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About infamousraziel

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  1. OK, so i looked that up and apparently they used to use pathgrid for oblvion and older games but switched to navmesh for f03/geck. So i think that confirms my problem is i have to build the path aka navmesh for the interior so they know where to go. I still dont know why some of them in the interior are standing still/moving around alittle bit tentatively, wheres others just teleport to the front door. odd behavior. i guess i'll start the navmesh work, otherwise i have zero clue what else to do. Thanks for reply.
  2. Hi, i'm making a custom interior cell and the issue i'm having is that immediately upon entry all of the enemies are right at the front door when i enter, as if they teleport there instantly, despite me placing them scattered about all around the cell decently far away, they still all pool at the front door when i enter, all around me like one big ball of NPC's.... Is this because i have not done the navmesh yet? Will doing the navmesh fix this, or did i f*#@ up something else? I didn't notice until i entered the interior, from a fresh save out of the vault, the save i was using before seemed to work, but i guess when i added more stuff something changed. please help. thanks.
  3. i really dont see how hard it would be to just make the workbench a craftable item and you could place it wherever you want and bam. probably would need CK though.
  4. anyone else find that once their character reaches lvl 30 EVERY f*#@ing enemy drops a "powerful automatic 10mm piercing silenced" or some other dumb equivalent. i just want enemies to drop normal guns again. i find it very immersion breaking that every single deadbeat and loser in the wasteland has a super pimped out gun. it makes no sense. anybody planning on making a mod that makes the good weapon parts very rare?
  5. any mod planned for this? i know they arnt zombies but i love the idea of being able to hack off all the limbs and them still being alive. sick of shooting as ghoul in the leg with my legendary cyro pistol and they die on the first shot. i wanna actually have to aim for the brain.
  6. i would actually f*#@ing love it if someone ported the skyrim map over to f04, kinda like what tale of two wastelands did. might not be the most immersive, but could be cool.
  7. i think when the CK comes out, itll be alot easier
  8. can anybody make a simple mod to disable this, so i actually have to use my senses to figure where enemies are, rather than using the perception stat to cheat? trying to build a hardcore modded playthrough and this i find essential.
  9. i would love for all that you mentioned to be optional, meaning i can enable what i like from your mod and disable the things i dont like. to make your mod more custom to each person's taste. just my peace of mind..
  10. JET is right, make it rad sox and change a letter or 2 in his name. do it jst to piss off MLB, those f*#@ing parasites.
  11. thanks, i will use the command for now, but i would really appreciate it if some kind modder could just make a mod if possible! thanks again!
  12. proper weapon holstering / weapons on backs would be nice.
  13. anyone else feel like the character's carry weight is too much? i mean my character can carry around 300 pounds like it was nothing, and i think this needs to be tweaked ;) god i miss project nevada.
  14. love these ideas, hope a modder implements them
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