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About TheEliminater

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    United States
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  1. In real life fear is self-preservation. If we didn't fear we would all be injured or dead Example Bob: go and catch that 20 ft. Man eating python Fearless: ok 20 seconds later Fearless: my arm is stuck in it's mouth. In truth video games do make you scared sometimes but you have the choice to fear the or not to. Yes I have been scared of some games before, but everyone has there opinion.
  2. Ok I normally don't post personal info about me but I am 12 and Just becuase I am young people shouldn't judge me. We joined this web site for mods and friends do let's not make enemies. Come back when you meet the legally required age limits to be a member of this site - TVD.
  3. Did you know?: the adoring fan respawns after three days? Creepy.
  4. I wouldn't pay anything becuase I got it preorderd for my birthday.
  5. If you have found some dungeons or items that are cool please post the location of it or it's name here Robbers glen cave: found along the road to “the inn of ill omen" from bravil it is a cave that is inhabited by imps but has pretty freakin awsome loot in the chest beware that at the end of the cave is some leveled monster that can be hard to kill.
  6. Impereal city becuase of those selfish greedy impereals.
  7. Maybe if you have the companions mod you could.
  8. Just now when I killed the dude that came out of the gates of madness I killed him early so he was twitching and talking dead.
  9. I thought of a new two handed axe design and I think someone should make it. First, the axe part should be like torn up dragon wings Second, at the end the handle part shoald be the a skull of a small dragon. Or something Last, the handle should be a giant bone or a bone coloured handle that's like a corkscew I would be most apprecian if some could or will make a mod for this or give me the name of a preexisting mod.
  10. “Bag of holding" is perfect for carrying infinite loot
  11. I have two. First, a underwater castlein nibinay bay for argonions. Second, a shack by the water with secret access to flooded under ground tunnels below it for argonions. P.S I like argonions
  12. what quest is that I would really like to know Thieves guild. Note that if you sold a lot of loot at first make sure after the diologe of finishing a quest you exit the dialog mode and wait to a quest bubble pops up, otherwise you'll never beable to finish even if it is a patched version.
  13. The blackwood guild for fighters is actualy spoofing/ making fun of a real government special forces group called Black Water
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