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About PhilMc2

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    Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout NV
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    Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout NV

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  1. Hi there, i am not comfortable with Skyrims day light settings. While my game looks superior when it is dawn, dusk and night the game looks horrible at clear sunny days imo. Please take a look at the attached pic to see what I mean. I have tested a lot of ENBs and lighting mods to see if I can diminish this issue but nothing made sunny days really nice to look at imo. That`s why I would like to change the day settings to match the sunrise/sunset settings. I guess Skyrim uses a wandering light source (similar to a real sun) which has a fixed lighting power. So when the sun is low the light output is strong (more shiny skin at the character) and when the sun is high at mid day then the light output is weak because of the big distance...am I right? If yes then I would like to tweak that light source...maybe setting it lower or try empowering the light output...maybe I am a little too optimistic on that but I would like to try ^^ So can anyone tell me please what name/editor id this light source has so that I can find it in the CK or Tes5Edit? Or are there more light sources for the sky? If I am totally wrong on this issue please tell me. Maybe we can find another solution. Thx in advance
  2. Yeah, that solved my problem. Thank you soooooo much for your quick help. Time to change some hairs ^^ Thank you Greetz
  3. Hi there, whenever my char has the "business wear" or the "weathered business wear" on while having long hair the clothes become transparent at specific camera angles...please have a look at the picture to see what I mean. Can you tell me what`s causing this? Is there a possibility to solve this problem? ...maybe some settings in nifskope? It`s only the business wear...all other clothes are okay. Thank you for your help
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