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Everything posted by zifnab76

  1. I'd like to request a mod that makes Witcher 2 more difficult. But keep it simple. One thing I find irritating is Quen. It's too short when not upgraded, but when upgraded, the damage diversion is so lame. An enemy dying because I was unable to dodge? Rewarded for playing badly? Terrible. The enemies around Chapter 2 and in Chapter 3 die too fast and too easily and Geralt takes too little damage. So something to raise the damage output and health of the enemies too. Geralt I think can feel more powerful with improved talents, but that doesn't have to mean the enemies die like flies. Anyway, something conservative would be nice. The current mod that makes Witcher 2 combat more difficult is a bit too drastic in nerfing the gear and the damage taken too much. But the enemies still die too fast. So something better than what is modded now.
  2. Wow, what an amazing reply. Thanks I'll be checking out those texture mods and the BTMod.
  3. Hello. I'm new to Oblivion, never played. I was never really into RPG games, played mostly RTS games like WC2/WC3, Warhammer 40K and some FPS games in between. But recently I've been more interested in story driven games and been playing either point and click puzzle games like Machinima and a few RPG games. I enjoyed Dragon Age: Origins but it's linear and predictablity was it's flaw, DA2 finished by was appalled by how terrible and nonsensical the story plot was, ME2 and again appalled by how linear the story was. Witcher 2 has been my favorite RPG so far, the story, the decision making, has been astounding. While carousing through forums for Witcher 2, Oblivion recommendation has popped up repeatedly so now I want to play, been told this is probably the only RPG of the recent games to go toe to toe with Witcher 2. So straight to the point here. I like 3rd Person view for RPG games. I'm running an i7 quad and a HD5770 with 8GB of ram. So what are the recommended mods for someone who likes 3rd person view with the system specs I have. Visual mods? Also I'm not a loot/inventory prostitute, not a fan of micro-managing that stuff. For Witcher 2 I used a zero weight mod since I just don't want to bother with managing which junk to keep or sell. But that's the only mod I will use for Witcher 2 for now, unless a mod expands the story more quests etc is released. So the short version. I have i7 Quad and HD5770. Recommended visual mods? I prefer 3rd Person view, best 3rd person mod? - I've found the list for unofficial patches so have that taken care of. Thanks
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