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About jtull1127

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  1. Hey Thank you for the reply, elseif worked a lot better and you are probably right about splitting it into different chests I'll see if I can do it in a way that isn't clunky Thanks again
  2. Hello nexus I've been working on a salvage/breakdown item script based on item type and keywords for a mod I am making and I have the first half of it done and working. however because most misc items lack keywords I used form lists to sort them, the problem is my script it just a bunch of if statements and while it works it is kind of slow and laggy and I am worried since I still have to add the weapon and armor breakdown section using keywords. if there is someone with some knowledge of papyrus that could take a look at my script give me any advice on how to improve it I would greatly appreciate it Scriptname sh_recycler_script extends ObjectReference Formlist Property Woodlist Auto Formlist Property Glasslist Auto Formlist Property Strawlist Auto Formlist Property Steellist Auto Formlist Property Paperlist Auto Formlist Property Silverlist Auto Formlist Property Ironlist Auto Formlist Property Goldlist Auto Formlist Property Hidelist Auto Formlist Property Bonelist Auto Formlist Property Claylist Auto Formlist Property Featherlist Auto Formlist Property Dwarvenlist Auto ObjectReference property OutputChest auto Keyword property VendorItemClothing auto MiscObject Property Cloth auto MiscObject Property paper auto MiscObject Property Glass auto MiscObject Property Wood auto MiscObject Property Straw auto MiscObject Property Hide auto MiscObject Property Clay auto ingredient property bone Auto ingredient property Feathers Auto MiscObject Property Steelp auto MiscObject Property Ironp auto MiscObject Property Goldp auto MiscObject Property Silvep auto MiscObject Property Dwarvenp auto Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) int MyType = (akBaseItem).GetType() If akBaseItem.HasKeyword (VendorItemClothing) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (cloth, aiItemcount) endif If Mytype ==27 self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Paper, aiItemcount) endif If Mytype ==23 self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Paper, aiItemcount) endif if Glasslist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Glass, aiItemcount) endif if Woodlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Wood, aiItemcount) endif if Strawlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Straw, aiItemcount) endif if Steellist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Steelp, aiItemcount) endif if Paperlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Paper, aiItemcount) endif if Silverlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Silvep, aiItemcount) endif if Ironlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Ironp, aiItemcount) endif if Goldlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Goldp, 3 * aiItemcount) endif if Hidelist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Hide, aiItemcount) endif if Bonelist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Bone, aiItemcount) endif if Featherlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Feathers, aiItemcount) endif if Claylist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Clay, aiItemcount) endif if Dwarvenlist.HasForm(akBaseItem) self.RemoveItem(akBaseItem, aiItemCount, true) OutputChest.additem (Dwarvenp, aiItemcount) endif endevent
  3. Not sure how to delete a topic but problem is fixed skse was not installed properly
  4. Thanks greyday01 and scorrp for the reply, I was hoping to avoid a fourmlist full of potions so it would be more compatible with modded potions
  5. Hey I was wondering does anyone know of a way of detecting whether a potion placed in a specific chest is made by a player or not I am working on a auto potion crafter but its doesn't work for player made potions so I wanted to just stop them from being inputed to saves any bugs or stuff Thanks for any input
  6. The problem is If akBaseItem==gold001 lines doesn't proc for gold coins also i am not sure what the top int part of the script if for or how's it suppose to activate anyway here is a version I got working I tested it a little but if theres any bugs hit me with a reply and I'll try to fix, also if you wanted to do a rewrite I would move the enable/disabling to onclose and leave the on_add/remove items for just the value you also have to set Miscobject Property goldcoin auto as gold001 ObjectReference property Vaultloot01 auto ObjectReference property Vaultloot02 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot03 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot04 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot05 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot06 autoObjectReference property VaultLoot07 autoObjectReference property VaultLoot08 autoObjectReference property VaultLoot09 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot10 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot11 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot12 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot13 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot14 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot15 autoObjectReference property Vaultloot16 autoMiscobject Property goldcoin autoObjectReference property GoldVault auto Form gold001 int value = 0 int Function ValueChange(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount){Returns the value change from moving [aiItemCount] of [akBaseItem]}If akBaseItem== gold001return aiItemCountEndIfEndFunction Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) if (akBaseItem as miscobject) == goldcoin value += aiItemCount if (value >= 1000) Vaultloot01.enable() elseif (value <= 999) Vaultloot01.disable() endif if (value >= 5000) Vaultloot02.enable() elseif (value <= 4999) Vaultloot02.disable() endif if (value >= 10000) Vaultloot03.enable() elseif (value <= 9999) Vaultloot03.disable() endif if (value >= 25000) Vaultloot04.enable() elseif (value <= 24999) Vaultloot04.disable() endif if (value >= 50000) Vaultloot05.enable() elseif (value <= 49999) Vaultloot05.disable() endif if (value >= 100000) Vaultloot06.enable() elseif (value <= 99999) Vaultloot06.disable() endif if (value >= 200000) VaultLoot07.enable() elseif (value <= 199999) VaultLoot07.disable() endif if (value >= 300000) VaultLoot08.enable() elseif (value <= 299999) VaultLoot08.disable() endif if (value >= 400000) VaultLoot09.enable() elseif (value <= 399999) VaultLoot09.disable() endif if (value >= 500000) Vaultloot10.enable() elseif (value <= 499999) Vaultloot10.disable() endif if (value >= 650000) Vaultloot11.enable() elseif (value <= 649999) Vaultloot11.disable() endif if (value >= 850000) Vaultloot12.enable() elseif (value <= 749999) Vaultloot12.disable() endif if (value >= 1000000) Vaultloot13.enable() elseif (value <= 999999) Vaultloot13.disable() endif if (value >= 1250000) Vaultloot14.enable() elseif (value <= 1249999) Vaultloot14.disable() endif if (value >= 1500000) Vaultloot15.enable() elseif (value <= 1499999) Vaultloot15.disable() endif if (value >= 2000000) Vaultloot16.enable() elseif (value <= 1999999) Vaultloot16.disable() endif endif Endevent Event OnItemRemoved(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akDestContainer) if (akBaseItem as miscobject) == goldcoin value -= aiItemCount if (value >= 1000) Vaultloot01.enable() elseif (value <= 999) Vaultloot01.disable() endif if (value >= 5000) Vaultloot02.enable() elseif (value <= 4999) Vaultloot02.disable() endif if (value >= 10000) Vaultloot03.enable() elseif (value <= 9999) Vaultloot03.disable() endif if (value >= 25000) Vaultloot04.enable() elseif (value <= 24999) Vaultloot04.disable() endif if (value >= 50000) Vaultloot05.enable() elseif (value <= 49999) Vaultloot05.disable() endif if (value >= 100000) Vaultloot06.enable() elseif (value <= 99999) Vaultloot06.disable() endif if (value >= 200000) VaultLoot07.enable() elseif (value <= 199999) VaultLoot07.disable() endif if (value >= 300000) VaultLoot08.enable() elseif (value <= 299999) VaultLoot08.disable() endif if (value >= 400000) VaultLoot09.enable() elseif (value <= 399999) VaultLoot09.disable() endif if (value >= 500000) Vaultloot10.enable() elseif (value <= 499999) Vaultloot10.disable() endif if (value >= 650000) Vaultloot11.enable() elseif (value <= 649999) Vaultloot11.disable() endif if (value >= 850000) Vaultloot12.enable() elseif (value <= 749999) Vaultloot12.disable() endif if (value >= 1000000) Vaultloot13.enable() elseif (value <= 999999) Vaultloot13.disable() endif if (value >= 1250000) Vaultloot14.enable() elseif (value <= 1249999) Vaultloot14.disable() endif if (value >= 1500000) Vaultloot15.enable() elseif (value <= 1499999) Vaultloot15.disable() endif if (value >= 2000000) Vaultloot16.enable() elseif (value <= 1999999) Vaultloot16.disable() endif endifEndevent
  7. I'll tested out the script with some debug notification and its not tracking the gold, gold value stays at 0 and thats why it not working. ill try to find out why and msg a fixed script in a bit
  8. Hey I am working on a vampire lord follower mod and I want them to have the ability to turn the player into a vampire like serana but I cant seem to get it to work I tried looking in her dialogue but the script is only one line "VampTurn.ReceiveSeranasGift(akSpeaker)" and I cant seem to get it work in my custom dialogue any help would be greatly appreciated Edit: I was able to get it working in case anyone looking this up has the same problem I went to my custom dialogue and put a ; key into the script section and compiled, I then went to the script file in my data and copied seranas dialogue script source into it and compiled again
  9. Hey I am working on a Spell Book mod that uses scrolls as a somewhat ammo source to cast spells and I cant seem to find anyway of setting the currently equipped scroll in a script. I am trying to detect what scroll an actor has equipped then cast it but I cant find anytype of getequipedScroll command. And get EquippedSpell does not work with scrolls does anyone know a way of detecting this Thank you
  10. Scriptname AddYOURSPELL extends ObjectReference {OnEquip Adds YOURSPELL} Spell Property YOURSPELL auto Spell Property YOURSPELL2 auto Spell Property YOURSPELL3 auto Spell Property YOURSPELL4 auto Spell Property YOURSPELL5 auto Event OnEquipped(Actor akActor) If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(YOURSPELL, abVerbose = false) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(YOURSPELL2, abVerbose = false) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(YOURSPELL3, abVerbose = false) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(YOURSPELL4, abVerbose = false) Game.GetPlayer().AddSpell(YOURSPELL5, abVerbose = false) EndIf EndEvent Event OnUnequipped(Actor akActor) If (akActor == Game.GetPlayer()) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(YOURSPELL) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(YOURSPELL2) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(YOURSPELL3) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(YOURSPELL4) Game.GetPlayer().RemoveSpell(YOURSPELL5) EndIf EndEvent there now it can give up to 5 and if you just keep copying the lines you can go on for as many spells as you want
  11. The quest sounds like a fun idea I hope it gets made
  12. I remember I had a similar problem in fallout new Vegas I wanted to replace a large amount of static with activators found a few ways of doing it there a search and replace function that could do it. or for a work around add a perk that adds a activation entry to all the static items you wanted
  13. Hey I am having the same problem what was your fix if you dont mind
  14. I would love the old perk system back great idea
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