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Everything posted by TallgeeseIV
I'm making a sort of middleman mod that sends data from another person's mod to my mod. I used Wrye Bash to set the "ListeningAgent" mod to be dependent on the other mod already and that's working. If you're asking why: I want my primary mod to function on its own without crashing due to dependency, but be enhanced by the other mod for people who have it, and I don't want to make 2 different versions. Passing Global variables from the other mod's script is working. I used FISS to save them from the agent and reload them into the primary mod, seems to be working great. I just need to detect the state the other mod's script is in. Making matter's worse, the other mod's script that I want to check the state of is an ActiveMagicEffect which, although only ever cast on the player and only once at a time, technically can have multiple instances. I tried Importing it, extending it, referencing it, nothing seems to work, although probably because I'm not doing it correctly. I CANNOT modify the other mod's script, I want the other person's mod to remain entirely intact. My listener mod is just an agent to send data to mine, not to interfere with his. So... How the hell do you do this? After 3 days of failure, I'm pulling my hair out over here. EDIT: I found a workaround so I don't really "need" this anymore, but I am still curious as to how this is done.
Exactly. Also do not forget to include the "NiStringExtraData" block near the beginning of the model in nifskope. Set the first string to "Prn" (I'm guessing it stands for Position/Rotation Node) then set the second string to "QUIVER" The game engine reads the NiStringExtraData block for details about placement and this will ensure it's attached to the Quiver bone regardless of the skeleton people are using.
Wearable, Independantly Animated Equipment - WIP, need help
TallgeeseIV replied to TallgeeseIV's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
So, I've learned about the "NiStringExtraData" block in NifSkope, which when applied with "Prn" as the first string and "NPC Spine2 [spn2]" as the second string, did not help. Then after a myriad of other failed attempt I tried just adding the bones of my custom object directly to the character skeleton. That did the trick for putting the wings in the correct place on my back, however animations won't play, most likely due to the skeleton having no hkx animations for those bones and overuling the .nif's animation, which if this is the only way, totally kills this project as I do not have the time or commitment to make a new version of EVERY SINGLE ANIMATION FILE.... So far, it seems that animated equipment with each individual mesh linked to a separate node works, but having one mesh skinned to many nodes just doesn't work. Any help would be greatly appreciated.... -
Wearable, Independantly Animated Equipment - WIP, need help
TallgeeseIV replied to TallgeeseIV's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I know bumping is a bad habit, but I have zero views and was already pushed to page 3. Does ANYONE know how to attach an independently animated mesh (not using hkx files) to the player skeleton? -
So I've been working on a set of angel wings that I pulled from another game. I couldn't get the animations but that's no problem, it's easy to animate. The model already has a rigged skeleton including the skin modifier in 3ds Max. Here's my problem: With or without a simple animation, the model works in Skyrim but WILL NOT attach to the spinal bone of the skeleton. The model sits at my players feet once the object is equipped, as if it's aligned to the world xyz instead of relative to the player. Its x and y rotation do not change. The animation isn't the problem. I figured that out and it does work. The problem is, with a static mesh version without the bone structure, i can skin it to use the spinal bone and it works great... but then i can't get the animation. If it's skinned with the bone structure, I can't make the game draw it relative to that spinal bone. The spinal bone can be added to the skin modifier with no vertices in its envelope, which causes the game to ignore it anyway. I also tried linking the spinal bone to the first bone in the wing structure, same result, no effect. Is it possible to have an animated armor/clothing piece attached to the player that also has multiple bones (independent of those within the player skeleton)? Please let me know if there's any additional information, screenshots, files, etc. that i can provide to help figure this out. I've tried everything i can think of over the past 2 days and i figured it's time to get help. Thank you for reading.
Dragonborn CTD Mod incompatibility (Potential Fix)
TallgeeseIV replied to TallgeeseIV's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Yep, I wasn't saying it was ApachiiSkyHair. It could have been any of the 7 or 8 packs + patches i was using while it was crashing. ApachiiSkyHair is just the only one i re-enabled. and the crashing was gone. -
I've done a lot of tinkering with that particular sword, and I can tell you that it's about 75% script driven. With that in mind, it's likely a problem with old scripts. try uninstalling all the mods that would probably use scripts, aka, most things that aren't just models or texture packs, then go into your Data/Scripts folder. Make a backup of everything there (i usually just create a new folder named "Backup" then move everything into that folder) then reinstall the mods that you uninstalled. See if that fixes it. If not or if it totally breaks the game, just delete all the newly created scripts and move the backed up scripts back there.
So I've been having a lot of CTD's in Dragonborn and until a few hours ago, restarting, reloading and going back to the placeit happened seemed to work. Well then one arose in Raven Rock and happened every single time. I went through today and systematically removed all the mods of particular types (all texture packs, all model edits, all custom armors, all animations, etc. etc.) and guess what I found the culprit to be... A HAIR PACK. I don't know which one, and most likely it was actually a custom hair for NPC's patch, but still, anyone still having CTD's after removing the known culprit mods, try removing hair packs, then adding the one the you use back in. The latest version of ApachiiSkyHair seems to be working now with no CTD.
<WIP> Female Power armor
TallgeeseIV replied to dragonhunter's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
oh, that's good to know, thank you!... but why are you telling me that here? haha, this is a thread about dragonhunter's armor.... -
<WIP> Female Power armor
TallgeeseIV replied to dragonhunter's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
most of the time yes, but the game recalculates movement speed when eqipping and unequipping items already so for armor it isn't necessary. Well on that note, how would one circumvent a change of speed when equipping a weapon? (It's silly that this happens at all since you're still carrying the weight of the weapon regardless of whether it's on your back or in your hands.) And getting back on the original track of this thread, do we have any news about the armor? O.o agreed that it's silly, and getting back on track. as for your question, in my experiences it hasn't been an issue. the run speed has been changed consistently until i remove the armor, or add a piece of equipment with a script that changes it further. -
<WIP> Female Power armor
TallgeeseIV replied to dragonhunter's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
most of the time yes, but the game recalculates movement speed when eqipping and unequipping items already so for armor it isn't necessary. -
I'm sorry for going off-topic but can I just say, In the future in the REAL world, I would hope our sniper rifles won't be designed to give away a sniper's position... it makes sense for a multiplayer game, but seriously, bullet trails leading to the sniper who fired? who thought that was a good idea??? I think the only reason they do that is because its a High Velocity round. So high in fact that there is no air behind the bullet what so ever. ehh, it's possible but i really think they just BS'd it to balance multiplayer gameplay.
<WIP> Female Power armor
TallgeeseIV replied to dragonhunter's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
ahh, that's not the one i've been using... here's the exact script i used for anyone else interested. Begin OnEquip player player.setav SpeedMult 200 ; 200% run speed con_SetGameSetting fJumpHeightMin 128 ; 200% jump height End Begin OnUnequip player player.setav SpeedMult 100 ; default run speed con_SetGameSetting fJumpHeightMin 64 ; default jump height End -
Changing body textures mid-game
TallgeeseIV replied to ClayPidgeon162's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
hmm, well there aren't any script functions that i'm aware of to change textures of a model, buuuut i can think of a work around. you'd have to create the scar model overlaying the body model and rig it to move the same way the body model does, similarly to how the BoS power armor has a overlaying parts for decals. then delete the body model and just have the floating skin. make it an armor in the geck, quest item, hidden in inventory, and use one of the body addon slots. then it will show on your character no matter what armor you have one with it. then you make enough copies for however many variations you want. then in the script for it you set the conditions to add the new one and remove the old one from your inventory without displaying a message. couldn't say for sure this is the best method, but it would work, i've done things similar to this with armor parts. -
Can a Quest Script...?
TallgeeseIV replied to BlackCompany's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
changing timescale and casting effects definitely, io use those all the time. not sure about the second one, i haven't experimented with quest scripting yet. -
<WIP> Female Power armor
TallgeeseIV replied to dragonhunter's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I hadn't thought of the stats but you're right, increased agility would make sense. along with increasing the run speed and jump height, it's also possible with NVSE to decrease reload time and increase firing rate of whatever weapon you're using. maybe add that as well? Reload rate, sure; fire rate, no. At least not with automatic weapons since clothing should have no effect on the working internals of the weapon, but then again, it might make sense if you could limit it to only bolt/pump/semi-auto weapons. And modding movement speed has been done, as with the Powered Power Armor mod, but I think limiting it to run speed multiplication would make a bit more sense as well as not making the walk animations look silly. Furthermore, it would be great if NVSE could allow the armor to keep equipped weapons from slowing you down, as you will notice when drawing a heavy weapon you usually slow by 5% or so. As for jump height, I've heard there are issues modding it, but workarounds, too... Ooooooh yeah, I like the idea of not being encumbered by your weapon, that sounds awesome...good call. Now that I think about it if we could get it to also reduce sway when standing/moving to what it is when kneeling it would be awesome. With increasing the run speed the only mods I have seen doing this (FO3 mods haven't checked NV yet) do it by increasing the game speed, which is why I said they don't work too well. If it can actually increase characters speed but keep the game at the normal rate that would be fantastic. increasing the run speed is actually insanely easy to script. it's one line with NVSE that you put in the OnEquip block of an object script. then you have it set it to the default value in the OnUnequip block. i could be mistaken, i don't have the geck open right now to check but i believe it's "SetActorValue SpeedMult (any number over 100 for faster, under 100 for slower) -
uhm... holding the middle mouse button down goes to third person and let's you spin the camera all the way around yourself, as long as you don't let go of the button, it won't go back to behind you... i think this works for the camera perspective keyboard key as well.
I'm sorry for going off-topic but can I just say, In the future in the REAL world, I would hope our sniper rifles won't be designed to give away a sniper's position... it makes sense for a multiplayer game, but seriously, bullet trails leading to the sniper who fired? who thought that was a good idea???
<WIP> Female Power armor
TallgeeseIV replied to dragonhunter's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Makes me wonder what the specs will look like... Certainly not as heavy as any of the power armor currently in game, but perhaps not as high of a DT either? Yeah I always imagined Female PA to increase agility and speed more-so than power and defense. As you know (not being sexist, being a realist) Females tend to be weaker but more flexible and agile, where-as Males tend to be stronger and more sturdy. Now as for how this wil translate in game I could not say. Increasing speed and agility in FO doesn't seem to work very well, or is very limited in what it can actually do. It also increasing run speed and jump height would only make a difference in certain situations. At the very least we get a good looking female PA that has the illusion of increased agility. However this ends up so far it looks great and I believe it can only get better, keep up the awesome work dragonhunter. I hadn't thought of the stats but you're right, increased agility would make sense. along with increasing the run speed and jump height, it's also possible with NVSE to decrease reload time and increase firing rate of whatever weapon you're using. maybe add that as well? -
that's true, the 3rd person animations are veerrry different from the 1st person ones. also, there's aren't many ways to control the player's camera.
Midwestern Brotherhood Armor
TallgeeseIV replied to scruples's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
hmm, instead of modifying the model, he could just release it with a separate texture included with it alpha'd out. -
unfortunately no, not without a RIDICULOUS amount of work on the first person animations. the creators did not animate anything but the arms for 1st person animations, and there's over 250 1st person animations. and at this point in time it's difficult to create even 1 new animation. So, possible? technically yes. Feasible? not really.
Power armor inspiration
TallgeeseIV replied to lemonseamonkey's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
I don't know how i forgot about this company but check it out. This is the same group that made the realistic master chief armor that was so popular: http://www.nightmarearmorstudios.com/ -
<WIP> Female Power armor
TallgeeseIV replied to dragonhunter's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
hmm... i like the part above the shoulder but i'm not a fan of the plates going down the arm. don't get me wrong, i'd love that if it were more of a samurai-esque armor, but this is a sleek armor. in my opinion, it should be more contained and low-profile than having raised armor plates. maybe just keep the shoulder part and add the hydraulics mentioned earlier?