Dark0ne Hello, first congratulations for the great contribution you gave to community modding, now on the new site, I am trained in graphic design and web design then I will give my opinion. In my view you have tried to make the site more "clean" however say that less is more, but you have to be careful not to fall into utter simplicity. the second is not very suitable to wear white on top of orange, because of low contrast and loses readability. third new files should gain greater attention, since they are the most "in my view" give the site every day to see what's new, it should also have a larger area to view such files on the last page 12 main, it is the times of highest viewing for those launches, and the day it launches several mods often overlooked many leave the list, the ideal was to have the last 12 or 15 released on the main page, since it is an area of great interest . some important areas such as menus give a contrast is important to be identified more quickly with User. and a touch of creativity and creation time is also important, is too formal this model. about new features I would like the files that are up load in to mirror could be an endorser, as downloaded from the mirror are not recognized as a download time to endorse. well think this is please take a constructive way, I admire your work but as requested I am giving my opinion as a professional. sorry my bad english I am not American. and continue with your great work. big hug