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Everything posted by MasterAub

  1. Guys as usual thanks for the help. Did not think about the lamp post script. Thanks Contathetix for even providing me with a script I can work with and wrapp my head arround it. Humm by the way the Global variable seems a good idea as well.
  2. Hi everyone, Need you again to point me out to the right direction. Ok I have this Merchant and he has a stand and he sells fruit and vegetables (whatever). I would like his stand to be empty when he leaves the Marketplace to go home let's say from 8.00PM to 8.00AM all his statics (fruit & vegetable display) disappear and from 8.00AM to 8.00PM all his statics (fruit and vegetable display) appear. I gues it's an activate disactivate type of function but how do I go about the scheduling issue. In advance thanks you Cheers
  3. Hi everyone. I am starting a mod for Skyrim. I used to mod Oblivion but never REALLY got the time to mod Skyrim. The story revolves around the Discovery of a Burial. In this Burial there will be a UNIQUE Sword. And I would like this Sword to be unique meaning not necessary craftable. However Skyrim being Skyrim and Players being Players it is very possible to lose this Sword either by dropping it on the ground and not being able to recover the darn Sword or by forgetting it somewhere in Skyrim and not remembering where the Sword is... So eventually I would like the Player to be able to craft a Replica of that Sword but only upon the reading of the recipe of that particular Sword. So in fact two conditions need to be there. One having the right smiting perk/skill, two having read a book with the recipe. My question is simple. Should I script these conditions or is there a way in the CK to actually make the smiting of this Sword Replica available after the player has fulfilled those two conditions. Thanks for your guidance.
  4. Your response gives me hope. I will go to Velen soon as well as to Skellige so hopefully I'll get to experience this "open world feeling". Thanks for all you responses guys.
  5. Yep thanks for the "academic" explanation. That sure could have been of help if the dev explained it the way you just did. Well as mentioned above I would have bought the game anyway just to contribute to cd Project Red's Success. But the Witcher at least for me isn't the revolutionary Open World Sand Box I thought it would be and for that matter is not the standart by which I will judged every new RPG.
  6. That's probably what they meant. Still that's a letdown for me. You see OPEN WORLD to me rings bells like GTA, Skyrim, Oblivion, Sleeping Dogs. And I think they should have explained what they meant a tad better. I would have probably bought the game anyway but I would not have had my excpectation shattered into pieces of sorrow and bitterness LOL
  7. The Witcher 3 is NOT open world. Most of the Reviews I saw or red present the game as an open word game. It's simply NOT OPEN WORLD. In Skyrim you can go from Riften to Markath without any loading screen. In the WItcher 3 you can't, you just can't and by the way the zones, at least the two I have visited so far are relatively small. That's also a downside point and it is very frustrating as for me the main reason I bought the game was because of this open world premise with a map 2 or 3 times bigger than Skyrim. Don't get me wrong the game's intrigue, characters, mini game are very well done, not to mention the sheer beauty of it all. However I am 6 hours into the game roughly and I now understand that the game is not Open World as it was announced. An that sucks!
  8. Hi everyone, I like the game overall but really I can not stand the combat system. The enemy auto-lock system in particular. Is there a way to toggle it off. Or can someone have a look at it. I am not skilled enough I am afraid. Thanks for your help
  9. Thanks I will try this evening and report back.
  10. Good day everyone I have this bags that goes on my horse. I would like to have the same bags on another mount of mine. Except the bags need to be repositionned vertically. I tried to play arround with the vertical coordonate and in Nifscope it seems to reposition those bags the way I want but in game nothing happened. The bag remains in the same position. Don't really understand why? Can someone hepl me on this? Thanks
  11. Hi everyone Is their a way to list the resources in terms of meshes, textures, normal maps of the mod you're currently working on. For instance I started a mod a long time ago but I forgot to list all the resources needed for it, so when packing it I am missing resources. Other than listing one by one all resources involve is their a way to get this list? Like with the help of TES EDIT or the CS itself or any other program? In advance Thanks for your help
  12. No unique Landscape in you list...I can't recommend them more.
  13. Hi every one, I am running window 8 and a Graphic card GeForce GTX 760. I have install the CS with the Obse plugin. Everything works just fine except I encouter CTD on add topic. I've placed a micro thinking that was the old bug but unfortunately I am still experiencing CTD. So I can't do quest and that's frustrates me. Do you guys and gals have any suggestion to fix this. Would rather not install the CS Extender because it seems tadious to install, not sur it will do the job and I've red there is problem wih obse or I need the obse plugin with my CS. Any help is welcome at this point. Thanks for your help
  14. Hi it might be a little bit late. I am a big WAC fan and user and apparently you did not download or install all of WAC files. Please check for more info in the Realsword WACSHOP. Those guys and gals are quite helpful. Moreover you are running Francesco as well as Unique Landscape mods. Those mods will conflict with WAC, that means you need a make a bashed patch, which I don't see in your list. I am myself running WAC Unique Landscape & OOO and it works pretty smoothly (minor glitch but almost un-noticed) Good luck
  15. Hi everyone, I am back into modding and wanted to play arround with mounts using the cat skeleton from the OMP. Unfortunately there is an issue with this skeleton. When walking your character would go down in the body of your cat mount so basically the walking animation of the mount is buged. Has this issue been fixed? And where could I get a cat skeleton mount that does not have this anoying issue. Or should I try to learn how to fix it myself in this case can someone point me out to the right direction on how to fix this? Thanks for your help
  16. Thanks mate, I am doing so and hopefully I will be back in business in no time. Will let you know
  17. Hi everyone, I started to mod again my beloved Oblivion. But I am encountering a freaking bug. I am running with Windows 7 have a Nvidia GeForce 780Ti graphic card. I am running Oblivion with the latest version of OBSE and the ENBoost by Boris Voronstov. Now when I am in the process of doing a quest and in the Topic Tab ,I can create a Topic but when right clicking to add some text in the info box my CS crashes. I used to have this bug which is called the infamous mic bug. But even when I pluging mic in the mic insert I am still encountering that bug. Can someone help me otherwise I am condamned to forget about doing quest. Thanks for your help.
  18. Yep there is and by the way this 4GB patch is fully compatible with the ENBoost. So enjoy and let us know.
  19. Hi Remcoz, I am basically doing the same as you. Going back to Cyrodiil after 3 years in Skyrim. Depending on your PC there are quite interesting mod I would recommend: I myself have install: The unique Landscape Pack (give you feel of novelty)Qarl Texture III Redimize (still the best)All Weather Natural (much less buggy than Natural Environment)Ruined Ruins (nice texture for ruins and fort)Oblivion Grass Overhaul (simply beautiful)Oblivion Character Overhaul (if you don't want to be too surprise by the round faces of Oblivion this mod is a must)That’s for the graphic mods. I have also installed OOO and W.A.C which are Overhauls. I have not implemented any quest mod for now but will probably install Lost Spire. And of course since I am playing a mage I have installed the fabulous Midas Magic Spells. I am using wrye bash to make sure everything is stable as well as the new ENBoost for Oblivion from Boris Voronstov which makes my game run smoother than ever. And as you I will be looking at Eye candy body replacer for women as well as Roberts body for male. Hope it helps and welcome back to Cyrodiil...It's good to be back indeed...
  20. Thanks mate, So should I: First extract the dog texture pack from the BSA file than place it in my data folder and see? If this does not work ask away for the dog texture file and place it in my data folder and see? If this does not work get Steam reacquire the game file. This will not destroy my save right? Is this what you suggest?
  21. Hi everyone, I need your help. All my dogs have turned purple and I don't see the reason why. Even the dog in the loading screen is purple. I've tried to de-activate the latest mods installed without any success and I have no mods changing texture of the vanilla dogs (only the vanilla dogs are purple). It bother's me a lot so I need your help. Is this bug familiar to you? Please help. Thanks for your help,
  22. Hi everyone. From day one I was frustrating about mods adding beautiful weapons all over Skyrim. Immersive weapons, Jaysus Swords, Chronicle of Steel etc...All those mods add beautiful new weapons. And that's terrific!!! Some of those weapons blend into Skyrim World and become as much available as the standard/vanilla Skyrim weapons but I feel for the most unique once they should be more rare and trigger players enjoyment upon finding. Plus once you get the Perk you can craft thousands of those...And I feel scarcity should be the rule for any unique beautiful weapons. The question is how do you trigger scarcity? For one you set up levelled list carefully or you hand place those weapons. But more so you have to fix the crafting conditions. Yes those swords should be “craftable” if you have the right Perk but it should not be the only conditions in my opinion. In fact the player should be allowed to craft unique weapons not only if he or she has the right perk but also if he or she has already found one of these unique weapons in his or her adventure; basically if she or he has a model. I am working on a script that fixes exactly this smiting condition. The principle is to have a Global value that when equal to one unblock the weapon for crafting. It goes like this: You create a global value: Global Value = MASw01Smith You check for a given sword (here “Naegling”) in the player’s inventory Script below to be attached to the given weapon here NaeglingScriptName Naegling if (Game.GetPlayer().GetItemCount(Naegling) > 0) Debug.Trace("Player has Naegling") MASw01Smith == 1 endIf You add this condition in the smithing formula: MASw01Smith == 1 as well as the Perk condition.What do you say…Is there an easiest way to do it? Thanks for your help
  23. Thanks Azakiel, I will be looking in that direction... Thanks again
  24. Hi everyone. I would like a weapon to be craftable only after the player have found it, owns it and have the require smithing perk for it. Basically how do I make a crafting formula for a given weapon available in the smithing menu on condition. The condition being that the weapon is or has been owned by the player? Thanks for your help
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