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Everything posted by StevoSegalovic

  1. Ok you may see some of my mods sometime around middle of the next century :D This rules are funny because i already mentioned who original author is but im not allowed to share files that i modified myself without his permission. I understand when its about losing money but if im not gaining any profit then this rules are just annoyance. Its like asking guy who invented fire for permission to light a match (upgraded version of making fire). But rules are the rules... So if anyone wants to make a mod and share it: 1. Try to get permissions 2. Give up if you don't get it Anyway thanks for answering.
  2. Lets say someone gets superultramegacool idea about making lots of new things that will improve or add to gameplay. That someone is great at lets say creating new face morphs but that is his only skill. How would one person here on nexus gather a team of modders skilled in different areas and present the idea to them? Why not make this sticky topic and show our skills to everyone? For example: Hi I'm StevoSegalovic. Status: Busy (working on SOME_MOD) Im interested in mods that are : Lore friendly I have skills in next areas (0-5 0=no skill 1=low skills 5=expert): 3d modeling --- 1 (Blender) Animation --- 1 (toolset editing) VFX --- 1 GFF Editing --- 4 Face morphs --- 3 Textures --- 1 Cutscenes --- 1 M2A / GDA editing --- 4 Scripting --- 1 Level layouts --- 1 Editing Areas --- 2 Creatures --- 4 Items --- 4 User interface --- 1 Other skills: 0 My best mods: (Somesuperultramegacool mod) Part of the team :(SOME TEAM NAME)
  3. I like how you are full of ideas. I get like that all the time as well :D Anyway i really like an idea about giving wardens some skills. Actually my idea is to make one skill that will improve some stats and give wardens glowing eyes during combat. Im huge fan of Sacred Ashes trailer so i want to make game look as much as possible like in that trailer. Glowing eyes just seems to be as some special warden skill so it fits perfectly. Im not sure if it should be active or passive skill though. Seems like warden can use it whenever he wants so maybe it should be sustained. I know DA2 already have mod like that so we should try to create one for origins.
  4. You are not annoying i was in same situation as you are now :D Unfortunately i know nothing about SQL so i cant help you with that. I can only tell you what i did in order for everything to work. So first and most important thing is to do clean install SQLEXPR_x64_ENU.exe ( description says: Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express (x64) ) If everything is installed correctly you should have server up and running. (i believe i had to try few times coz it didnt want to install it properly) To test this start cmd then copy paste this commands: SQLCMD -S .\SQLEXPRESS (after this you should see 1> ) Select @@version (nothing happens after pressing enter) GO (now you should see mysql version you have installed) 2nd step is just copy pasting line by line to cmd window (start over) (use your game install location) - when you get to ON PRIMARY part i think this is when you have to look for 2 files somewhere on your disc and paste them to C:\Program Files\DAODB\Data\ - C:\Program Files\DAODB\Data\ has to stay unchanged 3. Use toolset configuration tool just as it is described in article that i showed you. 4 run toolset and start modding :) I hope you will get it to work coz im running out of ideas :D Notice: keep reading the article as you do step by step and compare your results with what the article says. By the way try to run toolset few times. Sometimes (rare) i get database error but on next try it starts normally.
  5. Ok few more question. What if the author of original mod is not active anymore? What if he/she doesn't respond to requests for permission and is not making any new files posts or any type of online response? Is there any time period after which his files become looked at as modders resources? Does modder's resources have to be defined by original author? For example i created mod that is using tmp7704's (Social Bioware member) files. i had to change all of them in order for things to work in my mod. From my point of view his files were modder's resources to me if i am modder and used his files (resources). His mod is replacing all qunari models in game and my mod doesn't do that. This is what i mean: http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/images/2776897-1342977269.jpg So from where im standing it looks like i wont get any response from him so i wont be able to share my mod with the community (Legal things) and i bet lots of people want this mod. Making mods is fun, asking for permissions is annoying... BTW this should be sticky topic i bet other people are wondering about this legal things as well.
  6. In Leliana's song dlc we can start game (module) and play as Leliana. There is no character generation screen. You automaticly get to play as Leliana with her face, level, stats, skill set, items already defined. How to make this happen in custom module?
  7. Tell her there are lots of pokemon games where there is no blood or deaths :D Ok now seriously what you can do without any mod is to play with in game graphical settings and set persistent blood on player faces after you kill someone to off. That way some of the blood will be removed from the game.
  8. Copy this command by command (Ctrl+C) and paste in CMD window (Ctrl+V) - Edit lines first to match your install location. Now im not sure about this but i think this is how i got it to work: Use windows search to locate where are files you are looking for (bw_dragonage_content.mdf and bw_dragonage_content.ldf) then copy them and paste to C:\Program Files\DAODB\Data\ SQLCMD -S .\SQLEXPRESS RESTORE FILELISTONLY FROM DISK = "D:\Games\Dragon Age\tools\dbbak\bw_dragonage_content.bak" GO USE master; GO CREATE DATABASE bw_dragonage_content ON PRIMARY ( NAME = bw_dragonage_content, FILENAME = "C:\Program Files\DAODB\Data\bw_dragonage_content.mdf") LOG ON ( NAME = bw_dragonage_content_log, FILENAME = "C:\Program Files\DAODB\Data\bw_dragonage_content.ldf"); GO RESTORE DATABASE bw_dragonage_content FROM DISK = "D:\Games\Dragon Age\tools\dbbak\bw_dragonage_content.bak" WITH REPLACE,RECOVERY GO EXIT This should be 5 minutes job and it should work.
  9. That exactly might be your problem. My guess is you tried to locate and replace modded tattoos. Problem is not all modded tattoos are added to character generation screen (CHARGEN) but are instead just used as a resource for dragon age toolset. If you want to add anything to chargen screen you have to add it to chargenmorphcfg.xml file that you can open using notepad. part of chargenmorphcfg.xml that tells you what tattoos will be shown on sliders during character generation screen looks like this: <tattoos> <resource name="uh_tat_av1_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_av2_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_av3_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_da1_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_da2_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_da3_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_dw1_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_dw2_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_p01_0t" /> </tattoos> So if you want to add new tattoo for fenris that you downloaded my guess is you have to add new line and in the end it should look like this <tattoos> <resource name="uh_tat_av1_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_av2_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_av3_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_da1_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_da2_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_da3_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_dw1_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_dw2_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_p01_0t" /> <resource name="uh_tat_fenristat_0t" /> </tattoos> After saving this file and starting new game you should be able to see fenris tattoo in character creation screen if you use sliders. if you think this is to difficult thing to do you can just try to override default tattoos so rename downloaded fenris tattoo from uh_tat_fenristat_0t.dds to uh_tat_av1_0t.dds (you can see from list above that first tattoo will be replaced with fenris tattoo). I hope that helps.
  10. Ok another legal question comes to mind. There are many mods that are considered modders resources ( they are mostly texture files - skins, hair colors, eye colors, tattoos etc. or even hair models). I know there is Nbaio mod that combined many mods together in one big download so the question is: Would one need to get permission from everyone who made modders resources to be able to create one package for users to download instead of wasting time downloading hundreds of different mods? (I know you are going to say yes :D still asking just to be sure) I think all this asking for permissions is bs when you don't profit from it in any way (only mentioning original author should be enough) but like i said i don't want to get myself banned so i wont share any files without given permissions.
  11. Not sure the OP was... http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/whistling.gif Question is for "morph" term http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/#EMO_DIR#/biggrin.gif Proper term would be body mesh.
  12. Not sure what you find to be wrong. Dalish tatoo is what makes them - Dalish. If you choose City Elf your char dont get dalish tatoo during character generation. Its not about morph its about character background. Im not sure if you can make Dalish without tatoo.
  13. We are all aware of Nbaio pregnant model. I just explained how it can be turned into something you can equip (baby bump on) and unequip (baby bump off).
  14. Ok thank you for answer. This doesn't stop me from modding just from sharing then. But ill try to share if i get permissions.
  15. Hello everyone! I don't want to get myself banned so i have to ask some questions before sharing things with public. 1. If Person A made a mod and gave permission to Person B to modify it or use it or include files in his mod... does Person C need to ask for same permission? 2 If Person A made a texture file (.dds) and Person B uses that file and changes part of it... Does person B needs permission from person A to share his modified file? 3. If Person A made a model files (.msh .mmh .phy) in 3d program and then Person B changes all files (renaming and gff editing to recreate connections or even remodeling but using original files as a base)... does person B needs permission from Person A to share modified files? 4. If Person A made a script (.nss) and person B uses same custom script does it need permission from person A to share his script? In all this scenarios all files are modified by person B (some actions require hard work - even hours of work) so in all this cases is it enough to mention original author or is it necessary to ask original author for permission every time just to be able to share your work and gain nothing from it?
  16. If you didnt do many mods that are related to your database then its easiest thing to reinstall the toolset. I understand you had trouble installing it coz of cannot connect to database problem but if you follow this tutorial you can set things up in few minutes. http://jerbecca.wordpress.com/2011/03/04/get-dragonage-origins-toolset-on-64-bit-windows-7-steam-and-sql-express-2008/
  17. Your idea is both easy to do and impossible to do. Easy part: Basicly someone could make new armor variation that has naked pregnant body model then add it to female warden with a script Impossible part: Equipping any armor would remove pregnant model. There are no voice overs for additional story. No one is willing to spent a year to work on storyline like the one you mentioned.
  18. You don't need 7zip you can open that archive using Winrar. File size of the file you downloaded should tell you if its empty of not or just partially downloaded. Try to use DAO-modmanager instead of DAModder. just drag and drop override file in override part of the window. http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/277/
  19. Your pictures are not available anymore so idk what kind of error you got. In order to import models to Blender you need Blender version 2.49 and Python version 2.6 coz this script http://dragonage.nexusmods.com/mods/268 works for that version. 3d modeling is not so easy to learn so i hope you know what you are getting yourself into. In order to use models and textures in XNA Lara software you would probably have to find a way to import them from Blender or some other way. To answer your other questions - yes all of that is possible if you want to learn how try to google for tutorials and answers.
  20. I was playing with this and i got some results. i created an area in my module and put npc ef_merrill there. Then i gave her a conversation that starts a script that i want. Then i created some scripts and they worked pretty well. party_merrill.nss script looks like this: #include "utility_h" void main() { object oFollower = GetObjectByTag("ef_merrill"); //Use CreateObject() if the creature isn't present in the module yet UT_HireFollower(oFollower); //Hires the follower AddCommand(oFollower, CommandJumpToLocation(GetLocation(GetHero()))); // sets follower behind the player // SetPartyPickerGUIStatus(2); // ShowPartyPickerGUI(); //Shows the Party Picker; necessary for the follower to gain XP } and to remove her from party i used dismiss_merrill.nss script that looks like this: #include "utility_h" void main() { object oFollower = GetObjectByTag("ef_merrill"); //Use CreateObject() if the creature isn't present in the module yet UT_FireFollower(oFollower,FALSE,FALSE); //Fires the follower } I also tried to spawn another npc and add it to party. i created df_alice.utc creature and then this script create_alice.nss: #include "utility_h" void main() { object oPlayer = GetHero(); location lLocation = GetLocation(oPlayer); object oFollower = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, R"df_alice.utc", lLocation); UT_HireFollower(oFollower); //Hires the follower } So now while all of them are working i have another trouble. I don't know how to target existing npc in the area while using conversation. what i mean is if i want to use first script how can i select merrill without typing her tag in script. i would like to make script that is universal for recruiting any npc that exists in current area. or in simple words i want to approach some npc start convo and say hey start this script and party me. then get to another npc and tell him to use same script and party me as well. I have noticed that in comment of the script it says that npc wont get exp and thing is i like it that way. My idea is to make NPCs certain lvl lets say lvl 10 then if im lvl 15 i get new NPCs that are lvl 15 etc. problem with this is i still dont know how to make npcs certain level and with certain skills. can i do that when im creating utc files, or i have to use scripts or i have to make gda files for their skill templates? Also another question. I realized that if i try to leave camp party picker starts so i would probably lose any npc i add to party (maybe not not sure), so is there a way to make things go this way: 1. attempting to leave camp doesn't start party picker (override some script or something) 2. party picker starts if player uses some object next to exit - like in da2 (i choose 2 companions) 3. player gets to emissary and gets npc as follower 4. Player leaves camp. PS by udk i meant universal dye kit. when you use it you get into cinematic mode and you see your player and have options to change items. I believe this mode would be good for selecting what NPC player wants to party with.
  21. I was thinking a bit about DAO story. You are a warden and you are using treaties to gather an army that will help you defeat the blight. As you progress you get Emissaries at your camp. But they are just one person representing whole race and just standing there and not helping you fight. My idea is to make new NPCs , male and female to be recruitable at the Emissaries and to represent their race/class. Nothing to much about it just simple things for example: Dalish female rogue (archer) ranger (same level as PC) with some dalish warrior female soundset (no story, no romance) Now to the troubleshooting part: 1. if this has been already done someone point me where to download this mod. 2. is it possible to add random NPC to party by using scripting and dialogue even if that NPC doesn't exist in current area? 3. Is it possible to add NPC to party without using party picker screen but instead showing different NPCs in a mode similar to UDK mode (while changing color of items) 1 NPC at a time? Notice: I don't want to use party picker screen coz its limiting number of recruitable NPCs. I want to be able to use lots of different NPCs with lots of different morphs (lots of modders are creating some great faces and this would be a great way to use them) Other things can be added later as well but it should be simple at start so im not aiming for something to big. If anyone can do this with ease then feel free to consider this as a mod request.
  22. Yes, I didn't mean that the story should overlap at all, what I really was wondering is if ti is possible to open some of the Origins locations up to be selectable in Awakenings. It is the same area after all, and not long after. Just being able to walk around Denerim/Orzamar, and maybe doing a few of the misc quests. I guess it is not possible though. It is possible. Someone already made a mod that allows you to use items/skills from awakening in your origins campaign. Areas are also resources just as items are. So it is possible to do but i doubt anyone will try to do it since it requires lots of work.
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