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Everything posted by cyberunits

  1. Ok, sorry for the double post, but I really don't care for the new Nexus. I really don't feel like it's the Nexus anymore. I feel like I'm on some blog/wikia page that leads to fake downloads. That's just my 2 cents.
  2. I truly don't understand why Dark0ne hate's the current design, I find it extremely easy to navigate, (with this new one, I find it to cluttered and hard to navigate) the colours don't burn my eyes into a raisin, this new site feels like I'm in a blog, (I really don't care for blogs, they've never interested me) I don't like how it doesn't fit my monitor size like the current design does, and some other reasons but I forgot them. :P Please, at least give us an option to choose between the current and new design, as I probably will stop coming to this site if I can't choose between them. To sum it all up: To me, the new design looks like a downgrade from the current design.
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