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About MissRedZelda

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    New Zealand (Aotearoa)
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    Fallout 3 and NV
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  1. 396. Everyone is an a**hole - even little kids (with the exception of a very scarce few) 397. Dogmeat will never listen to you.
  2. The New York setting has been done to death, in my own personal opinion. Honestly, I think England, or London more specifically would be very interesting. Since the UK is an ally of the USA, it wouldn't be surprising if they got a few bombs as well from China. Plus, for all we know, Vault Tech could have extended their experiments there as well.
  3. What about the Followers of the Apocolypse? Anyone else besides me try to support them? Although sadly, it seems that in every ending, they get screwed over. Except for if you support the Legion. He apparently lets them leave the Mojave alive for California because they taught him as a boy.
  4. I would personally love to see what's going on in the rest of the world. Like Europe, mostly England, for instance. Also, Australia and New Zealand (being a native kiwi myself) - how were they affected by the war?
  5. Again, it comes back to my "shades of grey" argument. No faction in the game is totally innocent, and none are saints either. There's repercussions for all our actions. As the old saying foes, "no good deed goes unpunished." The NCR, I think, are an interesting case. They seem to be the closest to what kind of government we have today. In the Mojave, most people have mixed feelings about them, some strongly support them, and some just outright hate them. I think this is because democracy hasn't existed in America for over two hundred years, so people just aren't used to having anymore than a sheriff in charge. The "control" that they keep talking about is taxes and a government being in control. But that's just what I've gathered from the game. I'm not defending the NCR, just theorising on them. God, I have no life! :rolleyes:
  6. Dogmeat. He's a loyal dog. So loyal in fact, that he'll attack anything in order to defend his master. Even if that thing is a f-ing Deathclaw! Seriously! It's like: "Oh, there's a whole herd of Deathclaws over there, and they haven't seen us yet, thankfully. If we're quiet and don't do anything to turn them hostile against us, we'll be able to - No! Wait! Stay, boy! Come back, you'll...!" (Dogmeat has died) "die..." (Load latest save) :wallbash:
  7. There's repercussions of everything you do in New Vegas, and no faction is totally good or evil. Honestly, I agree in wishing that the independent Vegas ending was better, but that's what fanfiction is for, I guess... Dammit, I hate it when the fate of the world is on my shoulders...
  8. As for me, I understand that it's a game and all... but why do I have to do so many other people's goddamn fetch quests that they can obviously just go and do themselves?! Seriously! For example. Lucy, darling, sweetheart. I know, the Wasteland is full of landmines, mutated creatures and bloodthirsty raiders who won't hesitate to shoot you on sight if they even suspect you have a few caps on you... so why are you, someone who's lived her whole life in the wasteland, and probably knows the area really well since you managed to survive a journey from Arefu to Megaton, entrusting a mission like this to someone who's only just stepped out of a Vault for the first time a few days ago?! IT MAKES NO FRIGGIN' SENSE!!! :wallbash:
  9. Not sure if there's already a topic about this, lemme know if there is. Anyway, which faction did you side with? Did you join the NCR, side with the Legion, or did you continue with Benny's work and start an independent New Vegas? Me? I decided on an independent Vegas. It seemed like the most non-evil choice. Just a shame Yes Man became another Mr. House. What I found most interesting about New Vegas, and the factions you can join, is that the NCR and even the Legion were not completely evil, nor where they saints either. They all had shades of grey, just some were deeper than the others. The Legion seemed very Machiavellian (better to be feared than loved, that's the way to earn the respect and loyalty of people), and the NCR... well they seemed to rely heavily on diplomacy. Both these factions seemed to offer positives and negatives and they would both restore order and civility to the Mojave, but in different ways. As said in the introduction, the NCR was founded on the old principles of democracy - in contrast to the Legion which is an obvious rehash of the Roman Empire which was an aristocracy, run by an emperor who was chosen by the senate and only the senate. However, the NCR is often held back by a lot of red tape, and they are often accused by the people of trying to control everything and imposing heavy taxes. They may seem unfair, but taxes and control are what we experience in real life, and our taxes are what the government uses to improve things like roads, and fund things like scientific studies (which in the game, would go toward ways of improving human life). It's even alluded to the fact that they go by the who "innocent until proven guilty" mentality when you do the Heartache by the Number Sidequest. As for the Legion, they are the complete opposite of the NCR. Going by the politics of the Roman Empire, they follow the aristocracy. All the power is in the hands of the emperor (which in this case, is Caesar). If they were to control the Mojave, it would most certainly become a military state. The are far more well organised than the NCR, and seem a lot stronger as well. Both the NCR and Legion have the same core goal, to see humanity get back on it's feet, but because of their differing ideologies and approaches to this goal is why they are at odd ends of the spectrum. They are both against the completely evil factions (like the Powder Gangers), and they deal with them differently (NCR incarcerating them, and the Legion... crucifying them). I think the biggest difference between the NCR and the Legion is how they want to achieve their similar goal. The NCR relies on democracy and diplomacy. You can tell they want to do good and help the entire Wasteland, and even the whole of America, but they are held back by all sorts of red tape. Also, the process of justice is slow, as they go by the "innocent until proven guilty" mentality. As for the Legion, they are highly utilitarian, and seem to prefer the swift and hard justice - whether they are innocent or not is up to Caesar. Also, it's mentioned by Cass at one point that even she, an NCR supporter, admits that if the Mojave would be a much, much safer place if the Legion was in control, as they aren't held back by politics. so, it seems that both sides have their positives and negatives. It's all a matter of your own personal opinion on whether you think one is better or worse than the other. You could argue that by siding with the Legion, you're sacrificing your freedom for safety, but safety is something that's a big concern in the Wasteland. You could also argue that NCR are nothing but a bunch of bureaucrats are are not fulfilling their promise to restore order and progress into America. Or, you could choose a third option and start an independent Vegas. But even that has some repercussions, as Yes Man could become another Mr. House. So, that's my two caps. Your thoughts?
  10. My first gaming console was the Super Ninstendo. Not sure what my first ever game was, but I think it was Yoshi's Island. I don't know what happened to that console, but I do know my second console (and most loved) was either the PS1 or the N64. Soooo many fond memories... My first handheld console, however, was the Game Boy Colour. Pokemon Crystal FTW.
  11. Same as an earlier poster. I've seen buildings floating in the air, even when I run up close. Every time I see it, I think, "Since when did Fallout 3 become Inception?"
  12. Quote the fallout wiki page: "A pre-Fallout "Resource Wars" game set in collapsing Europe (during the U.K.'s invasions of the Middle East) is one of the games that J.E. Sawyer would like to make if he could do any game, regardless of money and developing time[1]." http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Resource_Wars Awesome. But I would rather a game set around the same time as F3 and FNV. Would love to explore the ruined Underground of London, and traverse through the English countryside.
  13. Haven't visited 87 yet, sadly. Right now, it's a tie between 106 and 92. 106 was goddamn trippy with all the hallucinations, and especially when I kept on receiving those messages on the terminals telling me to give in to the... whatever was going on . But I guess 92 was scarier. Imagine being slowly driven to insanity by surreptitious white noise? Freaky as hell. :unsure:
  14. Agreed. She's not evil, just kinda... not all there, y'know? :thumbsup:
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