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About Moosepickles86

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  1. Im going to try that next, but I did try and convert it into an ESM file.. just guess I didn't finish and press the F4 after I converted to the ESM file xD
  2. I have recently got into making new followers, and I was so proud of myself when I got through with it all, but when I booted it up in Skyrim and under the Data files, and made my way to where they were in the world, I about killed over when I saw that the head was a dark dull gray tint and did not match the body color/tint at all! I have tried so many different things to fix this, and still no good outcome, any advice? http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jillie86/screenshot/540671188247364691?tab=all http://steamcommunity.com/id/Jillie86/screenshot/540671188247362377/?tab=all The only thing I can think might be causing this, is I have body mod, but usually those are compatible with the default heads, or no? I even tinted the skin to white in the creation kit x.x
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