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Everything posted by mimaef

  1. Yep you can use Shift-Q to re-snap the two roombounds together. This is for the skyrim creation kit, but it all basically works the same: http://www.creationkit.com/index.php?title=Room_Bounds_and_Portal_Basics It gives you little tips on optimizing your room bounds so everything inside of it is done perfectly. And a short video by Hellcat: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xkrlh4dGGIE Portals at your doorways are what's going to help render your doors, yes.
  2. No problem, I especially appreciate you taking the time to take pictures. I'm a visual learner and following just text is a pain for me sometimes, haha. I'm actually using it right now to clean up and better collision the item I did a few days ago.
  3. What I do is copy the nif and give it a new name, then edit the .nif's texture (dds) through photoshop (gimp works as well). Here's a little video tutorial on how to do it for a sign, but it essentially works the same.
  4. Okay so I have a feeling this bit is definitely beyond me (unless it's simpler than I'm expecting). I want to edit one of the run of the mill Tripod turrets to add a flamingo into its mesh for an upgrade to my Immersive Flamingos mod. The flamingo doesn't even have to move, it can be stationary (I'd prefer it to turn at least with the turret as it's shooting or idle) See bottom right of this picture: I want to do nothing else. Keep the same AI, let players craft it for their settlements, etc. I was poking around at one of the turret files and see the only likely source that I could edit it from are the .hkt files, but I have no idea what those are and Google has not been helpful at all in this endeavor. Can anyone point me in the right direction on how to do this? Or is it really too much for a beginner?
  5. I think you'd need to edit the .nif itself for that. If I'm understanding what you're asking. But how to actually change the color? Sorry if this sounds stupid but how would changing the model make the color different? See what Kata posted above and that'll get you started. Sometimes those special effects are linked within the .nif itself or are part of the texture while the actual glow or "light" coming from it is added afterward and editable in the CK.
  6. Wow this is super helpful and is definitely easy to follow despite you doing it quickly. (Also I wish I had found this three days ago when I needed it.) Thanks for sharing!
  7. I like it so far. It feels a lot more industrial than the Vault Tech vaults, so it gives the place its own atmosphere and flavor to separate the two. If you're looking for ideas on how to light it, remember these little design tips: Mood - what is the mood you're trying to set for that area? Bleak? Film Noir moody? Clean, crisp work area? Warm and welcoming? Color theory - Linking to above, different colors create different moods. Blues will be sleepy and peaceful, reds are more alarming and moody, etc etc.
  8. I think you'd need to edit the .nif itself for that. If I'm understanding what you're asking.
  9. Alright, so I did figure out that the item in question has no collision. I tried to add it in Nifskope via this copy/paste method that was very vaguely mentioned in an old Skyrim thread and a few other places, but no dice. I can't seem to find any tutorials on adding collision either, so I feel sort of stuck if anyone could point me in the right direction.
  10. You need to change the height of the sandbox trigger as far as I know.
  11. Not even confetti and giant floating numbers can ruin that immersion.
  12. Anyone who doesn't want the confetti has no soul. (I'm excited for the quest and infinite build limit as well. Is the limit pretty much going to be like those console commands via bats just simplified?)
  13. That has to be it. I think I tried everything to get it to work. I've never edited nifs before, but there's plenty of tutorials floating around. Once I figure it out hopefully that's the problem, since I've had no issues with anything else in the CK. Appreciate the help.
  14. I just gave that a try with both Homemaker and Lightbox Floor and Ceiling Pieces by DDProductions. From what I can tell between the two I haven't done anything wrong initially. I even tried just replacing the .nif used on the hanging lights in Homemaker and the ceiling Lightbox, but I still get the same result. Shows up in the correct area in the workshop, is placeable, but can't move it. Or I might just be an idiot. I really appreciate the help, though. I think I'm going to give this bit a tiny break until tomorrow to see if fresh eyes will see something I don't right now. If anyone wanted to play around with it on their own: .Nif location for the one I'm trying to use specifically Interiors\Vault\SetDressing\VltXmasLightsLine04Half.nif Under VltXmasLightsLine04Half in the creation kit.
  15. Everything I add is working correctly in-game when added to the workshop, except for a set of lights. I grabbed the Christmas lights from Diamond City and added them in through FOMOD by copying and changing the created object of the strobe light into my esp. I made a new light item in the CC to do this while I was playing around in it. No matter what I seem to do, it won't let me in-game select the christmas lights once I put them in place to move them around. They're permanently stuck where they're initially put. Is there something I'm missing that's an easy fix or is it an issue with the .nif used? Thanks.
  16. I've been trying to figure this out for about a day now, so I just wanted to pop a question in here to confirm that I'm correct in my thinking (I'm still relatively new to the creation kit.) If I want to make a specific outdoor cell a no reset/respawn cell, I: 1. Give the cell its own name 2. Create a new Encounter Zone and set the Location to the Cell 3. Edit the Cell's location to.. It's location and hit apply That should make it so that if a player drops a random bunch of stuff around the cell (I'm making an exterior home in the Tamriel worldspace) it won't reset and destroy all of their items that aren't in containers, right?
  17. You could always try this tutorial, which utilizes the custom hair/skin/eyes as well as RaceMenu3 to make a better appearing follower. I had the method work for me personally without any trouble.
  18. Are these custom textures inside a BSA file? If so, that explains it. The CK only has access to loose files and those files contained in the BSAs listed within the INI file for the CK. Nope they're all loose files and in the proper directories. Which is why I'm a little confused why it seems to only be happening to specific custom resources and not others. The resource that's having the problem is here: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68410/?
  19. I'm having this odd issue of custom textures showing up in game, but appearing black or grey inside of the CK. This can be a little frustrating, especially when there's several variants of one item. Google wasn't much help either, since it's usually the opposite problem. Any help is appreciated.
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