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  1. In response to post #64688601. #64795346, #64796276, #64917726 are all replies on the same post. I've gone back and forth between Vortex and NMM. Fiddling with Fallout NV. Anyway I am using 65.10 NMM right now and the MOD Manager download button still works for NMM.
  2. http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_endings Playing Fallout 3 and F4 nothing you do really matters. Do this then this happens, all through the game. I am playing with Vanessa now and I have made multiple trips to Black Mountain to get her guitar, nearly every journey is different. Sometimes the mutant walks up the road and acts like a guard, sometimes he runs like a streak and disappears up there somewhere. Depends on what you say I guess. Usually Tabitha is on the warpath but once she was all nice too meet you to me. The list of subtle and not so subtle endgame outcomes is staggering compared to the other games. Played Fallout but it was so long ago I have forgotten what happens.
  3. Made post earlier about the problems I had getting Vortex to work right on a couple of mods. Anyway I did a complete wipe of FNV and NMM and started over. This time everything just worked, not a single problem so far. Running smooth as silk now. Thought I had everything cleaned before the first time but I guess not.
  4. Had to uninstall Vortex. House on the Hill mod kept throwing errors, Robert's body mod was a garbled mess. Went through every possible tweak and load order adjustment I could. According to Vortex everything was right, did all the overrides, all checks were green. Just didn't work. W10Pro, GTX 1080, 4790K. Using NMM never had a problem, no crashes, no corruption, everthing just worked. Fooled me twice now, never again.
  5. Tried Vortex when it first came out and wasn't impressed enough to keep it. Tried it again on a fresh install of FNV when it was released a few days ago, and so far everything seems to be working fine. Used LOOT and FNVedit to clean the DLC and FNVedit to clean any bad edits in my mods. I run about 30. So far it runs perfect. The real test comes when I get to Novac, I edited the Novac motel room mod, changed the esp to 1.47, and I have had freezes when opening the motel room door after doing that. When I get FNV running right I can run for hours with no problems. 4790K and GTX 1080 on a Dell gsync. Really like the fact I can set mod priorities with Vortex. Edit: just played three hours, got to Novac, rented the room, no problems. Next step, see if I can add a mod to a running game without losing stability.
  6. Anyone know what happened to the TTW site. I just use it to get info on the Sheson Memory Patch, found another link to the patch info but thought some might still be using TTW. I just get an error trying to get to TTW.
  7. Your save list at the beginning of the game on the options page, click on load and your saves will show giving you the option to load any of them. Don't click on them just mouse over the save, example save 15. A small screen shot of what was going on at the time of the save will show. If you don't have any manual saves then you be boned. Auto saves only show the last moment of your game. Reread your original post and it looks like you do have some manual saves.
  8. Mouse over the save in your save list. It will show a screen shot. The screen shot is kind of small though.
  9. Hopefully the OP understands that I was just comparing the Fallout games. And the differing things I have ran into. I don't give a FF about lodgen. Doesn't work for me on FNV and that is all there is to it. Don't have a problem with it on any other Fallout game. And I just finished a five hour session without any breaks or problems. Somehow I have figured out FNV all by myself. The OP stated he didn't have the Sheson patch installed and I stated that it was final tweak that made my game completely stable. Simple enough. Whether it works for him is unknown. One other thing, disable all autosaves, just use manual saves.
  10. There is no one size fits all answer for FNV. It has always had more problems for me than any of the Fallout games. F4, 1200 hrs, never fewer than 100 mods, not one crash. F3, 95 mods, did everything except the DLC, but couldn't run any FOSE mods except for the stutter remover. Everytime I tried another FOSE mod bad things happened. Once I had it stable not one crash.
  11. I use that NVSR.ini tweak and it doesn't cause me to crash. I use all the ini tweaks for the mods I use and the Sheson tweak is the one that fixes my crash. This is irrelevant but I can't run FNVLODGEN at all. Mountains around Goodsprings turn black or blue if I use it and the water tank disappears. You're results may vary is the mantra for FNV. Apparently editing posts in the FNV forums also.
  12. The Sheson Memory Patch is the major stability patch for me. I run YUP and UPP , New Vegas Stutter Remover, JIP LN NVSE Plugin, NVAC, but if I don't have the Sheson patch loaded I crash, freeze, whatever going through doors, entering or leaving a house for example. I can run the game for hours with these stability mods, as in never crash, freeze, at all. 4790K and GTX 1080, W10 Pro on a ssd. I only run 23 mods, OJO Bueno being one of them. Afraid to try POCO.
  13. @ HULKHOD3N. What kind of monitor are you using? Any patch mods, Unofficial F4 patch? I have never had any sort of glitch other than a couple of quests spazzing out.
  14. https://www.techradar.com/news/xbox-one-may-2018-update-adds-120hz-support-for-silky-smooth-gaming They even added high refresh rate capability to the xbox. You people realize that you can't run F4 at high refresh rates unless you monitor is capable to do so I hope. I know what Oblivion did if you let your framerates to go above your monitors refresh rate. Haven't tried above 142 so I am not sure what happens. Probably stuff flies around. Only place I hit 142 is HomePlate.
  15. So I exaggerated. I do see over 1200 on load screens. You are wrong about the framerate cap. I read articles with quotes from developers about the unlimited framerates. That is why I sprang for a GSYNC monitor. I have a Dell 2560 by 1600 IPS monitor that I replaced with the 2560 by 1440 GSYNC AVS? monitor with no regrets. 4790K, 1080 GTX, 16GB 2666 ram. With no frame cap I get 200 fps in HomePlate, but walking and running speed is a lot faster. Outside I get anywhere from 70 to 100, walking speed is about the same. With a 142 frame cap walking speeds are unaffected. Running with about 40 texture mods with 4K when available, and all the Keke-Bu mods. Not sure about the res on the KB mods. Sorry if AMD can't do this. I'm done with this now.
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