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About Quiggleberry

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  1. Well I reran the 4gb patch, installed OSR and MoreHeap and have not had a crash in outdoor cells in hours, including in some areas where it would nearly always just freeze up at certain points. Better fps too, fingers crossed it stays that way. Unfortunately it's still very hit and miss whether I can enter or leave Skingrad or Chorrol (possibly others, those are the two that have had problems so far) without a crash. The image freezes just before the loading screen pops up and the sound cuts out. Seems like unique landscapes is mostly sorted (hopefully) but Better Cities, which I just can't play without, is still having some issues.
  2. I will try that, I use 4gb patch and oblivion reloaded so apparently ENBoost shouldn't be installed but I will try OSR and MoreHeap. Would changing graphics card help at all if it was possibly to do with VRAM? I was planning to update anyway.
  3. No wait. It's everywhere. Everywhere crashes in and around and in pretty much every cell between Skingrad and Kvatch and presumably everywhere else. I installed everything carefully according to the instructions and every f*#@ing cell is broken.
  4. Hi, So I have been having this issue a while and have had to restart a frustrating amount of times, but every time the issue keeps coming back, so it seems not to be a save corruption issue but literally the files aren't cooperating. When I'm in certain areas, namely Skingrad Outskirts and Chorrol, I get crashes every couple of minutes if that. There is no specific crash that happens every time at a certain place. Just randomly the game will freeze, sometimes when loading, sometimes after trying to enter Chorrol and sometimes just a normal CTD in the wilderness. Here's my load order copied from Wrye Bash: Active Mod Files:
  5. FIXED. I literally just had to go into control panel/hardware and sound and a popup came up saying that driver enhancements were detected that are causing problems with some programs and gave me the option to disable them. I recently ran a Malware check after some adware started f*#@ing up my browser so it's possible it was some shitty virus or something. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions, I guess it technically worked seeing as I only went t control panel to do something completely different mentioned on that wiki page :)
  6. I have just bought a fresh copy of Oblivion and Shivering Isle and KotN. Just installed. No mods. Load up launcher, music works fine. Pressed play...no sound. No music. No sound effect from clicking on options. Sliders all the way up. Quit and checked the ini files, sound is enabled, checked every line in the ini, all in order. Checked the volume mixer and Oblivion doesn't even show up after the launcher. Checked google,found plenty of posts and all of them were ignored. As this probably will be because this apparently doesn't have a fix. This happened with my steam install as well. So I just can't play Oblivion? I doubt it's my hardware because I have no other sound issues with any other game or application. This is a joke. Please help me out here, I just want to relive my Oblivion experience of a decade ago, I'm not asking to have my game with 474 manually installed script heavy mods and 12 body replacers to run properly, I'm at square one. I just want the vanilla game to work first and that won't even make a single infinitesimal sound. Please, even if you don't know the answer please acknowledge at least that this issue exists and leave some comment of some kind, so far everything i have found on this has been people with the same problem not getting any responses.
  7. I know that the above guy necroed a four year old thread but I concur
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