I am going to try and keep it simple and yet detailed. Before anyone asks, this happens on certain savegames. 1: I have not cleaned my offical DLC for Skyrim LE since being told against doing so last year 2: I have no mods that edit or do anything in the Dragonborn DLC directly, this should include Miraaks timing triggers 3: Since getting my last laptop yes my current machine can run Skyrim easily Now onto the issue at hand Basically I get to the first Black Book inside Miraaks temple, and I read it. Miraak NORMALLY is speaking to two Seekers as his dragon lands and he speaks to me after knocking me to the ground within Apocrypha. So I have to console command my way out of it, console command the next quest to trigger as well. HOWEVER It ONLY occurs in Waking Dreams, any othjer Black Book and I am able to get through it without any issue, aside from the one needed wherein Herma-Mora speaks, his speaking trigger is also broken, however he DOES speak at the end of that book like normal before giving me the second word of Bend Will shout. So I go back into Waking Dreams, I like doing that chapter by chapter, its a lot of fun, but now I cant, at least on this one save file. SO: Waking Dreams is glitched, navmeshs are missing ? I quite literally cant move, Miraak isnt speaking. So when I try to go BACK into Waking Dreams well later to get that one Dragon Aspect word off the word wall, Once again I am stuck standing still upon arrival into that Black Book I simply want to know; what messed with that one book ? why is it JUST THAT one book ? Because it is this one book alone, I am unable to actually kill Miraak in the final battle. I had to console command my way through it