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Everything posted by MrCharlesCasey

  1. You have to go into the "tools" folder in your "data" folder, open bodyslide.exe, change the body how you want and then hit "batch build" and check all.
  2. That won't work. Dogmeat works differently, and simply editing his name will not change it. I watched a video a little while back that stated to change the message name and description, but obviously that hasn't gotten me anywhere either.
  3. I know that in Dogmeats quest files, the display name is DogmeatNameMSG. I've changed all of the titles and names that say Dogmeat under that file (DogmeatNameMSG) to Max, but In-game his name is still Dog, and Dogmeat. Am I missing something here?
  4. If it's the same isue most of us are having, it's when you're either at a certain range or when a light hits at a certain angle. The only way to fix this is to actually replace the default mesh as well as the texture.
  5. Well, you could perform a model swap with her default outfit and her hospital outfit. Her XOF outfit is a tad glitched. I have no idea why, but when you attempt to place it over any other outfit the texture goes jank. Anyways, if you're stil interested in it now (a month later) I could replace her default outfit with her hospital gear.
  6. Well, I don't know where it is, but somewhere in the files is a .lua file that determines how much heroism each action removes. You would have to find that .lua file, find the line of code within it that modifies the heroism value for that action and change the value yourself manually. I'll look for the file as I have an idea of where it's at, but the line of code itself could be extensive. Probably hundreds of records for each action. But, since it is lua, it's not that advanced so it shouldn't take that long. I'll look for it for a bit and see what I can do. :)
  7. We're going to need a lot more information. Start by telling me what mod you've downloaded, providing a link to the mod's page, telling me what you did to install it, and what OS you're running. Also, are you running a steam version of the game or cracked.
  8. Well for adding new weapons or outfits, although I'm not the best at modeling, if you were to create new models that work with the in-game rig and use the same file type (extension), and simply inject them with the same name as another, it would work just fine. Although the game uses very weird rigs, and as far as I can tell, the game doesn't have natural spawning systems for weapons or any other development item, so you would have to replace something that already exists. It's basically nothing but coverups for a current item that exists. And outfits would be harder because you woul dhave to have proper scaling, rigging and no head along with a good neck seam. In this game, it's just a lot easier to use what's already there, which is a lot.
  9. If you already know how to un-pack and re-pack files with the QAR Tool, here's the XOF uniform to replace both the sneaking suit (what I use) and the MGS 1 Snake Suit (I don't know how the file would work out because I haven't tested it.) http://www.megafileupload.com/aq59/uniform.zip?pt=fu82fcHQBUrdmFx0SafC6p%2FgO1VQxXVfRkHOQmMkwWA%3D Sorry it's a sh**ty free upload that only lasts a week, but I tried to upload it to the nexus. And after 5 uploads, the nexus would say it was uploaded but the file itself was empty. F**k you, nexus. Anyways, there it is. I checked this download and it's good.
  10. I f***ed something up a while back and deleted my backup of chunk1.dat. I know, I know, I take full responsibility for my carelessness. I am here now because my set-up is so horribly organized, I don't want to risk a cache verification. Does anyone have a vanilla chunk1.dat they could post somewhere I could use? Thanks, guys.
  11. Well, if you had the overwritten body saved as a preset, you could re-load the preset and perform a batch build again. If you didn't have it saved, you will either have to mess with the sliders again until you find what you want, or you'll have to use one of the default presets.
  12. I wasn't sure if this should be posted in here or troubleshooting, because it's not technically a glitch I don't believe. But, I'm going to post anyways. So, does anyone know where the Bloom Blue injection/blue amount bars are in the in-game ENB menu? I can't seem to find it and I miss my blue. :sad:
  13. So I uninstalled DarnUI as it seemed to conflict with the MCM and oUI. I removed all of it's files in the textures folder, removed the Menus folder (which I replaced with a fresh install of MCM) and removed it's esp. I also reverted the ini file changes. I also uninstalled oUI and it's hotfix (via NMM). When I got back in game, the font placements were broken, as shown in this image: http://i.imgur.com/pfU1fUl.jpg I've tried deleting my ini files and verifying game cache to restore to default ini's, even deleting mcm to see if it caused the problem, but to no avail. Also notice how there is still an icon at the bottom left of the screen. I don't think it's from the NMC texture pack, but a UI mod. So I'm thinking maybe some files are still left over somehow. I can't seem to find the problem, but if you know anything, please do share. Thanks.
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