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Everything posted by swordguy10

  1. bumping this thread instead of starting a new one. oblivion get wet mod was quite good. after playing through Assassin's Creed 2 (was $5 on Steam), I noticed how realistic it looks when Ezio get's soaked, from the subtle shine, to water spraying off from clothes with sudden movement, to the fabric changing colour slightly (overlay i imagine), to the water drops dripping off corners of fabric. found some video on (not my own), and if you watch from 1:00 onward you get somewhat of an idea of how much effort nUbisoft put into your character getting wet. It's hard to believe Bethesda made such a beautiful game, but left out an important immersion detail. they should be somewhat embarrassed. after all AC2 is sort of old :D
  2. It's probably been said a million times, just throwing it out there for the sake of it. a mod that brings back greaves would be cool. paldrons too would rock.
  3. I was going to start a thread on dx11 topic, but found this one first. a dx11 overhaul would be AMAZING, if possible. there is always the possibility that with a future dlc, Bethesda might implement dx11 featureset, like how shivering isles brought in HD lighting to Oblivion. a fully dx11 skyrim is a wet dream tho. bump to this thread. hopefully someone figures it out because its a sore spot for us pc gaming enthusiasts that are tired of seeing dx9 already. :(
  4. A pc gamer here. I know a lot of pc gamers. not one of them hates console players, including myself. consoles have been the platform for gaming for a long time. 20 years ago, video games and consoles were like toast and jam. they still are. pc gaming differs from console gaming in one key aspect, in that pc games can be scaled upward graphically in small increments every year, whereas consoles scale upwardly only when a new console is released, and then flat-line until the consoles have been milked for what they're worth. Skyrim is a great example, because current Gen. consoles are reaching the end of that milking cycle (a year or two left before they are considered dinosaurs). To a pc gamer, this means no dx11, no tessellation, and no current Gen. graphics. don't get me wrong, skyrim looks great, but for pc gamers, skyrim is clearly a game that fell onto the end of the milking cycle. it's cpu heavy at times, under-utilizes even mid-range graphic cards of today, and in many ways, is a half-baked port. not all console ports are bad, but in the case of skyrim, its clear the dev's took a minimalistic approach in the porting dept. really though, i think the point here, is that pc gamers don't hate on console gamers, as much as to how the development cycle of console differs immensely from pc. when new generation consoles come out, pc gamers applaud the marvelous visuals of games that push their rigs. when consoles are at the end of their cycle, pc gamers rip their hair out because of dated technology, and hate on the consoles, and blame them for holding gaming back. its a cycle, guess which part of the cycle we are at? :whistling:
  5. This is definitely my biggest beef with the Skyrim combat system. In Oblivion, spell casting was intuitive, in Skyrim its clunky, like they really wanted people to either choose magic or combat, but not both, without taking away defense or combat capability. 1hand weapon + 1hand magic isn't amazing either, as you pretty much have to have restoration in left hand a lot due to lack of damage output. also, not sure why you would have to pause between switching from 2he and magic, that's what the hot keys ( 1 - 8 ) are for. but.. all the same would love to see 1hand version of spells cast-able while both hands have gear equipped. would be a hot mod for a long time.
  6. The current Hud in skyrim is nice. lots of room for extra eye candy. the basic idea of this request is to show on-screen the current skill that is being improved. just like Heath, Magicka and Stamina temporarily appear when they are used/depleted, it would be nice, maybe in a top corner, to temporarily show a smaller but similar bar for the current skill that just increased. not to be confused with the bar that displays progress to characters next level (i.e. - "progress to level xx), when you level a skill up, but something similar, that displays progress for any skill that has just been used, that would last for for 10 seconds or so (not in center of screen). so an example: I swing my sword and hit a mob, my 2 handed weapon skill increases slightly, and a progress bar displays momentarily in corner of screen, showing progress till 2 handed skill will level up again. to add even further, to make it even cooler, it would be nice if they stacked. like, 2 handed weapon skill progress bar displays, and then I used restoration right after and another progress bar displays underneath the first one. when the 2 handed bar fades and disappears, the restoration skill bar would move up to takes its place. theoretically, you could have a dozen bars showing at once if it was a hairy fight, but for the most part I think it wouldn't take up a lot of space on-screen if the bars are small enough. If I had the know how, I would probably make this mod. but I don't, so would be cool if someone does have the know how, and thinks this is a cool idea to tackle it. I don't care about credit in any way, as its just an idea. if someone does make this mod, they can take credit for the idea, I really don't care, they did the work. For me it would just be nice to have this feature in Skyrim.
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