At what resolution? I could play vanilla Oblivion @ 1080p back in the day on a single HD 4850, but with mods such as Quarl's Texture pack etc... I had to go Crossfire and I still ran out of VRAM in The Great Forest etc.. It sounds like you are running on a 32bit Operating System? You do not have 3.2 GB of VRAM, that's most likely the amount of useable RAM for your entire system. Anyhow, depending on your resolution and the rest of your system, a 6970 may either be bottlenecked or be overkill. We need your complete system specifications to be able to competently advise you in this situation. :) Nope, I do have 3.2GB of VRAM (system says it is approximately 3318MB, but diagnostics show that I'm only using around the 3.2GB mark). I am on Windows 7 64bit OS with 6GB ram with Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 3GHz processor. Resolution I play Oblivion at is 1280x720, and I have several graphics mods going, including Qarl's texture pack, Diverse Landscapes and Better Cities among many others without a framerate drop A 4300 or 4500 series video card with 3+ GB of VRAM does not exist. You are confusing onboard video card memory with virtual memory, they are not the same at all. ;) Hang on, you're assuming that I only have one Please don't assume I don't know anything about computers, I am more than capable. I got this info from dxdiag, and as double proof, here is what I got from "Can youRun it": My virtual memory is much more than 3GB. What I am wondering is whether 3.2GB of 4300/4500 would be more than ok, or should I spend the $300 and upgrade