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Everything posted by skyblivion93

  1. Thanks for the help, I imagine this being easier when the CK is released. I don't know what I'm specifically looking for in FO4EDIT to change the ammo drops. Also, do you know anything about porting static meshes? Any tutorials? I'm trying to port a mesh correctly. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/3701710-help-with-porting-a-new-static-mesh-into-fallout-4/
  2. I don't know if the community has an opinion on this or not. But I've always thought it was strange that when you destroy a turret, it only has a total of 5 bullets. Seems a but unrealistic to me, especially when some of them claim to have 1000 round of 5.56 ammo. My mod request is to simply make turrets drop more bullets when they're destroyed, a minimum of 20 bullets dropped with a maximum of 50. I think this is more realistic, let me know what you think of this idea and if it's at all possible. Thanks
  3. Hello, I'm not sure if this is the correct section. But anyway I'll continue. I'm the author of the high res pre-war money retexture and I'd like to replace the pre-war money mesh with a new one. The main problem I have with the original mesh is that there is no back of the stack, it just mirrors the front of the stack. I found a new suitable model and did a basic port with 3DS MAX, I followed a similar procedure to Skyrim. I've had some success, the mesh is ported, but it appears to be shiny and has no physics. What I mean by no physics is that you can drop the item from your inventory and it floats mid air, you also can't pick up the item is it's in the environment. I'd like someone here to properly port the mesh and fix the shininess issue, I've included a 3DS MAX file that has the new mesh modified and positioned over the old one (just as an import) and nothing else done to it. So it should serve as a good base for a port. If needed, I can provide the original nif file for pre-war money. Also, if anyone can provide a tutorial for porting just static meshes, it would be appreciated. I haven't found much through Google. A link to the 3DS file and meshes/textures http://www.mediafire.com/download/kldui9edzquga1v/Fallout_4_pre-war_money.zip Here is a picture of the ported mesh with the shininess problem http://i.imgur.com/b8kYyEX.jpg Here is a link to the new 3D model I'm using http://tf3dm.com/3d-model/stacks-of-money-52211.html In the comments he gives permission for the model to be used.
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