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Posts posted by AlbinoDunmer

  1. When I select New Vegas instead of Fallout 3(I have not tried it with FO3 either) in the FOMM setup I get this.


    Wednesday, September 04, 2013 - 7:52:02 PM
    Fomm 0.13.21
    OS version: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1
    System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
    at Fomm.PackageManager.ModInstallLog.InstallLog.InitMods()
    at Fomm.PackageManager.ModInstallLog.InstallLog.Load()
    at Fomm.PackageManager.ModInstallLog.InstallLog..ctor()
    at Fomm.Program.Main(String[] args)
  2. Also anyone know if the forced 3rd person thing is true or not?



    if you think about it slowly


    a first person video of a werewolf


    simply wouldn't "sell" on youtube

    Well why not switch between the two? Would "sell" more that way as it shows off more features. Impressing more people.

  3. @AlbinoDunmer- I hope that doesn't turn out to be the case. It is rather depressing to think that the hero became completely like the old Sheogorath including his curses. Jyggalag having his own rebuilt land would have been cool to see in some future installment.

    This how Bethesda likes to operate. Do not expect clarification on the issue. They LOVE writing off previous game characters in some way. Eternal Champion disappeared I think. The Agent died or something during the whole warp in the west Numidium thing, at least according to some people I talked to who actually played Daggerfell. The Nerevarine was RUMORED to have gone to Akavir. Lets you kind of give your own take on it. The evidence is there for us to assume the CoC became Sheogorath but IMO I think that it is a blend of the two. The CoC broke the cycle like Arden-Sul did and Arden-Sul supposedly lasted thousands of years without being completely bonkers. However if you want to say the CoC stepped down and someone else ended up mantling Sheogorath you can.


    That is the fun of TES lore. So long as it does not blatantly contradict lore you can spin it how you want. Nirn is YOUR world to interpret. That is why for most things there are multiple books contradicting each other and such throughout the game. See Arcturian Heresy and then hear what the Imperials say about Talos. Talos was either Nordic or Breton. Take your pick. That is why it is by far the most compelling Lore for any fiction I have ever read or experienced. :hurr: :huh: o_O :D

  4. http://imperial-library.info/content/arden-sul-1


    This explains it nicely I think.


    CoC got shafted with a bad deal. He has slowly degenerated or arose(however you view it) into Sheogorath.


    It IS interesting to note that he is in person. Maybe the CoC-Sheogorath had carried over the trait of moving back and forth between Nirn and the Shivering Isles? Or it could just be an Avatar and all the princes can do that because Alduin weakened the barrier Martin reinforced? Hmmm food for thought.

  5. What does CHIM stand for?


    Has landfall happened yet?


    Name 2 races that hate two other races.


    Who betrayed the Knights of the Nine?


    What is the first enchanted item you are likely to come across in Morrowind?


    What is the most powerful enemy in the Oblivion tutorial, mythic dawn aside?


    How long has Dyvayth Fyr been alive?


    Which races consisted of the Nation of Resdayn and which race was their biggest enemy?


    How many eyes do trolls have?


    Is Skyrim truly the first game in TES to have dragons as an enemy that you can fight?


    Who is 4000 years old and has been on the Elder Council?


    Who is several thousand years old and is female?


    Are the Aedra alive?


    Can Daedra die?


    How many Daedric Princes are there?


    What Daedric Prince sent the meteorite that became the Ministry of Truth?


    Who is the Tribunal and what are the anticipations of them?


    Do goblins war with each other?


    Why can't you levitate in Mournhold?


    What was the name of the play that takes place in Mournhold and what events occurred therein?


    You can come up with the answers yourselves. Not gonna hand feed them to you like Erich did...

  6. Well now, Been awhile since I have been here. Seems the companions have more intelligence this time around. And you can give them intelligent commands. At least that is what is hinted at. We will find out 11/11/11
  7. Well, seems like a great idea Trolo. I particularly like the Horn idea just so it will seem more realistic and tactical when I need to take out some guards. I would pick all three given the chance. I would sacrifice some small content to have it in the vanilla game. Mods for sure though.
  8. Hmm, well i see it as just another addition to crafting, as long as the base color choises are not drasticly influencing, but instead just subtle reminders that this is your armor, which represents you.

    Perhaps it means something more. Such as allegiance.

    Oblivion Guard armors were all the same model with just a different color and insignia.


    So how about emblems?

    Choose one for design appeal, or to show loyalty.

    npcs may notice it and make comments. perhaps theyll like you more for supporting the Riverwood Shield Brothers. Or challenge you to a duel for your support to the Argonian Faction ;)

    MAYBE guards can give you it as a badge, so instead of having to wear a Guard specific uniform to be recognised and have authority, the insignia can just be placed on the armor of your choosing.

    Emblems would be fairly simple. I would love them.

  9. Well, interesting first topic fellow elder council member. I would love the idea but how much of their art direction would be diminished by this feature? I would rather see more unique works by them then a reduced number enabling us to color the trim. Now if you are just talking clothing...then I agree 100%. Forest Green btw...
  10. I am looking for weapons and armor if possible that have the Pure Steel Blade Mod's quality and resolution level. If anyone knows of mods that have this quality please let me know. I have tried looking but frankly don't know how to go about it the right way.


    Armor is the big one. Already got Dreadweave and Heavens Wrath mods.

  11. Companions have been confirmed for Skyrim but it is more of a mercenary type system where you can recruit them en masse and they are just kinda like cannon fodder. No in depth personalities, stories, or quest. That doesn't mean we won't see some more in depth characters like you described it is just that Bethesda has said anything about it so I have to assume no till we hear otherwise. Even if we don't see it in vanilla Skyrim modders have made some pretty awesome companions for Bethesda titles in the past and I am sure we will see more in Skyrim.


    Still can hope but this was more atheory kind of a thing. I heard something about a pet named Wilbur so i was thinking maybe named companions may be available. Thanks though. Mercenaries are fine with me so long as i can equip armor and weapons to them.

  12. I think if companions are done right, kind of like FO NV, but vastly improved AI of course, it could really enhance this game IMO. Now assuming they are in game, I hope for starting perks and then a choice of two perks for each companion. Each companion has his or her own back story that you learn as you progress. After the back story is learned you get a fairly long quest to finish up there business.


    Heres an Example of one.

    A Dark Elf Revolutionary named Amaraz Indobar, has been hunting officials of the Argonian Empire/Nation? He hunts any officials, dignitaries, ambassadors, etc etc...the officials could be Human, Mer, Khajiit, Argonian, or even his own people the Dunmer. He still kills them in an effort to weaken Argonian power in Morrowind, and prevent influence or friendship from developing between them and Skyrim. He is a Nightblade type character. A true Dunmer stereotype. Combining sorcery, stealth, and his bloodstained blades to accomplish his goals. His story begins with you witnessing the death of a Female Argonian and a Male High Elf. Both who were fleeing from a burning carriage. You stumble upon the scene and watch him burn one and then run the other through effortlessly. Impressed in spite of your reservations you are curious and talk to him. Eventually deciding to kill him, leave him alone, or enlist his help.

    He gives the Perk Assassins Etiquette-Giving advice on how to be an Assassin Amaraz gives a bonus of 15 to your Sneak, Illusion, and One handed weapons skills.

    If you tell him to go away you can find him later. If you enlist his help he becomes your companion and you eventually learn that his sister betrayed his entire family to their deaths during the Argonian invasion. He knows she is now a ruthless official and assassin employed by the Argonian Leaders. He figures that if he kills enough officials then he can weaken the government he hates and hopefully draw out his traitorous sister. When he hears of her coming to find him through his connections, a plan is implemented in which he lays an ambush for his dear sis.

    You attack a small troop of about 10 dark elves and his sister. These are Ebony Knights. Specially equipped Dunmer with complete martial training. Ebony armor and Arms. (Quest for him doesn't activate till your char gets to a certain level) Amaraz ambushes them in a scripted event that kills 5 of the knights and then rushes them while several are knocked on the ground...explosive trap spell? You fight and kill all the knights and then once his sister, who's name is Iveri Indobar, health is brought to about one half she knocks out until the end of combat. Once combat is over Almaz grabs his sister and is screaming at her about why she betrayed them and decides to kill her. At this point you can convince him to mutilate her hands a bit effectively ruining her career as an assassin. Or let him kill her. That gets you two bonus perks.

    If you let him kill her He gains the Sated Vengeance Perk-Due to having gained closure to his Families Ordeal, Amaraz realizes that he must be stronger to prevent anything like this from happening ever again. He gets a 30% bonus to Damage and a 30% bonus to damage resistance.

    If you convince him to spare her you gain the Blood Wisdom Perk-This enables Amaraz to let down his guard and teach you secrets of his family. You gain 30% faster casting time and a 20% boost to your magicka.


    Your thoughts? Want companions or not? And if so please post ideas similar to the my own for companion ideas. Thanks. Play nice.

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