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Everything posted by vampessa
Long and short of it any dependancy/core that your mods use/need will have to be updated before things work, also chances are many mods will need updates too, welcome to patch day :P
Redscript.CET, RED4ext, ArchiveXL etc etc basically the main 'Core' mods will all need updating some have been done some not yet or bieng worked on keep checking Nexus :)
Use http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6923/? and if it is a custom race then use the patcher version it all works fine have been using it myself for a while. Skin/hair/makeup etc all works as it should, is an old mod from pre skse it got abandoned to merge into "showracemenu" but the colour palettes etc all work :)
Welcome home and welcome back to hell :P
Recently I have encountered a strange problem where I crash on virtually any kill be it in killmoves or normal kills, I have tried various things to fix this from enabling/disabling mods, removing scripts, animation replacers.strings all sorts and nothing seems to work, has anyone else encountered this?. I thought it may be a conflict between either killmoves plus, directors, wars in skyrim and deadly dragons, but I have completely removed each of them and all and it has made no differance, I have removed and disabled every mod I use and to no avail. If someone can please think of something I may of overlooked or knows of an issue or even encountered this problem please let me know as it is rather frustrating. In addition it seems to only be when killing females, not sure if it is race/gender specific but so far most crashes seem to be when I do this.
Nvidia dds thumbnail viewer and win 7?
vampessa replied to vampessa's topic in Hardware and software discussion
Never mind, I found an alternative solution -
I recently installed windows 7 on my system (x64) transferered installed etc various programs ready for modding and started modding NV (again) yet I have noticed a rather annoying problem while using nifscope and GECK (does it on both), for some reason the nvidia dds thumbnail viewer keeps causing the program to crash randomly (which as you can imagine is rather annoying) as it is random there is no real way to see if it is a specific texture folder, but so far it desnt seem to make any differance yet the crash is always related to either the dds. thumbnail viewer dll or another part of the same program, I have uninstalled and reinstalled but to no avail. I never had this issue when modding any game on xp but something seems a bit wibble on 7, if someone else has had this problem or knows of a solution please point me in the direction, With thanks Vampessa
This Game NEEDS the old music.
vampessa replied to CrzyFooL's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Try looking at this basic tutorial I did for someone else the other day Click Me Best Regards Vampessa -
Custom Race - creating facial preset
vampessa replied to ClayPidgeon162's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Try creating a character with the new custom race, tweak the settings to create the face you want as a preset, then tick "is chargen face preset" that should give you the new faces under presets in cc. As for the import thing, I was just going to suggest something like facegen exchange but if you wanted it as a preset through GECK I do not think it will work, if you can keep a screeny of the face then tweak the editor till it matches that seems to be the only option, but hopefully someone else may have another solution. Best Regards Vampessa -
Np any time, and yes I do work with those colours hehe I have light sencitive eyes so most of the default scheems hurt after a while especially when making mods, I do alternate scheems though depending what I am working on plus I work on a 32inch screen so when you are up close and editing it does tend to make you a tad bos eyed if its too glarey o_O Best Regards Vampessa
http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-5.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-6.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-7.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-8.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-9.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-10.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-11.jpg Once you have set all the up open the cell/region you want it to play in, then filer AudioMarker in search, grab that and place it in the area you want the sound in, you will notice a Blue radial curcle some distance from the marker, this is your distance and you can change differant sounds to play at differant distances, eg close to the marker a hum somewhere round the middle of the marker a feral ghoul sound then at the furthest a scream, it is a nice feature to help set ambiance. Now, we have our audio marker next to 3d data click "audio Marker" tab then click "AudioMarker Dialog" it is the larger tab in the middle now here is where your controller comes into play, click the dropdown on the upper right named Media Location Controller select your controller you may now set the radius of the curcle (eg how far/close you hear the sound/music and set the "trigger" eg middle and distant radius, click ok trim up possitioning place under grill and leave untill doomsday tis done, now in theory and if all is well it will automatically play whatever you placed in the controller, if you ticked random or loop or retrigger in your controller that is what it will do (we hope hehe) http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-12.jpg Hope that helps a tad long arsed way of doing things I know but as I say they have revamped it a bit and in honesty I like this way a lot more, it gives you far more control over audio scapes, you can also do the other old way of make a sound marker but this way gives more variety I feel. Hope the pics are viewable and understandable cos of my strange colour themes hehe Best Regards Vampessa edited for bad typing :P
They have revamped the sound options in GECK quite a bit (nice changes) you can now put music in same as the old ways and also set up "Location controllers" to use with an Audio marker usefull new gizmo which allows you to set multiple soundscapes/music to either Location, Battle, Enemy, Neutral. Friend and ally. Make a track (song etc) into a "media Set" then add it to the Location controller as you want it. Brief explination with pics (had to split into peaces due to image post restrictions) Put files into \Data\Music best to add a sub folder http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-1-1.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-2.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-3.jpg http://i756.photobucket.com/albums/xx203/Vampessa/FONV%20Tut1Audio/Untitled-4.jpg
Looking to make my first mod
vampessa replied to bradisasmurf's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
GECK note this can also be pulled up at any stage through the editor its self by clicking "Help" Also have a mooch through the nexus modding forums for tutorials/help. Since this is your first mod I would suggest starting with something small to get you used to working with the GECK editor, there are tutorials you can use on the GECK page (eg my first vault etc) they will help if you are not used to making mods, as for "magic" not so sure it can be done that well, you could possibly do perks or make specific weapons/ammo types to give the appearance of "spells" I think it has been attempted in the past but not sure how successfull it was. Best Regards Vampessa -
If you go to nifscopes main site there are plugins for blender/3ds max etc so you can import/export nifs http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifSkope/Mesh_import_export As for putting vanilla nifs from one game to another then uploading to nexus far as I remember no you can't, best to check the rules section before uploading things :) Best Regards Vampessa
Solving the Dual Wielding issue
vampessa replied to TurelAzure's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Some transfer some dont since the skelington has slight differances (eg less limbs on hands etc), things like jump etc work but combat and movement require some tweaking, or at least thats been my experiance from trying to move things from Oblivion to FO3 when I started playing FO3 As for the dual blade vid clip isnt exactly dual blade it just uses the mesh on the offhand if you watch it it is just doing the normal 1hmelee attack the other sword is just following the normal path of the other arm -
Solving the Dual Wielding issue
vampessa replied to TurelAzure's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
Another factor with the differance of FO and Oblivion was Oblivion was kind of setup to have 2 weapon attacks already (sort of) since you had the shield bash for offhand FO doesnt have that feature unfortunatly :( Best Regards Vampessa -
Custom Race Problems
vampessa replied to SnapDragin's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Troubleshooting
You need to manually add them to the new custom race with the GECK, eg open the hair mod with your own set as "active" then add each hair mesh/texture you want to have on the custom character, remember once you have done this if you intend on making it public release to gain permissions from the original creator of the hair pack. Best Regards Vampessa -
Silent Hill mod request?
vampessa replied to StealthicKhaos's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
Not seen the film but used to play the original game years ago, as for mods someone did the silent hill fog as part of a weather mod for FO3 here http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6550, don't think its been ported over yet but there is this http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35998 which i think has a fog stage. Also there was a "nighttime ghouls mod" which had glowing ghouls forget which mod had them included offhand might be mmm but again do not think it has been ported You could always mix the weather with "Zombie Apocalypse" http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=37067 to give it a slightly more "threatenig" feeling as for the sound effect that is fairly simple to rig up in GECK and you can set it to go at specific times and place a sound activator anywhere you want it, as for the other monsters that would require someone making the meshes/textures or modifieing meshes in game already. Hope that helps a bit Best Regards Vampessa -
DMC Stylish Anims (request to orig creator)
vampessa posted a topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
A long time ago I used to play Oblivion a lot and one of the best mods I ever saw and used was DMC Stylish and Sword Dancer anim replacer, it made the melee combat much nicer and more fluid, then came FO3 which made melee flat and boring as hell so you would usually always end up using ranged weapons, which yeh is great if ranged is your thing, but me I always prefured toe to toe combat, NV has made some "slight" changes to the melee and given slightly more versatility but on the whole it is still fairly bland and makes me miss this mod more and more. Now I know some will say "just play Oblivion then" and much as I loved Oblivion I prefure the post nuclear genre more (joys of bieng an old gothic punk into ebm huh lol). Anyway down to the bare bones as they say, I was wondering IF the original creator of that mod was still lurking in the community and IF he would concider trying to port it over to NV or FO3 for us, it was a fantastic mod that gave so much more to melee characters, orfailing that if someone could get full permissions to make a port. I vaguely remember around the time of FO3 a few ports bieng done and a lot of hastle with the fingers/skelington meshes etc as there was extra parts and the file structure was slightly differant but I am sure it could be converted (even if not fully) over or at least that is my hope, if not then maybe something simular for us die hard melee users. Best Regards Vampessa