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About LeopoldCrank

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  1. http://static.skyrimnexus.com/imageshare/images/2744937-1325117755.jpg Imagine shouting in High Hrothgar, wouldn't want to do that would we?
  2. That particular mod did not work. The game had frame rates so low that it became unplayable, it created so many bugs it wasn't funny, and the 600m thing fluctuated wildly, so that sometimes you could be right next to each other and the freeze would occur, just because of the bizarre nature of Oblivion's render in relation to the server hoster
  3. Yeah, there is definitely a huge overriding story arc based around the civil war in Skyrim. Several voice actors have been confirmed as leaders of both factions, joining the stormcloaks or imperial legion has been confirmed and conquest of the base of operations for each of the opposing factions has been confirmed by the achievements... Sorry to burst your bubble... What you can do however, if you are determined to make this work, is disable the quest chain in question and then replace it with yours. Problematic as it would mean taking out what looks to be a large part of the game, but at the same time it's a mod that adds stuff, so just try and balance it out. May actually be helpful, as obviously conquest is already supported by the main game, so you can build on what they already have in your own mod. Some work is already done :D Good luck anyway
  4. I bet that werewolves aren't in because... wait for it... they have added werebears!!! Or not, who knows... Would be cool though...
  5. Talk of a multiplayer mod in Skyrim... http://i.qkme.me/3529et.jpg Not that we weren't expecting it, just praying that someone wouldn't be cruel enough to bring this debate back up. Even if it were possible (which it will never be, simply the nature of a huge open world game that is as interactive and immersive as TES games), there are so many reasons it would break your game. Quests - How would quests work? Once one person has done a quest, does that mean the other can't? Does that mean only one person can do the Main Quest, or each guild quest? What about the perks that these quests provide? Information - Most computers had enough trouble processing the information that just one PC environment provided. Now imagine having to process this x 2 and on top of that and then send this information across the internet or lan cable to another computer whilst recieving and processing it back all fast enough to avoid lag... The only reason games like WoW work is because the game world is so static and unable to be interacted with in any meaningful way. On top of this, the game is programmed so as to only read one stream of user generated information. Trying to read two is like trying to shake hands with a 2d image, basically impossible because that whole other dimension is needed as infrastructure before you can even think about touching the image and making that dimension is fraught with so many problems in itself (estimating depth, guessing what the other side of the image looks like etc.). The programming language is working against you at every single turn, and trying to force it to give you any kind of meaningful results is like trying to torture a can of beans for information about the latest Russian space program. Even if it could give you information it would have no idea what you were talking about. For the person who is talking about creating an 'immersive' experience through multiplayer, have you ever attempted role playing on a WoW server? Even on an RP server it is so difficult that everyone gives up. Everytime you see another player controlled character, you are reminded that this world is simply a construct. The point of this game is to leave the real world behind completely and I don't see how bringing a friend along is going to help you do that...
  6. Not necessarily true. They have the companies they own, like ID who made Rage and the New Vegas people (can't remember their name off the top of my head). And with jsut Bethesda themselves, it's about 2 and a half years, considering that Fallout 3 came out halfway between oblivion and Skyrim
  7. Yes I'm an Aussie and to be honest i'm not sure which other countries get the special edition steelbook - it would be worth looking it up, but from what I have heard the steelbook is only going to be available to people in Europe and Austrailia. Us Aussies typically pay more for our games compared to other countries, so I guess it's high time we got something that was worth the extra doubloons. Hooray for journal, art cards and a steel book :D
  8. I don't think they are listening....
  9. You know there is people who spend more than 50 hours only to get a pokemon with max stats? I mean, I think there is not a game more immersive than pokemon Immersion is probably the wrong word, but yeah, there is a reason why it is still as successful as it is
  10. Legal stuff notwithstanding, the dramatic engine changes also means that it probably wouldn't work. Joining up two games that have completely different gaming engines spells ridiculous headaches for whoever wants to take it on...
  11. At what resolution? I could play vanilla Oblivion @ 1080p back in the day on a single HD 4850, but with mods such as Quarl's Texture pack etc... I had to go Crossfire and I still ran out of VRAM in The Great Forest etc.. It sounds like you are running on a 32bit Operating System? You do not have 3.2 GB of VRAM, that's most likely the amount of useable RAM for your entire system. Anyhow, depending on your resolution and the rest of your system, a 6970 may either be bottlenecked or be overkill. We need your complete system specifications to be able to competently advise you in this situation. :) Nope, I do have 3.2GB of VRAM (system says it is approximately 3318MB, but diagnostics show that I'm only using around the 3.2GB mark). I am on Windows 7 64bit OS with 6GB ram with Intel Core 2 Duo CPU 3GHz processor. Resolution I play Oblivion at is 1280x720, and I have several graphics mods going, including Qarl's texture pack, Diverse Landscapes and Better Cities among many others without a framerate drop A 4300 or 4500 series video card with 3+ GB of VRAM does not exist. You are confusing onboard video card memory with virtual memory, they are not the same at all. ;) Hang on, you're assuming that I only have one Please don't assume I don't know anything about computers, I am more than capable. I got this info from dxdiag, and as double proof, here is what I got from "Can youRun it": My virtual memory is much more than 3GB. What I am wondering is whether 3.2GB of 4300/4500 would be more than ok, or should I spend the $300 and upgrade
  12. http://www.officialplaystationmagazine.co.uk/2011/10/06/skyrim-will-make-you-live-with-the-children-of-the-people-you-kill/ If you kill the parents of some kids, they will follow you and hang around your house... That is twisted, suddenly I think I might start to feel a bit more guilty about murdering the local metal worker for his wares...
  13. I'm guessing 2gb will probably be enough for high settings. I'd be surprised if 2GB were the minimum to run the game. High settings will probably need 4-6. No way. Consoles, which the game was made for, only have 512mb, and if Skyrim is optimised as well as Fallout was then 2GB will have no problem running on at least above average graphics. I predict a 512mb minimum specs, a 1GB recommended and running really high settings on 3 or 4GB (all ram of course)
  14. Just found out that the Skyrim demo is coming to Australia... Turns out it happens on the 12th of November... WTF Bethesda
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