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Everything posted by TallgeeseIV

  1. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/270543-looking-for-ideas-for-my-mod/page__gopid__2443672#entry2443672 check it out, sorry i didn't see this post before the link was posted on mine, but it seems great minds think alike, and cool armors deserve to be in fallout, haha.
  2. "Vanquish Game Battle Suit" huh... well, i guess there's no point keeping it a surprise if it's already been requested, here's the armor i've been working on for 2 weeks: and no, i did NOT model this, nor am i taking ANY credit for the original model. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/TallgeeseIIII/ARS1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/TallgeeseIIII/ARS2.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/TallgeeseIIII/ARS3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/TallgeeseIIII/ARS4.jpg
  3. sure is, two ways. 1. use nifskope to open the model you changed the texture for, it "should" put it there automatically, but depending on the way you changed it, you might have to change the texture path under the BSShaderTextureSet block 2. within the geck, open the object of the model of the texture you changed. it should show you the model it currently has loaded, some minor objects don't show you, but armor and weapons do for certain.
  4. The rebreather effect will be on it. as for faster swimming, i can definitely add that, and the sonar weapon wouldn't be a problem either, good ideas.
  5. Glad to hear it, be sure to post a link here when you're done!
  6. Haha, basically, yes, i did. not bad ideas, it already increases run speed and jump height just by wearing it but a sprint mod even beyond its current speed would be pretty good, and yeah, i know exactly how to do it, haha. i finally got the shield working properly today, I'm now building a system where you can connect energy weapons to the reactor and run them from your energy source instead of your ammo. in over-charged mode you'll do more damage too.
  7. either in the render window or in a window such as npc animations or something, ANYTHING that saves me the time of loading and reloading the game, haha
  8. Ah, maybe the max 2011 has a problem with it but things export just fine for me without selecting any faces, just as long as the modifier is there. maybe a different option in the export screws that up?
  9. well couple things, i'm in a rush so didn't read the posts ahead of me (sorry) but i did a quick page search and noticed no one said to uncheck flatten hierarchy. that basically disables the entire bone hierarchy, i would leave that one off for clothing models. secondly, the bsdismemberment modifier's actually insanely easy to use although tutorial's are scarce. basically you apply it after the skin modifier, then use the poly or element select tool on the area you want to designate as a body part. it starts with "torso" as you can see. once you've selected the area you want to be the torso (or whatever bodypart you changed in the dropdown box to start with first) you just press the plus sign and change the body part in the drop down and select the next one. basically what you're doing is setting all the areas to be affected when you get shot there. if you select the head of your mesh and name it "left leg" when you get shot in the head in game, it will say your leg is crippled and potentially make you leg fly off on death, haha. it's a fun modifier. if you did it correctly, you should be able to use the arrows to scroll through each body part, it should highlight them in red and the dropdown box will change to its name. use the minus sign to remove one. also, how thorough you are doesn't matter. i usually assign the entire model as "torso" until i'm done testing the whole thing in game, to avoid doing the modifier a hundred times, haha. from looking at beth's models, it appears they use the torso and left and right, thigh (which are "Body : Left Leg") or something to that affect in the drop down. then left and right leg are the calves. then arms are the same way, the body : arm is the upper arm, the arm by itself in the dropdown is the forearm. they sometimes do hands also but most of their models have seperate hands, so they have that set individually, same with the head, but you can set it however you like, the game's surprisingly not picky about it. you can even select nothing and i THINK it doesn't register body part hits in game, haha.
  10. Ah, hmmm. That is strange, maybe a generic rust texture? i would check the texture source block of the model in nifskope, and check what it looks like in the viewer in the GECK, maybe it accidentally applied a textureset meant for another object, never know with these finicky tools.
  11. Haha, yeah, pretty easily actually. i don't see a problem with just switching the regular 1 hand pistol animations for all dual animations... i've never played a game and thought "man, this dual wielding is great, but i'd be having more fun if i was only shooting ONE pistol..."
  12. Oh man, I'm one of the people that's dying for new animations but from what i understand it's near impossible to get them working, and i don't know where to even begin. as for the overclock mode, it actually has a feature called "Over-Charge Reactor" that changes it's appearance and gives it greater power, but energy doesn't recover in that mode and when it's depleted the armor goes to its damaged state. so it's sort of a trump card if you're in trouble.
  13. Hey, I've been playing around with nifskope a bit and importing different beth-made models to see how they do what they do in game. the most interesting was gannon's tesla armor. i found the transform controller block that animates the fan on the pack and i was wondering, how do i apply it to my own model's textures? when i try to paste triShapeData over the original it appends it to the end of the blocklist, and when i try to paste the transform controller to the texture properties of my model, it appends that as well... so how do you combine them, and can it even be done?
  14. Sounds cool to me, most of it is definitely doable, the only part that concerns me is the taking control of your dog part. from my understanding, that isn't possible but i've been mistaken plenty of times before so i guess it's your job to prove me wrong, haha. as for importing kf's, i have no experience with blender but if it's anything like 3ds max, you have to import a .nif with the proper skeleton for it firt, then importing the .kf will animate it. not sure if you did that step or not. and i didn't see anything in your description that would require importing the animations? what's that for if you don't mind me asking?
  15. I've built a new armor with a new model, several different "modes" with different effects and artwork. it's supposed to be an all purpose extreme combat suit. basically when you're wearing it you have a bunch of new abilities mapped to different keys, but it lowers your health so you HAVE to use them to survive fights, which i thought is more interesting than just vats'ing everyone to death like the normal game, haha. I'll show it off eventually but I'm keeping demo's under wraps until I get a stable version (just incase that never happens) So, I need ideas for more abilities, so far it has: SlowMo "Enhanced Reflexes" Cloak "Active Camoflage" Night Vision Thermal Vision Shielding The armor power runs off a nuclear reactor which is depleted when using active camo and enhanced reflexes. and the shielding takes energy per hit, then takes a few seconds to recharge after being hit, forcing you to find cover if your energy is low. I have a few other ideas I'm not sure i want to implement yet too, so I won't mention them. Keeping the concept of the reactor in mind, I need your ideas, what other abilities should my armor have? try to keep your ideas "outside the box" stuff like camo and slow mo, not just weapons. i can make any weapon i want, so that's boring. I wanted a thruster system but that's damn near impossible as i understand it. but that's the sort of direction i'm talking about. things that aid you in combat.
  16. Well, that sucks. No idea, i don't think it can, i haven't found any other way to get a piece of armor's health value...
  17. I just wrote this script a few minutes ago, it's pretty similar to what you're doing. i tested it and it works with no issues, it does require NVSE, though i'm sure you knew that. int ToggleNuke Begin GameMode If player.GetEquipped SamPowerArmorDam == 1 && ToggleNuke != 1 If player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 2 <= 0 set ToggleNuke to 1 player.KillActor player 0 0 player.PlaceAtMe FatManNukeExplosion EndIf EndIf End i think if you rewrote it this way: int ToggleNoHP Begin GameMode If player.GetEquipped YourRefHere == 1 && ToggleNoHP != 1 If player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 2 <= 0 set ToggleNoHP to 1 player.UnEquipItem YourRefHere 0 0 EndIf EndIf End probably not the most efficient way to do it but it's what i'd do.
  18. Ah, I got it! basically instead of using a single script with a toggle, i realized i could use the GetEquipped command and make a slightly different script for each armor and use the armor equipped at the time itself as the primary toggle, then have another toggle to essentially turn the script off: Undamaged Version: float ARSHealth int Toggle Begin GameMode If player.GetEquipped SamPowerArmor == 1 && Toggle != 1 set ARSHealth to player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 2 / 400 If ARSHealth <= 0.5 && player.GetEquipped SamPowerArmorDam != 1 set Toggle to 1 player.RemoveItem SamPowerArmor 1 1 player.AddItemHealthPercent SamPowerArmorDam 1 ARSHealth 1 player.EquipItem SamPowerArmorDam 0 1 EndIf EndIf End Damaged Version: float ARSHealthDam int ToggleDam Begin GameMode If player.GetEquipped SamPowerArmorDam == 1 && ToggleDam != 1 set ARSHealthDam to player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 2 / 400 If ARSHealthDam > 0.5 && player.GetEquipped SamPowerArmor != 1 set ToggleDam to 1 player.RemoveItem SamPowerArmorDam 1 1 player.AddItemHealthPercent SamPowerArmor 1 ARSHealthDam 1 player.EquipItem SamPowerArmor 0 1 EndIf EndIf End Works like a charm. I even cut out all the armor from the tesla armor but kept the electricity effect, then made that an armor addon for the damaged version so it has electricity surrounding it when its broken, sooo cool. i can't wait to show this off and put it up for download!
  19. The backpack is a separate nif in the armor addon section. the biped model list for the armor object is a list of other objects to attach to the armor. most armors just have gloves that are attached, that armor happens to have a backpack as well. it's not a part of the original armor model so it can be replaced by an ammo tank for a weapon, for instance.
  20. just wanted to post for anyone wondering. by looking at the hierarchy for the tesla armor in nifskope (which has lights, and animated electricity effects and a spinning fan) i have discovered how they did it. lighting: glow maps, simple. electricity and spinning fan: after examining the file in nifskope, the animated fan and the electricity have parameters set up in a "NiTextureTransformController" block, under the "NiTexturingProperty" block... under the "NiTriShape". for example, the fan has it set that the "BASE_MAP" (diffuse) is set to the operation "TT_ROTATE" aka, it rotates just the texture, which is what i was afraid of. oh well, so much for my idea, haha.
  21. whoa, definitely the closest. It works perfectly when the armor reaches 50% or less, but the game crashes when i go through a door wearing the new damaged version, and when i equip it again after unequipping it. any idea why?
  22. @thc1234 it needs to be a constant script, not a quest or effect based script. it's basically to show the visuals of the player's armor being damaged or not, without affecting the player in any other way. it needs to be constant and seamless, and this was the only way i could think of doing it. @neguel no good. the script has no effect while wearing the armor, and crashes the game when you take it off or put it on. back to the drawing board, there has to be a similar script already in use or something...
  23. I'm trying to get the game to seamlessly switch this armor with another that's identical except for a damaged version of the texture, and give it the original armor's health percentage when it get's to 50% health. the problem is i have to make sure it only switches once, and then still be able to switch back when the armor's been repaired above 50%. i'm reeeaaally bad at toggles, i don't understand them at all... here's what i have so far: float ARSHealth int Toggle Begin GameMode set ARSHealth to player.GetEquippedCurrentHealth 2 If ARSHealth <= 0.5 && Toggle == 0 player.RemoveItem SamPowerArmor 1 1 player.AddItemHealthPercent SamPowerArmorDam 1 ARSHealth 1 player.EquipItem SamPowerArmorDam 0 1 set Toggle to 1 Else set Toggle to 0 EndIf If ARSHealth > 0.5 && Toggle == 0 player.RemoveItem SamPowerArmorDam 1 1 player.AddItemHealthPercent SamPowerArmor 1 ARSHealth 1 player.EquipItem SamPowerArmor 0 1 set Toggle to 1 Else set Toggle to 0 EndIf End as you can see my toggle would never work, i just need to know how to make it work... or, if anyone has a better solution, please offer it. i tried destruction data but that didn't work, but maybe i did it wrong...
  24. simple, open the t45d in the armor section of the geck. in the lower left corner there's a drop down that says "biped model list" click the edit button next to that, highlight "PowerArmorBackPack" and press delete. save, done.
  25. actually, do the animation like that with the nuzzle flash. then change the main hand weapon to fire 2 bullets in-staid of 1 :) you can easily change the number of projectiles in the edit menu for the weapon in GECK. that isn't a bad idea. if i increase the spread a bit, give it a 0.0 chance of a tracer coming out, and move the projectile node out between the two guns, you wouldn't even really notice. the animation is the part i'm not sure how to do, or if you even can...
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