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Everything posted by EpicBlu

  1. I'm trying to figure out how to make it so that the PC will play a specific animation while sitting in a chair. For instance, the Jarl throne slouch whilst sitting in a Draugr crypt chair, or the table feeding animation from Volkihar Keep. I've seen people have some luck with certain poses, but as far as I can tell, those poses are already in the creation kit as furniture, so you only need to do a little finagling; what I'm trying to do seems to be more in depth. Can anyone help out? Thanks.
  2. I've been working on a mod that turns Sunderstone Gorge into a player house/vampire lair. However, I'm running into an issue. I deleted the rubble from one of the caved-in tunnels to expand the area further, and while I've had no issues in that regard, I'm getting a problem where at a certain point the level just gets.. cut off. It shows the skybox instead, as if nothing was there, and as if nothing was beyond it. However, it's still solid, I can cross over the 'cutoff' point and enter the new area just fine; however, when I turn around, I get the same issue, only from the other side. I thought it might be an issue with the level's snapping, but I've troubleshooted that and as far as I can tell the issue persists, even when there's nothing actually there. Anyone got any ideas? A screenshot from one side of the 'cutoff': From the new side: http://i.imgur.com/6gLL4WB.jpg From the original side: http://i.imgur.com/xuPnGmt.jpg
  3. I used CK to add the Werewolf Knockback effect to Volendruung, because I thought it was kind of stupid that killing someone with a hammer nearly as tall as they are didn't send them flying. While it worked like a charm, I have a new problem: if I ever trigger a finisher on an enemy, then they become immortal and cannot be killed, even with the console. Is there any way to fix this? It doesn't happen if I use another weapon, IE one without the knock-back.
  4. Looong bump, I know, but did you ever get that video finished?
  5. As long as I can figure this out, I don't care if it's two hours; thank you for taking the time to clear this up, because I've been trying to get this right for about a week.
  6. No luck. Either GIMP simply isn't equipped to save this sort of texture properly, or I'm just not doing it right.
  7. Okay; the problem, it seems, is directly with GIMP - or moreover, the way I'm saving it. On a hunch, I loaded up the default texture and then exported it before using it in the spell. I still had the white-shell problem. I'm going to fiddle with this and see what the problem is.
  8. This is what the layer looks like: http://i.imgur.com/KGq2jJ0.png EDIT: Yes, the alpha layer is hidden; furthermore, I turned opacity to full on every layer, but I'm still getting the white shell problem. I'm completely at a loss.
  9. Sorry that I completely stopped responding. I had a computer hiccup. Anyways, I've been messing about with the alpha layer; what I tried was loading up the dds texture into GIMP and then editing it via a hue layer. Where am I messing up?
  10. Alright; I've made some progress. I was able to implement the effect by looking at another mod and realizing that you can make your own projectile item in the CK by storing the .nif file inside data/skyrim/meshes, and then duplicating a spell projectile file. I feel stupid. Still, progress! Now the problem is that it looks like this: http://i.imgur.com/aLTgnC4.jpg I seem to have messed up somewhere along the line when using GIMP.
  11. That's what I thought as well, but I've had no luck getting the effect to appear. I'm talking about the list of spell effects for, say, a beam attack such as absorb, or perhaps flames.
  12. What do you mean by "proper folder structure"?
  13. That's where I'm having the problem. I CAN'T point it at a new art file; the nif I made doesn't show up on the list at all.
  14. That's what I'm asking - I don't know how to manually add it.
  15. I've done so; the CK doesn't seem to be detecting it.
  16. Alright; I think I might be on the verge of getting it working. The only thing I need to know is how to get the custom mesh working with the creation kit. Where do I put the modified files?
  17. Alright; I have to bump again - can anyone help me determine which nodes I should be editing? I've been reading up on another user's thread about changing the color and texture of the flame spell, and he mentioned using photoshop to edit the gradient, but I have two problems. Firstly, I'm not sure how to open the gradient in photoshop; secondly, I'm not able to find the gradient node for the spell itself, as it doesn't seem to have one, unless I'm simply not looking in the right place.
  18. So doing that would also change the vanilla spell's effect as well?
  19. Okay, I've been working on a mod adding psionic magic to the game. So far, I've successfully implemented two skills, but I'm trying to add a third, and to do so, I want to modify the spell effect for vampiric drain, turning it purple. Is this even possible? Would doing so also turn the actual vampiric drain spell purple?
  20. Maybe unnecessary bump, but is this mod still being worked on?
  21. Is it possible to mod the game so that your psychic soldiers can use Psi Lance?
  22. -snip- Still having the issue >~< Can someone please just upload it for me?
  23. I don't have the option to do so. The 'verify game cache' option is just gone for some reason. It may have to do with the fact that I got the game's CD Key off of a website which required me to use a VPN to activate and download it, which is also the reason I can't reinstall(it took me ages to install it the first time.)
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