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Everything posted by hornplayer832

  1. Hey guys I've been trying everything to make the textures for some gloves reflective "almost a metallic look". So far everything I try only adds more of a glare like effect to my material rather than a reflective or shine. No matter what I do my textures seem very mat and dull with no shine at all. For an example of what I'm going for the new LNC skinny stealthsuit by humannature66 gives off a shine that I'd love to replicate (and tweak). http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/images/16342-1-1308930332.jpg Has anyone out there had any experience with creating shinier and reflective textures like that? I know there is the glossy number in nifskope but again, it only seems to create a glare effect (a white patch on a dull surface) :(
  2. Hey so I'm working on my armor mod and I've gotten as far as bringing the new mesh into nifskope but for some reason, and I've repeated the process outlined in this tutorial [ http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_an_armour_for_Fallout._Part_1 ], when I get my armor to nifskope and copy the branch over to the "femaleupperbody.nif" I am having a bunch of problems. When I click batch-->Spells-->Update all tangent spaces, I keep getting the following error... The reference file for '' could not be found. I have no idea what to do and I would appreciate any and all help possible from people that have done this stuff hundreds of times and know a million times more than me on the subject. This is my first armor mod and to be honest I didn't know anything coming into the project but if I can get this to work I'll be able to replicate the process and hopefully add some interesting armors to the game! Just let me know if (and you probably will) you all need more information. Thank you!
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