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Everything posted by BeardyDan

  1. It's kinda hard to describe. Similar to the Nirnroot sound but louder, it lasts about 2sec each time the power is toggled on/off.
  2. Simple request, could someone please tell me how to remove the sound effect for the Kajiit NV, it's really annoying.
  3. Ratmen please! Skills: 10 Sneek 5 Light Armour 5 One Handed 5 Alchemy 5 Lockpick 5 Pickpocket Raicals: 50% Disease Resist. & something else :tongue:
  4. Lizard/cat werewolves seems a bit odd to me. It would be nice if the disease affected each character differently based on their race: Argonian - Werecrocodile Khajiit - Werelion Orcs - Wereboar (they do look a little pig-like) "All" this would need is a change of visuals no need to mess with the stats.
  5. I clicked [Add your own images] selected the Jpeg, gave it a name & clicked [submit]. Got this message: But the images do not appear under the from users tab at all. The [Manage Images] for the mod leads to this error: The contact form listed there is http://www.newvegasnexus.com/contact.php Do you have to be a premium/supporter for this, as uploading a user image to a mod isn't listed as a feature of those?
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