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Everything posted by 54yeg

  1. I recall I had to edit every .esp patch or whatever manually to include the TacticalReload tag on each weapon, basically a pain in the butt but that fixed it
  2. You can turn them into .RAW files that are black and white and the engine shall convert them to heightmaps!
  3. Do you have Better Locational Damage? You are bleeding. Pop a bandage.
  4. Hey guys I need some help here My Hunting Rifle, 10mm Pistols and Pipe Guns are NOT working when I try to reload them. I have the right-handed Hunting Rifle mod installed, Tactical Reloads, Tactical Reloads Patch Repository, Tactical Reloads Patch Repository Continued, and See Through Scopes installed. Can anyone help me diagnose this please? When I press 'R' to reload, the gun just moves to the side for a second then comes back and the screen wobbles like crazy without anything else happening and my ammo isn't replenished. How do I fix this?
  5. Geez whats up with Bethesda getting hacked all the time? I come here and expect a regular forum and then I get an email saying my password was reset. C'mon seriously? Can't they do something about this?
  6. Sorry, nevermind, it appears to be working now. Must've been a temporary error. Please lock this topic. Ok, so I'm really not sure where to put this, or where this should really go, so forgive me that I've added it to the offtopic section :/ Anyways, on my side, for some weird reason Newvegasnexus.com is not loading for me, I just downloaded the Requiem for the Wasteland mod and the site is not loading afterwards! It's just been really slow and lagging! Not even working and when I try to load it Firefox just sits at "Connecting..." and doesn't do anything, although other pages work fine, Google, the nexus forums, etc... And it seems that whatever I do the NewVegasNexus site just won't load! :( Any help please? If any moderators/site admins are online, could you please take a look at it? Thanks, 54Yeg PRE-EDIT: Ah, and apparently now I have These(!) errors all over the page: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/vegas/public_html/header.php on line 143 (Top of page) Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/vegas/public_html/header.php on line 201 Latest blog Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/vegas/public_html/header.php on line 212 Total Files: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/vegas/public_html/includes/func_global.php on line 278 0 EDIT: Alright, looks like the page has finally loaded... but completely broken :confused: http://i56.tinypic.com/np2a6o.png
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