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About Draconis999

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  1. Running LOOT 23.1 and still getting this problem.
  2. Dennis, you sir are a freakin' legend! that SSME patch fixed a similar problem I had. My problem was none of my *game saves* would load so was relying solely on quick n' auto saves... Then... even *they* would end up in an endless load screen. Patch fixed it all. Cheers mate! :thumbsup:
  3. Nope, still telling me my mods aren't there, even tho' they are... and that still doesn't explain the crashes when trying to create a new character. =/
  4. Can you roll back to 1.4? I can't even create a new character, as i get a CTD as soon as I hit the new button!
  5. Getting a similar problem, but mine is a message telling me... This save relies on content that is no longer present (it was). Some objects may no longer be available. Continue loading y/n? This is followed by the following list of mods Conceal armour.esm, Homemaker.esm, Settlement Keywords.esm,Armour Keywords.esm and Scrap everything.esp! Now it's been doing this since the auto steam update a few days ago... all those mods were present. When I loaded the save, it crashes to the desktop. I updated all the above mods, same result... I deleted all the above, same end result too. Is there a way to recover those saves, as that was an 80th level character, with some awesome settlement builds =(
  6. Recently unplugged all my esp's in NMM to find out which one was causing a ctd problem... Now my problem is trying to figure out which one is for which mod, as, pretty much everyone of em' has a name that seems to have nothing to do with the mod it's from! Is there a (simple) way to find out?
  7. Narrowed the problem down to her being in Jorrvaskr, so I deleted the mod. Problem is, even tho the mod is no longer installed, it still crashes when I enter whiterun. I'm guessing it left behind some "dags", what I want to know is how to find and eliminate said "dags"... Is there a way to find the problem using TES5Edit to find the problem (it's not actually reporting any errors, tho)? Any help is good help! =)
  8. Heh, well, so much for that then. Thanks for the honest replies, guys! =)
  9. Apparently "this" is what it's "supposed" to look like... http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/images/4554-1-1327480481.png
  10. Hi people, I downloaded it using NMM, installed it, clicked the exe. and the first screen I get is one that looks like NMM, titled "Plugin Settings"... There doesn't seem to be any options for "editing"... It's probably something simple, but what am I doing wrong? Appologies if this is in the wrong section, too.
  11. I'm having a few problem with some followers I've added... For some reason, they seem to want to change to a "generic" looking face! http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978129218/screenshots/?appid=0&sort=newestfirst&browsefilter=myfiles&view=imagewall&privacy=8 Is there a (easy) remedy to this, cos' they look 'orrible now! Also, having some problems with dismissing some of my followers in the "Luxury Suite"... The dialogue says they leave, but when you ask them to follow you, they still *are* so they can't rejoin you. Does that make sense? Typing this out 10 minutes before I have to leave for work, so I hope it did... Any help is good help, cheers in advance
  12. Is it at all possible to install New Vegas from the disk to another drive, rather than the Steam folder? My primary drive is a 60gig SSD, which I made the mistake of installing Steam on, which is now about 3/4 full of Fallout goty and a butt load of mods (thanks to all you talented people out there). Is it at all possible to just lift the steam folder to another drive? HELP (plz) :confused:
  13. And by run, I mean move faster than a walk... She isn't overloaded or anything like that. The caps lock, and left shift keys no longer seem to function. I've remapped them both, and they still have no effect. The "z" pick up key no longer functions, either. I've removed the last four mods that I installed prior to noticing the problem, but that had no effect. Any help remedying these hiccups would be greatly appreciated !
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