Ok, Umm... I do need some help with something, sorry, seems like you are the only person actually responding to my posts. Most are just ignored, lots of views, 0 replies. So, that said, my original reason for delving into Nifskope was because I saw, somewhere, the same thing you just said about Block Details and the paths to textures and materials. I am having a problem with one of my outfits where it seems like I have two different body textures overlapping each other and I was hoping to sort out where these two textures are coming from so I can get just one texture showing. I use Jane Bod and it looks like I have the JB texture and vanilla texture showing. I was thinking I could remove the vanilla texture with Nifskope. The strange thing is... the wonky texturing is ONLY showing up in-game. Looks totally fine in the Nifskope image AND in Bodyslide AND in Outfit Studio. So somewhere in loading up the actual in-game files, two textures are being injected, and I can't wrap my head around a solution. So, since I have your ear, so to speak, do you have any insight into a solution. Some little tidbit in the back of your mind that my rambling may have jarred loose that may have some impact?