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About xRagezZx

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    United Kingdom
  • Currently Playing
    Fallout new vegas
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    Fallout new vegas

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  1. So i'm thinking of doing a mod, as most people do when they post on here but i absolutely suck at making custom meshes and textures. So i was thinking if someone would be able to make some for me? I would give them ideas and then add them into the game. You would receive a lot credit for helping me on mod. I have Skype if anyone is willing to help me on the matter. Skype: hellovamatt
  2. Thanks i think i will probs go with portable turrets as i cant be bothered using the geck for a couple of days i tired of it. Lol yes i meant turrets. Oh a d also i will check out your mod it looks really good
  3. Can someone help me with something as i have had a complete mind wipe. I recently down loaded wasteland defense by elderwind, and was thinking there are barely any turreys so is there a way to spawn or add them using geck any help would be appriciated. Again sorry for the memory loss
  4. I'm thinking of doing a mod where I will put fallout bunkers around several of the populated areas like goodsprings. Some will have failed there objective and have leaked in radiation, some will have been found by raiders and some will still be sealed and unused. Obviously the irradiated bunkers will have about 6-rads per second (give or take). They will have some irradiated food other stuff. There will also be a slight backstory to them using a note.. The ones with raiders in will have some decent loot such as unique weapons and ammunition. The sealed bunkers will be tough to get into as the main door is sealed. I may put in a way were you can breach the door using a time bomb and a explosives of 50. Inside there will be a lots of food and water (good for hardcore). There may be the odd weapon such as the 10mm pistol the residents would have used to defend themselves. This can be used as a player home as it will have a bed, water/food supply, and places to store your stuff. Think I should do it?
  5. I think that would be better because securitrons are quite funny just being complete failures and when there In large groups they are quite challenging. I think it would be better aswell if you just upgraded weapons and Armour.
  6. I don't know if this is the place to put this but I'm thinking about making a fallout new Vegas book with info about all npcs such as house and yes man if I did publish it would any one read it ( btw I'm doing the sheriff of primm mod at the same time as this)
  7. Might take that into mind aswell adding him to be another deputy or sumething along that line
  8. I have experience with the geck I've done quite a bit of stuff like armour, houses and weapons. I also done npcs and quests but not together like this but hopefully I can complete it :)
  9. Okay So I was thinking once I get my hands I'n a new computer and some spare time I would create a quest mod that let's you be the sheriff of primm. So far I only know three ways of dealing with primm. 1. Kill everyone there 2. Get meyers to be the sheriff 3. Get the ncr to look after primm. Which I personally find is a waste of time. What I will probably do is give deputy beagle some new dialogue when you free him or if you didn't do that quest you could say "[guns 55] well hey I'm handy with any type of guns, rifles, revolvers you name it" or something allong those lines which beagle will say "well you do have some courage to break me out of that situation back there so why not give it a shot" then beagle will give you training, the screen will black out and than you will get a perk called lawbringer ( yes like the one off FO3 ) the description will read something like "beagles wise words have taught you the meaning of the word sheriff you do 20% more damage with all guns also primm looks up to you to help them survive. I will add quests for other NPCs such ass ruby nash, you will help her scavenge food and supplies for primm and for Johnson Nash or whatever his name is you will scavenge scrap metal and ammo. Another bonus would be beagle is a permanent companion who prefers revolvers and give you a health bonus when wearing dusters and cowboy hats. So when I get sorted this is what to come :)
  10. I agree radscorpions are pesky Lil buggers n I'd really like them out of the game
  11. Might try to make my own follower and maybe a quest line or two with voice acting dont know yet do you think I should. ??
  12. Got to agree on this one it would be great to add another faction to the game to spruce things up a bit and also since we don't know a lot about them it would be great to have a quest that tells you why the war started etc.
  13. You also should add a few quests for the strip like defending it from raiders with securitrons following you or open warfare against raider it would make a difference to the amount of options you would have like go I'n guns blazing, sneak round ambush them from back it would make a hell of a difference to the difficulty of it.
  14. I definitely have to agree I'n new Vegas they didn't put more raiders in-game like fallout 3. Fallout 3s raiders were basically I'n any unpopulated area making the game unexpected not knowing were you will discover and what faction will be controlling it. So if you did put random forts across the Mohave it would make it more challenging
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