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Everything posted by DKhanno

  1. For anyone who is good at making textures, and may be interested in assisting. I have a made a new weapon mod. It is nothing especially fancy, it can be summarized as a rotary autocannon, meant for someone who wants to carry around an actual big gun while stomping around in their power armor. I've done all the 3D modeling for the weapon, a handful of accessories, multiple ammunition types (plan to integrate it to Loads of Ammo.). Etc. Have a contraptions factory to build the ammos, all that good stuff. My issue is texturing. I suck at it. I don't really understand how F4 handles them. and while not unwilling to learn. Frankly, I've put as much free time into this project already as I can afford to, and am getting to a very busy (work) part of the year. If I have to learn how to do the textures, then realistically its probably going to be another 6 months before I have time to sit down and do that. And even if I do, frankly I'm just not that good at that kind of art. So I'm putting this up. I know a lot of people have moved on to Starfield. But if there's anyone still with F4 who's any good at texturing, and wants to help, feel free to shoot me a PM. I can send you the Blender files, the NIFS, whatever you may need.
  2. Try reading the post before responding to it.
  3. Twice the oomph of the .50 BMG. Though its not as bad as it used to be, the game still has a bit of a dearth of heavy weapons, particularly those based on real-life options. Anyone out there who might be interested in bringing this monster to life? I reached out to a couple of mod authors I know who are capable of modeling / texturing, but all are busy with other projects for the foreseeable future, or have moved on to other games. For my own game, I modified Skibadaa's heavy machine gun to use the 14.5mm rounds from the PTRS mod. But cannot release it because the author of the latter mod does not respond to requests. Regardless, this beauty would feel right at home in game, and be an excellent option besides another minigun for those who like to play with PA. I have no talent for visual or audio art. But I'm willing to contribute, I can do the CK side of the mod to make the process easier. So if anyone with modeling / texturing expertise out there wants to take a crack at this, please let me know. Edit: Or if anyone knows of anyone off-site who has done this weapon, please let me know.
  4. Back in New Vegas there were a couple of excellent mods that gave the option to plug some fools with a Colt Monitor. For anyone not familiar with that weapon, its a variant of the Browning BAR that included pistol grip, and compensator, which was originally made for the FBI. Was hoping someone might bring it to Fallout-4, but so far no one has. Any modders with the talent to do it who might be interested?
  5. One thing I've always felt these games lacked, was a sufficient number of weapons that feel like they were made specifically for someone in power armor. What about something like a .50 "submachine gun", or 14.5mm assault rifle, something like you'd see in Cyberpunk 2020 made for a cyber'd-up dude? Just a gun are two that feel like they were made from the start to be appropriate for a walking tank.
  6. Has anyone considered creating farmable tobacco? Seems a shame to leave the wasteland with nothing but centuries old cigarettes, think of how stale the things get after just a week... To my knowledge we have farmable marijuana, coffee, and more, but....no tobacco. :sad:
  7. Second this, would love to see one of these in game.
  8. I love saying plasma, I love using plasma guns despite knowing how ridiculous the concept is IRL, but I freaking HATE the look of every plasma weapon that has ever come out in Fallout. Please, please, please, someone with more artistic talent than I, create a plasma rifle that looks like a damn gun and not the tool Dr. Frakenstein uses to give his monster a colonoscopy. Something like the plasma gun from Doom is what I'm always hoping will show up (hoped in vain in FNNV for such a weapon to show up, but it never did.) http://doom.wikia.com/wiki/Plasma_gun_%28Doom_3%29 Even if it doesn't look like the Doom gun, something that's not an AR-clone, but actually looks like a gun would be a blessing.
  9. I cannot remember if this has been requested before, but I have been hoping someone with the ability to mod just might bring a Dibalo weapon over, I see the armor of Tyrael a lot but little else. Does anyone with the talent to do the artwork have an interest in creating "The Grandfather"? http://diablo.incgamers.com/gallery/data/645/Grandfather.jpg http://d3pvpguide.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/diablo3legendarygrandfather.jpg Anyone?
  10. I am curious if anyone who has more modeling talent / expertise than myself (ie any at all) has considered making some of the weapons from Diablo-3 for Skyrim. The Grandfather, Messerchmidt's Reaver, Skorn, and a few others could all look very good in the game. We have weapons from Warcraft and other settings available, has anyone considered D3?
  11. @Bigamy1981 The Empire is strong enough to defeat anyone ---Yeah, cause they did such a good job of putting down a rebellion in Hammerfell, or putting down rebellion in Skyrim without the Dragonborn's help, and they've done such an excellent job in kicking out the Thallmor and wiping their postierors with the 'peace' treaty. He ratted the Empire out to the Thalmor --The man broke under torture while a prisoner of war, no matter how high and mighty we might like to think ourselves, anyone breaks if tortured long enough and hard enough. They probably figure, if you guys are going to act like animals, we're going to treat you like one. --At least you've openly surrendered any attempt at the moral highground. Personally, if Talos had a say in this, I think he would rather people revere him and his work while he was a mortal, rather than worship him. --I did not realize that you and Talos had coffee together and debated world events. when Ulfric starts executing and exiling and murdering non-Nords or people who didn't support his uprising in the Civil War --If Ulfric was out to kill anyone who was not a nord simply for not being a nord the dark elves living in Windhelm's slums wounldn't be there...they'd have been executed under suspicion of aiding the Empire the moment there were no Imperial troops around to protect them. Lastly, this situation is not as cut and dry as you make it seem like --That you would say I made the situation cut and dry reveals you only skimmed my post rather than reading the entire entry and assimilating its meaning. Like Legate Rikke basically said, if Ulfric gets his way it'll just be more Civil War and more violence because people in Skyrim are Not going to want to leave their homes, their businesses, their children or abandon their very lives just because Ulfric has Racial / Personal issues. --Yeah, cause no one has ever said anything that wasn't 100% correct about their enemy before have they? Rikke has no more insight into the future than anyone else, and siding with the Empire and crushing the Stormcloaks is in no way an assurance there will not be more anarachy, an idea cannot be killed and the idea of the Empire being out of Skyrim has spread far and wide. And in regars to the constant remarks about Ulfric's bad character as a person, I will point out that he is the only Jarl who does not refer to the people of his town as "common rabble" when you are made a Thane. Even the fair Elisiff does so. Just listen to what a brat he is during the negotiations on High Hrothgar. "Tullius is like, let's stop this insanity and maybe we can..." Ulfric - "No, noooo, I want to everything my waaay waaa, I should never have come here, waaaaa..." --Its called showing contempt for your enemies, not exactly uncommon, and Ulfric's words are no worse than Tulius veiled insults toward the player's impartiality when any concession is made to Ulfric at all. I follow no man and if you're willing to follow an arrogant, childish, selfish, blood-thirsty sycophant be my guest. --Then you are someone who believes in nothing, or has no aspirations to anything larger than yourself (and likely unemployed). And if you wish to side with a 12-year old girl who obviously lacks the iron to be the leader her title entails, grovel at the feet of a decaying Empire, and wait for the day of conflict when a weak-kneed Emperor sells out his people once again, more power to you. Oh, that's right, you follow no one, so I guess you don't take part in the civil war at all since both sides have a leader whom you would be by definition following if you went on the missions they task you with.
  12. Stormcloaks, every time. Granted this late after release it shouldn't be necessary, but warning, spoilers in commentary. 1) I will support anyone who fights for religious freedom. 2) I will support anyone seeking the right to rule themselves, for better or for worse. 3) I will support anyone who want others to leave them the hell alone. One thing this game does extremely well is give you Gray and Gray morality. (One outside Example is the situation of the Blades hate of Parthurnaax) Both sides suck in their own special way. The Empire is doing the bidding of the Dominion, whether they like it or not does not matter, we are judged by our actions and results, not by our intentions. I wouldn't go black and white and say the Stormcloaks are completely racist, more isolationist. They do not want any outsider in their land, and from their recent past these feelings are not unjustified. It is one thing to go somewhere and complain about people not wanting you there, it is another to look inward and ask yourself why you are going places where the locals don't want you. If I go to Mexico and members of the Mexican Army tell me "Hey Gringo, you don't belong here." I'm not going to call them a bunch of racist shingle-cutters in return, I'm going to leave before they decide that verbal communication has not conveyed their intent. The Dark Elves got the worst end of the deal given that their homeland was destroyed and I sympathize, but in the end Skyrim is Nord land, and the Nords will decide who they do and do not want living there regardless of what anyone thinks, and anyone who thinks installing one government over another will fix that is looking with rose-colored lenses. Riisad and the other cat people are there doing business, they can leave and go home at any time. Its not as if the Argonians can't leave either if things are so intolerable. Hammerfell broke away from the Empire, and made the Dominon pay dearly for trying to invade. There is no reason Skyrim cannot do the same, not to mention the sheer difficulty of trying to invade a land that cold, that inhospitable, and with a population who unanimously dislikes the presence of outsiders. (History has taught this lesson several times to leaders who try to invade Russia.) Not to mention after throwing off the Empire, while they have lost men doing so thoe that remain are battle-hardened veterans who will be fighting with the home-court advantage. In so far as Ulfric, it was stated best actually in Mass Effect 3 (and I'm paraphrasing here) Ulfric is concerned with the big picture, not individual people, but the big picture is made up of little pictures, which he has forgotten to look at. Hearing what the man has been through in game I don't think he is power-hungry at all, I believe he has his sights set on his big picture, (ie Skyrim's freedom) and will do anything necessary to obtain it. He went to war for the Empire, fought for them, lost friends in their service, only to have them turn around, and ban his religion, levy heavy taxes on his people, and make them obey the very force he lost so much fighting. (Again, why the Empire does it does not matter, we are judged by our deeds, not our motivations). In so far as those who think the Empire would one day take the fight back to the Elves, I advise reading the Declaration of Indepence. A nice little line about people suffering ills so long as they are sufferable, well the Empire seems to consider the elves sufferable. As for Ulfric killing the High King, again his goal is to bring about a free Skyrim, if Torygg was unwilling (or unable) to do so, then new leadership was necessary. As far as his use of the voice in the fight, when its a fight to the death, you fight to win, do not be fair, do not be sporting, cheat if necessary, because if you die...well that's it, your ass is dead and all you hoped to accomplish is moot. Now don' get me wrong, I don't love the Stormcloaks, or Ulfric, to me they are simply the cause with which my internal morals most align. I dislike Windhelm's treatment of the dark elves and the argonians, and it shows Ulfric is not the most shrewd of leaders. He should have been offering the elves and the argonians land in parts of Skyrim in exchange for their people's service in his army. This has been a common practice throughout history. I did not like that siding with the Stormcloaks meant betraying the Jarl of Whiterun. I certainly did not like some of those with whom Ulfric and the Stormcloaks were aligned (like the Silver-Bloods) but sadly to accomplish big things often means having to treat with....not nice people. It is the way of the world, and a corrupt local leader is easier to....dispense with than a distant one. What really makes me want to put an axe in Ulfric's face is the way he talks to Elisiff during the peace conference, he's already slain her husband, barking at, and mocking the widow is a bit much. Granted she is one of the other reasons I support the Stormcloaks, she's what, 12? She let's Tulius do her talking (and it seems her thinking) for her, and it is shown fairly clearly that Falk Firebeard is running Solitude, not her (shown especially clearly when her advisors contradict her in open court, and she immediately bows to their ideas rather than showing any fortitude in her own decisions). Does not really seem to me that she is capable of the responsibility of ruling a nation. Ulfric may be an ass, but he's experienced, he's capable, and when he makes a decision he commits to it. In so far as Ulfric making you do a petty task to join, he doesn't Galmar does. Galmar is the General, and he tests you to see if A) You will survive the test and B) If you are willing to do what you are told. This is not uncommon in real-life militaries, in more than one Special Operations force, it is common practice to turn potential recruits away multiple times to see if they posses the will and fortitude to keep coming back. At least he doesn't ask you to take out an entire fort of bandits all by your lonesome. The only thing the Empire has going for it (in my eyes) is strength in numbers, but if it is not strong enough to supress rebellion in its own territory (be it Hammerfell or Skyrim) its not really strong enough to fight off its enemies anyway, now is it? A new Skyrim can possibly grow into something new from the ashes of what was, or at the very least be too inhospitable to foreign invaders for them to claim it. I keep replaying the game intending to make different choices, but the two things I can't seem to do are join the Legion, or kill Parthurnaax.
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