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About Mornedil

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  1. Is the 100% hit rate for critical hits hard-coded? I want to remove the 100% hit rate so critical hits have the same chance to hit as a normal hit. Is there any way to do this with CK or FO4Edit?
  2. the only things bothering me are light sources which are inconveniently placed on the floor in different houses. On the top of my head, I can think of an oil lantern somwhere, and there's one house that has candles on the floor which makes it very awkward to try to place a bed in there.
  3. I usually play games as close to vanilla as possible, but these are a few things I had issues with during my first playthrough: Settlement building limits If you want to build big settlements, you'll need to remove the limits of how much you can build: Settlement limits slashed Survival mode necessities: It's a Bethesda game... and Bethesda games have bugs and crashes. In survival mode you can only save by sleeping in a bed, but the game can crash or you can get stuck, which gets extremely annoying in survival mode. Console enabler for Survival difficultyRecordable holotape (this is the saving mod I use. You find "recordable holotapes" as loot, which allows you to save the game in a lore-friendly manner) Health scaling: This was one of the biggest issues I had with the gameplay in general. When you level up, everything in the game gets more HP. I don't know why they designed it like this, but after you've reached a high level, combat takes much longer because enemies have more HP, while it's at the same time much easier because you'll also have more HP. I recently wanted to replay the game without dealing with this issue, so I dedicated my time to creating a mod that fixes it. It removes health scaling and balances damage dealt by the player and NPCs, while also adding some new elements to combat. Mornedil's Combat Rework
  4. I was thinking about that, but it felt like that could be less optimized since fast weapons has the potential to run the code very often, and I also read somewhere that enchantments cause OnHit to trigger as well. there's a 0.5 delay on the timer loop right now, and I was thinking I could optimize it even further by only running the timer loop if the limb is in a bad condition
  5. Thank you! Turning it into an ability worked. OnCripple is unrelated to dismemberment as far as I know. I'm using a timer event to periodically check if a limb has been dismembered, since I couldn't find any event that deals with it.
  6. I'm trying to create a damage over time effect and apply it to enemies, but it doesn't do anything. This is the part of the script that's supposed to add the damage over time: if (Myself.IsDismembered( )) if (Myself.AddSpell(BleedoutSpellProperty, false)) Debug.Notification("Limb Gone") else StartTimer(0.5) endIf endIfHere is the bleedout spell and magic effect: i'm getting the "Limb Gone" message which implies that the target has lost a limb and that the effect has been applied, but they don't take any damage. Help would be appreciated. I've also tried directly applying the bleedout spell to the player (for testing purposes), but the player doesn't take damage either, which leads me to believe there's something wrong with the effect.
  7. EDIT: Solved I did more research and found out that the various "update" events have been replaced by "timer" events in Fallout4 compared to Skyrim. Apparently I was on the wrong creation kit wiki... Original post (in case anyone googles this in the future): It's been a while since I scripted with papyrus so i've forgotten some of the basics, and now I've run into a problem that I can't track down the reason for. I'm getting an error trying to compile a script: RegisterForSingleUpdate is not a function or does not exist It says it doesn't exist, but here's the wiki page for it. What am I missing or doing wrong?
  8. In response to post #60434912. #60435157, #60439167, #60487932, #60495767, #60568452, #60581147, #63075281, #64229301 are all replies on the same post. I know this is an old thread but someone has to define the difference between a hobby and releasing mods for other people to use. If you're fixing up a car as a hobby, you're using your time and money to get new parts and installing them into the car, and making modifications to it. Once you're done, it benefits nobody except you. You have a sweet new ride and you're not going to let just anyone drive it. Making mods is a hobby too, sure. You're spending your time making modifications to a game, or adding new content to it. But the moment you release it for others to use, it becomes work, and i'll explain why: When making mods for yourself, you don't have to care about how it's presented and if there's any potential bugs. I've made a scroll enchanting mod for Skyrim that I install every time I play the game, but I never released it because it has a few minor bugs that I personally know how to work around while I play (but could take me weeks of work to research and find fixes for), and the mod requires you to understand the concept of scroll enchanting which for me would require adding these instructions in some form (lore books, loading screen tips, etc). So in the case of this mod, it has 100% been a hobby, and as a result you don't get to play it. But the moment you decide to release a mod, it adds work to your hobby. You have to fix every bug, worry about compatibility with other mods, make sure people understand it, write descriptions, instructions, changelogs, and take screenshots and make videos to present it well on the mod website. On top of that, you're signing up to act as life-time customer support by responding to questions and getting requests for changes or fixes, and performing updates to the mod in case the game has an update which breaks your mod. (or people will complain and call you a bad mod creator). Just today I had a comment on a Garry's Mod map I made 7 years ago, claiming there was a bug. As a result, I had to install the game, launch it, and perform tests until I could determine there was no bug and that it was caused by another addon that the user had installed, and then write a response to the comment explaining why it wasn't a bug and what they could do to troubleshoot. If I had not done all this, other people would see the comment made by the user, and assume there was a bug and that the author no longer cared. As a final note, going back to the car hobby example: The moment you start dedicating your time to fixing someone else's car, it becomes work.
  9. Thank you, you're a lifesaver! Is there any wiki page with this kind of information, by the way? It was pretty hard to come by an answer while googling, so I'm just wondering if there's any page with similar useful stuff :)
  10. I have 2 different creatable objects for the settlement workshops. One is a piece of furniture, and the other is a door that should be snapped to the piece of furniture. How I want it to work: - Player places down the furniture, which should not be able to snap to anything. - Player then places the door, which should only be able to snap to the piece of furniture placed in the previous step, and nothing else. I've gotten the snap points to work, however they're snapping to more things than I want them to snap to. (here's an image of the setup in Nifskope: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9vzba4tlt5dpx0d/BSConnectPoints.png?dl=0) What I've tried so far: 1. I tried naming the snap point for the door P-Door-Dif and the point of the furniture to P-Door-Dif2. Result: The door snaps to the furniture, but the door also snaps to vanilla door frames, and other doors snap to the furniture, which shouldn't happen. 2. I tried giving the snap point a custom made up name, and used the same name for both the furniture and door. Result: The door snaps to the furniture, and nothing else. However, if you place a 2nd piece of the furniture, it will snap to the already placed piece, which it shouldn't. Any ideas how I can make this work?
  11. I'm about to reset my computer to factory condition (format hard drive), and I'm wondering where the creation kits stores all the mod's source files..? It would be a shame to miss something and then being unable to continue working on it later. Edit: I'm guessing I manually have to save all files in the Data/Scripts/Source folder, and I have given everything a specific prefix. But it still makes no sense to me that files from all mods are mixed together in there, rather than each mod having it's own folder.. Is there any way to check from within the creation kit exactly which files are being used by a mod?
  12. Solved! Here's what I did: I created a new perk called "xx_DummyXPDisabler" and a new global variable called "xx_DummyXPDisablerEnabled". The perk has a "modify skill use" multiplier of 0 with the condition that the global variable has a value of 1. When the player enters the workbench, I give them the perk and set the global to 1 to disable XP. Then when it's time to award XP, I'm simply doing this: xpDisableVar.SetValue(0) ;make the perk's condition fail float valMult = 1 + ((akBaseItem.GetGoldValue() as float) - 25)/300 ;calculate xp multiplier depending on gold value Game.AdvanceSkill(useSkill,xpGain*valMult) ;award XP (using variables and properties set earlier) xpDisableVar.SetValue(1) ;make the perk's condition apply againUsing the global variable is important. I tried using RemovePerk() and AddPerk() before and after awarding XP, but the game seems to take some time to update whether the player has the perk or not, so then it was possible to spam E and Y to craft items super fast to bypass the perk's effect. With the global variable controlling the perk's condition, spamming no longer bypassed it
  13. That's the weird part, the values of the items have been balanced. They're worth 25, 50, 100, 200, and 400 respectively depending on the level of the created item. even the 25g recipes jump enchantment level from 15 to 50 after one created item if I'm allowing the game to automatically award XP. Thanks for the tip! I'll look into that modify skill usage perk entry, if it multiplies awarded XP then maybe I can set it to 0 while the player is crafting! Edit: Hmm, that didn't work out well, multiplying skill use by 0 also disabled XP awarded manually with the AdvanceSkill() function. I figured maybe I could multiply it by 0.01 and manually award 100 times more XP to make up for it, but even at a 0.01 multiplier the auto awarded XP has too much impact. And somehow floats in the entry point has a 2 decimal limit, so can't set it to 0.0001
  14. Thank you, creating form lists was a great idea. I made 5 different lists, and added the recipes to those lists depending on how many extra items they should receive. And then it was as simple as looping through those lists and changing quantities depending on whether the player has the right perks. Thank you, but in my case that would take hours (or days) of extra work. I have 68 recipes that can gain between 1 and 5 extra quantity depending on 5 different perk ranks. So I would need hundreds of extra recipes for that. But 25 lines of code solved it and won't need to be edited further as I add more recipes :> The only Question left is the XP. Is there a way to set the "Use Skill" of the furniture without actually rewarding XP? I currently have it set to "None" and handling the XP myself when the items are added to the player's inventory (which works fine). The only problem with this is that there is no skill progress bar in the lower right corner while crafting. But by setting "Use Skill" to "Enchanting", the player gets around 10 levels when crafting items with only 1 quantity. So I really need to handle the XP myself, but still want to show the skill progress bar in the crafting menu.
  15. I already have both a maintenance script and a function to detect when the player receives an item while crafting, so I could use either of those. But there are different downsides to either method, and I'm not sure which is the best The pros of SetResultQuantity() is that it will (if I understand it correctly) show the quantity before you craft the item. Downsides is that I don't want the extra XP, plus that I would need to directly reference every recipe in the script. The pros of detecting new items in the player's inventory while crafting is that recipes don't need to be specifically referenced, so it's more versatile and less work when adding new recipes. The downside is that it doesn't show extra quantities beforehand. This is the method I'm leaning towards, but the biggest problem is that different recipes should give different amount of items (between 1 to 5 extra). These recipes all have one certain ingredient in common depending on how many extra items they should produce, so if I can just check the ingredients used I can give the correct amount of items. But I don't know how I can reference the recipe used (without creating properties) to create the item when just detecting an item appearing in the inventory. (Edit: I'm too sceptical about using the potentially crashing option)
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