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Everything posted by TallgeeseIV

  1. 1. If i'm understanding what you've got so far, the next step is manually applying the textureset to the object you want to retexture. you can do this by clicking the button to add a nif object for whatever you're editing, then instead of clicking edit to find a new nif, just look at the list of items for the one it currently has loaded. the list usually contains stuff like "Upperbody:0" and "Arms:1" stuff like that, weapons use "##" before some things but it's still essentially the same. each of those names is a separate mesh within the nif model and each can have its own textures. double click the empty area to the right of the part you want to retexture and it will bring up a list of all your texture sets. just find the one you made and click ok, done. 2. i haven't messed around with sounds yet, but it seems pretty easy. there's a section of objects on the left in the geck called "audio" between the actors and game effects sections. click sounds under that menu tree. then add or copy a sound like you would a weapon or textureset, the button at the top of the menu shows the currently selected sound file. click it to browse for a new wav or mp3 file on your computer. once you click ok, it should be added to the list of sounds available to choose from when you change things like weapon firing sound effects. now i'm not sure about this next part, but the section "ambient space" under audio looks like the area to create background noises for an area. looks like you select multiple sound files from the sounds list and it pieces them together the way you specify... dunno, you'll have to play with that, good luck.
  2. Hey, so I have a custom armor model here, everything on it is working great, but it's missing some flare. I was wondering, the tesla armor has glowing parts and animated electricity effects, and the remnants armor has that spinning fan on its back, but even after importing those models, i can't figure out how they did it, any tips for me?
  3. Hmm, I'm not sure what you mean, but you could be right? can you explain?
  4. Well if anyone wanted to try that, they're welcome to my source files here, just ask. I'm a pretty novice scripter so i'll leave that to someone else.
  5. Alright, I whipped this up over the past couple hours. obviously, everyone wants dual wielding, yet we all know the fallout engine is totally incapable of anything awesome. This is just for show, the second gun is basically a piece of clothing added to you when you equip the gun, it's the same idea as the old dual wielding mods in oblivion. I'm certain this has been done before, maybe in fallout 3 but I'll be honest, I didn't look around. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/TallgeeseIIII/dualnv1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/TallgeeseIIII/dualnv3.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v231/TallgeeseIIII/dualnv2.jpg So, what do you think, passable? EDIT: Oh, PS, I Think I could make it so the second gun goes to your other hip when holstered, let me know if you think that would be worth it to try. I hate scripting...
  6. I'm following this as well. I have the skeleton.nif in max 2010 with a full running animation ready to export, i just can't seem to get the settings right. can't wait for someone to just tell us how this works, i can't find any decent tutorials...
  7. I'm not sure about where to find the files, but Niftools for 3ds are here: http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/3ds_Max The male and female meshes are located at "Fallout New Vegas\Data\meshes\characters\_male\" with the filenames "upperbody.nif" for the male and "femaleupperbody.nif" also there has not been an x64 version of the plugin released as of this post.
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