently. After initiating the Crones of Crookbag Bog questline I felt like I was in an episode of True Detective Season 1 and had an idea. What if the dolls you find as junk represent a life? The more you find the more you are aloud continue after death ( reload ). When you run out of dolls the game is over. As I said 20 hours into the game and I think I've found 4-6 dolls. Do these dolls continue to drop at an infrequent but consistent pace as a junk item through the game? As in would the drop rate make sense throughout the entire game ( I've never played past 1/2 through Velen ) Thanks for any input on this roleplay!
  2. Couldn't find anything. Big fan of not dying but paying a price for death. Always found it unsettling that you can be immersed in a world and then die and then reload a save and pretend like it never happened. Getting knocked out , equipment damaged , currency loss are all good options. Another idea would be a bleed effect where health is restored to full but a continued bleed out would force the player to flee and eat or pot up. Maybe even a modification of undying skill where the player suffers damage to equipped items which would be a hefty financial penalty. Just making it through the game would require the player make smarter decisions about what to fight and what not to.
  3. Chesko is all good. Isoku, I dont care if he figures out how to make icicles grow out of my monitor, I'll never download Wet and Cold again. I mean 5 bucks? No statement, it just felt really wrong. I dont even know if it is wrong but I'm going to trust my gut on this one. SkyUi. Just disappointed. Its an essential mod. A mod like that could have made millions of dollars to. The whole thing is just twisted.
  4. Its going to be just like Music or film. Everything will be pirated.
  5. In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154, #24566189, #24566214, #24566264, #24566339, #24566349, #24566439, #24566459, #24566504, #24566524, #24566569, #24566579, #24566644, #24566769, #24566779, #24566819, #24566909 are all replies on the same post. Rigmor you nailed it. This is real bad stuff. The money involved is just way too much. Greed never loses
  6. In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154, #24566189, #24566214, #24566264, #24566339, #24566349, #24566439, #24566459, #24566504, #24566524 are all replies on the same post. that wasnt my point. My point was simply that a mod like SMIM could generate enough money to make millions of dollars assuming that eventually all mods will be pay to play ( I'd bet on this being true after 5-7 years, its what happens when you monetize just about anything ) Even a fraction of those numbers is hundreds of thousands of dollars. I was clarifying that this isnt about making some " extra coin ". Top modders will get rich off this. Free modding is dead.
  7. In response to post #24565684. #24565749, #24565819, #24565874, #24565944, #24566139, #24566154 are all replies on the same post. Torn? Um, you have 2.3 million unique downloads. If you charge $2 bucks for the SMIM and take 25% of the cut thats over a million bucks bro. This is a game changer.
  8. A mod with 4 million downloads that cost $1. People are going to be getting rich off of this.
  9. How much money are you making off modders? I mean you have a paid position promotion preceding this post. It's really all the same thing, Nexus happens to be sitting smack in the middle of a really good situation, a situation that could easily be turned on its head.
  10. Have any users found one or made one to use with 1.8? I may have to attempt to make one.. It was my understanding that Requiem 1.8 only changed perks for bandits and guards. Does SIC even dabble in bandits / guards? There is also changes to armor etc.
  11. you HAVE to use an ENB with ENB Boost, at least thats what has been stated. um, what are you even talking about? For one, ENBoost's speedhack function DISABLES the visual effect of any ENB, and physically CAN'T be used with one, and also I said nothing about ENBs OR ENBoost to begin with?.... :blink: Well, I mentioned that I don't have an ENB, because they are terrible, but that has nothing to do with what I was actually talking about Well, have you tried the patch while using ENBoost?
  12. you HAVE to use an ENB with ENB Boost, at least thats what has been stated.
  13. AO is handled differently by different ENB's and I mean drastically different. Some ENB's the effect is barely noticeable. If you have an Nvidia card you can activate AO without the use of an ENB.
  14. Kountervibe. Its no longer available though. Its hits performance pretty hard. Absolutely gorgeous though.
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