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Everything posted by Nethriel

  1. Name: 'Six' - She couldn't remember her true name and she could tell when she reached Primm the name she gave there was a lie so went Six so she would always remember what happened in Goodsprings. Gender: Female Age: Late 20s Race: Caucasian Combat Style: Sniper Specialties: Sneaking, Rifles, Pistols. Weaknesses: Loner, Mental Unstable. Likes: Dogtags and her old sniper rilfe. Dislikes: Farmers, radios. Wants: To remember her past. Fears: Irrational fears of Screwdrivers and needles. Friendly Factions: Enclave, or at least she thinks she likes them. Enemy Factions: None. Companions: None. Love interest?: None that she can remember. Parents: Unknown, she has few memories but does remember a man in Enclave power armour who she believes is her father. Early life: Cannot remember anything of her early years. Teen years: Again cannot remember much but can remember running from something and a great fear. How did he/she become a courier?: She was told by others that she just turned up in Primm, around a year before the goodsprings event, and asked for a good way to make a few caps, and then it all started from there.
  2. Personally for my character i would take the yes man ending so that all major imperialistic imposing factions are defeated or hugely damaged, with my robot army being sent to wipe out the legion and beating the NCR back out of mojave. I'd then use my amazing speach skills and charisma to get the enclave remants women to teach me how to fly her vertibird then take it with me and a few friends to Zion where i could found my own psuedo-native american tribe, wipe out the Cazadors and live the good life with 100 securatrons hidden away in the caves just incase while deactivting the others and letting the city of sin destroy itself. I didn't want to leave Zion had too much fun there and it looked too awesome so felt returning there would be better than fighting for no reason in Mojave.
  3. Wasn't Tenpenny english? From the indications on the wiki developers have said they've deliberately left the fate of the rest of the world blank so we could have fun with it but there is a quote on the wiki from a dev saying "Allistair Tenpenny came to the Capital Wasteland from Great Britain to seek his fortune, so that alone tells you that the U.K. was also hit in the war. And if he came to U.S. to succeed, that says a lot about how screwed up Europe must be. So we just allude, a little bit, to the state of the rest of the world. We like to leave a lot to the players' imaginations, and somebody like Tenpenny serves as a catalyst for those thoughts." - Emil Pagliarulo. Plus if you think about it, with the focus on nuclear power/weapons in america and no real indication that treaties were signed to keep nukes restricted that nearly everywhere had their own supply, plus that the EC (fallout's more powerful and unified EU) and the arab nations had a 'limited' nuclear exchange before the great war, whatever limited means, and that tel aviv (the israeli capital) was hit by a terrorist nuke. That leads me to think there were nukes everywhere and from then on its really how you think countries would react to seeing the two most powerful countries nuking each other, and possibly others too as im not sure the anti-communist USA wouldnt want to take the other commies down too, do they nuke their enemies or hope that no one hits them? But from the fallout games so far it seems fair to say that no country has survived to be powerful enough or willing to take over areas formerly owned and part of america so makes me think they were all hit to some degree and are all too concerned with their own internal problems to be messing around elsewhere.
  4. My interpretation is that the enclave as a major faction trying to take over the world kinda thing is over, while not totally destroyed with the biggest groups going to be similar size to the brotherhood in NV and smaller groups operating out of bases similar to what the remants have. My thinking for this is that as stated above they've had huge losses but also that the remants stopped in mojave and went into hiding, if they had a large base left surely they would have just refueled and headed onto the base? Sure there could have been secret small bases but anything of any size would have at least been know to the officers of squads. So they arent all dead but without radical changes to their organisation and recruitment along with a length of time they won't be a huge power just highly skilled and armed death squads.
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