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Everything posted by Ferodaktyl

  1. can't you just follow him to a town and do whatever to him? can try also minijumps using fast travel so you don't miss him
  2. ok i've changed it to 4989 ( 'cause it said there it is recommended) min and max restarted PC now it shows 4989 in system settins but... same value for VM - 2048 in game :unsure:
  3. i am even more confused now this Meminfo mod reports VM ( maximum virtual memory) as 2048 Is this VM the maximum ram the game can use or something else?
  4. I know this is a noob questions, yet i feel more noobish for not knowing So, i have a 32bit OS with 4 GB RAM installed The OS says i have 3.2 usable RAM I guess skyrim, with the latest patch enabling the use of more than 2GB, uses the 3.2 GB the system recognize as usable, not the 4 i have totally, and any addition of RAM would be useless w/o changing OS also what utility can i use to show me how much RAM is used during the game?
  5. Skyrim Compass Tuner is a great mod for disabling not only compass markers, but also some markers on the map. If anyone knows how to stop the map centering on my char also it would be great, 'cause it's not so hard to figure where you are ( in the midlle of map :facepalm: ) Another good mod for improving the immersion is A Quality World Map, where roads are added to the original map. I use the version with main roads only.
  6. deactivate your mods one at a time, see what's causing the problem preferably beginning with the last mod installed maybe load an older save
  7. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/537017-greetings-fellow-sons-of-skyrim/
  8. cant afford to be picky :biggrin: mods, no mods, masochistic play style, but at least a good attempt at RP-ing all i find are some kind of f***ed-up walkthroughs hoping some one has found(made) a better one
  9. ...self-explanatory the title... got kinda bored of my playing style and would like something different yet good RP-ing LPs are harder to find than the mythical CK or the bug-free patch
  10. this is not exactly a mod, but you can find lots of useful tips for inproving skyrim performance http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6131 i also use http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1598 and http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=4323
  11. of course , exactly what i was saying :turned:
  12. lol, one of the coolest chars i've ever seen :teehee:
  13. what about werewolf cats ( khajits) ? mea...wooooow
  14. i found them, i do not use enchant on this char, only smithing and it loaded faster because i used photobucket this time :) as for the pickaxe, stranger things has happened than this :whistling:
  15. I just found this situation when selling weapons found on NPCs Is it a bug or maybe a result of the mod i use ( PISE) ? Anyway, its strange and the difference is almost double. Only modification i made to weapons were upgrading quality with smithing. http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s404/Ferodaktyl/TESV2012-01-2120-42-24-16.jpg http://i1050.photobucket.com/albums/s404/Ferodaktyl/TESV2012-01-2120-42-27-49.jpg
  16. nice video :thumbsup: you have my Like on YouTube
  17. i will give you the same link i gave to another poster earlier : http://segmentnext.com/2011/11/11/elder-scrolls-v-skyrim-tweak-guide-graphics-and-performance/ i hope it helps you to improve your fps
  18. finally, deactivating Enhanced Distant Terrain mod did the trick it was the only mod i had affecting textures, yet i dont think it replaced any of the original ones thanks for the help
  19. i had this problem yesterday, CTD with no errors it seems that uninstalling FXAA works for me ( also deleted all autosaves and restarted PC)
  20. apparently the problem persists even after uninstalling FXAA Tools. When i scroll the map it also seems that there are 2 such squares, one over the other, so when the map is positioned over the current position marker only the upper one is visible. BTW, uninstalling FXAA removes all changes made by it?
  21. I found it annoying that being a vampire, with 100% disease resistance, i still got turned into werewolf. On the other hand, it's another cure for vampirism.( more like curing AIDS with cancer :tongue: )
  22. you just made me laugh now, if you have any mods installed, try removing them one at a time to see if it solves your problem esp. those affecting the textures of armors, PC head, face, clothes, etc
  23. riften has 2 altenate exits whiterun has 1 exit - u find it by doing the companions quest the other idk and solitude also has 1 alternate exit
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