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About ElsaSilverDragon

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    Skyrim Legendary Edition - PC
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  1. Is there a reason why Nexus is not showing my download history, all my tracked mods are showing that i never downloaded any of them either {And I did, for most of them}
  2. I did some more looking, even deeper than before and it turns out, Miraaks dragon, Sahrotaar will not land and thus trigger Miraaks dialog to occur, be all zappy at me, etc. Sahrotaar just flies around roaring. I tried reloading a save to fix it, but nothing worked. there were two other options I tried, such as setting the time scale, as well as disabling and reenabling Miraak, its his DRAGON that apparently is missing a script to land properly. if that dragon doesnt land, I'm stuck standing there unable to move and Miraak silent. Any other Black Book and I'm fine, but if I open Waking Dreams, I'm once more stuck in my tracks and cant move
  3. I used the mod suggested and it fixed only some of the issues, not all of them. On the file in particular Miraak still stands there dumbly, but on another file he does as expected when first entering Apocrypha. Also as suggested I went through my mods, I only have one mod that edits the quest item of the Black Books {basically once you pick one up you cant put it anywhere} the mod in question is Droppable Black Books. All it does is remove the Quest Item setting from the Black Books and allows me to stack the whole useless bunch on a shelf somewhere once I get what I want out of them. So, for the most part the isue is fixed as it seems to only be the one file as a whole. Quite honestly even though i have played the Dragonborn storyline atl east a good dozen or more times, its gotten quite boring and I plan on ignoring it later down the road. So that said. THANK YOU for the recommendation of a save cleaner it actually helped my issue a lot on other saves {as well as fixed an issue of somehow always crashing upon entering Understorn Keep in Markarth in this current issue filled save alone!} For the moment my issue is quasi/mostly fixed
  4. I am going to try and keep it simple and yet detailed. Before anyone asks, this happens on certain savegames. 1: I have not cleaned my offical DLC for Skyrim LE since being told against doing so last year 2: I have no mods that edit or do anything in the Dragonborn DLC directly, this should include Miraaks timing triggers 3: Since getting my last laptop yes my current machine can run Skyrim easily Now onto the issue at hand Basically I get to the first Black Book inside Miraaks temple, and I read it. Miraak NORMALLY is speaking to two Seekers as his dragon lands and he speaks to me after knocking me to the ground within Apocrypha. So I have to console command my way out of it, console command the next quest to trigger as well. HOWEVER It ONLY occurs in Waking Dreams, any othjer Black Book and I am able to get through it without any issue, aside from the one needed wherein Herma-Mora speaks, his speaking trigger is also broken, however he DOES speak at the end of that book like normal before giving me the second word of Bend Will shout. So I go back into Waking Dreams, I like doing that chapter by chapter, its a lot of fun, but now I cant, at least on this one save file. SO: Waking Dreams is glitched, navmeshs are missing ? I quite literally cant move, Miraak isnt speaking. So when I try to go BACK into Waking Dreams well later to get that one Dragon Aspect word off the word wall, Once again I am stuck standing still upon arrival into that Black Book I simply want to know; what messed with that one book ? why is it JUST THAT one book ? Because it is this one book alone, I am unable to actually kill Miraak in the final battle. I had to console command my way through it
  5. OK, I've tried every possible fix a friend could give me, none of them worked. But let me recap on what exactly is going on with my issue 1 on my old computer {Windows 7 Pro} I have the EXACT SAME mods, same load order too 2 On my new computer I get an arrow issue, {picture below} I knoew for a FACT this issue is not supposed to happen, The only bow and arrow not affected by it whatsever is Bound Bow 3 I go back to my old rig for a test, the issue does NOT occur oin any character with any other bow or arrow type Same mods, same load order, everything is identical, WHY is this happening ? Now before anyone says to try some overhauls, I have done so, infact I have tried 4 different archery overhauls alone JUST to get rid of this issue. Not even Nock2Tip worked! Can I get any help ? Image link https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1558751651
  6. Skyrim has started crashing constantly at the battle of whiterun civilar war mission. At first it just lagged hard before crashing, now it just outright crashes. However Legate Rikke finishes her speech, then the game crashes right to desktop. This is a Brand New Save file as well. Brand new Install on a new computer too My load order. My issue is apparently something is screwing with the body count, But I do not know WHAT MOD is doing it, or if its even a mod doing it. It did not do this with these mods on my old machine at all either, I am at my wits end Any and all help would be wonderful
  7. For me I bring up the console right after Hadvar releases my bonds so I can go into third person view. Basically once this is done there are no crashes so I can confirm this command to work, it also helps to set your autosave points to every five minutes
  8. This worked PERFECTLY {yes the thread may be old, but I had this persistent misc quest bugging me constantlky to no end, Now I got rid of it and am not a companion :D} Much thanks!
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