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Nexus Mods Profile

About NaAaF

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    Dragon Age Origins

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Rookie (2/14)



  1. Hmm, Weird. Maybe my browser sent confusing data. It hasn't happened again since my last system reboot. I wouldn't know how to reliably replicate it either, I definately looked at more mods and their file contents than what endet up in dl history. If it fixed itself all the better, otherwise I'll post again hopefully with more info on the circumstances that cause the issue. THx for looking into it and have a nice weekend.
  2. My download history keeps filling up with mods I haven't downloaded. However in most cases I remember clicking the "preview file content" button. Pls fix your scripts. Getting reminders to endorse more and more stuff I never downloaded is pretty annoying.
  3. After a coule years of overdosing on pantyshots in jrpgs I started to miss games with more actual story and lore so I installed Origins again yesterday and I'm still feeding the override folder with goodies. I also noticed that over the years some of my personal mods and companion morphs vanished from my hdd and only some zipped project folders from the toolkit were left. After I made the decision to bring the toolkit back to life and finish/upload my old dao works, I remembered how bad the mod situation was with DA:I when I last played it and how much some of the companions and npcs needed some loving care from the modding community. Especially Sera, the buggly little mop head. It seems that "we" now have a working toolkit that can export and import meshes, including working joints and weight maps, without messing up vertex order ... and so on. What is the roadblock that still prevents modders from doing plastic surgery on DA:I's uggly faces? Is it just too time consuming using the tools available or is it still not possible to get the meshes back into the game? I moved on from freelance 3d character modeling to product design many years ago when frostbite3 wasn't even on the horizon yet, so I have no idea about anything engine related. (well, basicly I was hoping for an excuse to dust off my old maya and zbrush lic files and see if I still got it, but looking at the available mods was a bad motivation killer)
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