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Everything posted by ugiin

  1. try adding this to the end of the gene deco section alter to suit needs ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod8,ArchetypeName="Kit_AssaultRifle_III_Medium.ARC_Kit_AssaultRifle_III_Medium") This should add shoulder pads
  2. It appears this way is limited to only what your soldiers wear might need to alter other files like the .upk files
  3. that could be the Kevlar 0 one I think you would have to play around with the section.
  4. Ive been mucking around to add a cyborg unit to xcom ew, and found that within the DefaultContent.ini there is a section called (UnitPackageInfo) changing this changes the base model. So if I change the male Kevlar to MecCivvies it looks like the MecCivvies but with the Kevlar deco on it. Also theres sections there with GM which I guess control the Genemod base unit model. Thought this would help
  5. you could try this one as well it changes the deco for the gene mod http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1221217-new-deco-for-genemod/
  6. Hi ive been reading a lot bout how everyone hates the genemod cos of the lack of detail specially the sleevelessness. So I altered the DefaultContent.ini found in the XCom-Enemy-Unknown\XEW\XComGame\Config. copy this over your Gene Mod Deco section located near the bottom ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod1,ArchetypeName="Deco_Titan0.ARC_Deco_Titan0") ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod2,ArchetypeName="Deco_Titan1.ARC_Deco_Titan1") ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod3,ArchetypeName="Deco_Skeleton0.ARC_Deco_Skeleton0") ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod4,ArchetypeName="Deco_Skeleton1.ARC_Deco_Skeleton1") ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod5,ArchetypeName="Deco_Psi0.ARC_Deco_Psi0") ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod6,ArchetypeName="Deco_Psi1.ARC_Deco_Psi1") ArmorKitPackageInfo=(KitType=eKit_Deco_GeneMod7,ArchetypeName="Deco_Kevlar1.ARC_Deco_Kevlar1") this will replace the shoulser pads with other armor deco while leaving the genemod intact as i love seeing the bare arms.
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