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  1. Thanks everyone that replied. I will check the various mods out. I have played with the vanilla races / graphics for years because I had an old machine, but now I have a new machine I want to crank up the graphics as high as possible and mods like these definably help in that regard. Thanks Again, Mike
  2. @WarRatsG If thats the Synx race then it has been heavily edited in the face generator or using a different mesh because every Synx character I've seen has a different skin texture then that and the face is more narrow then the character in that screenshot. @Everyone Anyone know what combination of mods is used in this screenshot? (not the character but the room itself) http://shy.jsphr.net/upload/img/ups29452.jpg The quality is higher then I have seen before and I have every setting for my game set to ultra high and have various HD texture packs like Qarls Texture Pack yet my graphics are not that high def. Also interested in the window mod which displays the world outside of the room. The only mod that talks about this is the Windows to the world mod ( http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9778 ) however I am not sure that mod is capable of showing land outside of a window or just areas of a cityscape. If anyone has it and can confirm that it does work like in the above screenshot then I will try it out. Thx, Mike
  3. Seen these characters around on a few sites but never found out what texture pack / race they are from. If anyone knows that would be great. http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/8901/screenshotawl.png http://img685.imageshack.us/img685/6189/screenshotxk.png Thanks, Mike
  4. On the functionality side of things I would recommend: - Converting the hover menus to use CSS only. This will help fix some of the layering issues that have been exhibited by some users and will make the load times faster on portable devices since CSS effects load much faster then their JavaScript equivalents. If you like, I have a few working examples that are very easy to follow and would be glad to share them with you. On the aesthetics side of things here are a few more suggestions: 1. Remove the upper pagination bar from the main page. The placement of this bar is confusing and I actually thought it went with the featured content slider which is above this bar. You already have a pagination bar at the bottom of the page which is where most people would expect to find such an item, so this one is not necessary anyway. http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/3628/screenshotpfi.png 2. Relocate the description area for the content slider. If you look at the image below you can easily see that if the description for this item were much longer it would cover up the text for the image that is behind it which would make viewing the text for the background image difficult. If you relocate the area so that it sits in a DIV which is on the bottom of the image you will run less risk of this happening. You could also resize the background image so it does not overlap with the description box and keep the layout the same but the effect does not look very well. If you would like to see a good example of what I suggest then you can take a look at the content slider on gamespot.com http://img837.imageshack.us/img837/1944/screenshotrt.png 3. Others have already stated this, but the color scheme does need some work. It can be difficult to see white text on a bright background and for people like myself who suffer from chronic migraines, it can also be a health concern which will limit the time I can spend on the site so it's worth considering. As I said above I could not spend much time looking over the site because of the color scheme but these are the things I noticed that really should reconsidered and thanks for taking the time to read this post. Mike.
  5. I was actually on that page when I posted this but did not really notice the BASE DAMAGE formula which is what I was looking for until just now. I guess 2 cups of coffee is not enough to wake me up today :/ Thx, Obmike.
  6. I need some assistance understanding how the damage formula works as it pertains to weapons. I downloaded a weapon mod last nite and looked at it in the Construction Set and it's damage was set to something like 32, but in-game the damage is shown to only be around 16 which is approx half of what it shows in the Construction Set so my question is how does the weapon damage formula work to come up with these numbers ? So I do not sound like a total noob, I realize it has something to do with the player level and the skill level you have for that weapon type, but that really doesn't help much in determining the damage unless you know how the formula works which I do not and hope someone here might be able to assist me in this area. If it helps, these are the stats for the player I am currently using: Level 13 Blade: 41 Thanks, Obmike
  7. In Dark0ne's defense, I have to say that managing multiple themes for one website is a PITA to do from a web designer / coders standpoint. You have to do everything twice (or more depending on how many themes you have) You have to make sure each theme works in all the major browsers being used out there (not a simply task in itself) You have to create separate image files for each theme. I do not know if the new website is based off the same code the current version is running from (ie. the Nexus Engine) but if it's not then you would also have the added disadvantage of maintaining two separate backend systems to make sure each theme contains the same information. There are probably more reasons why Dark0ne chose to trash the current theme (sloppy code maybe :P) but I would probably do the same thing if I were in their shoes. That being said, I think you might want to consider some of the suggestions pointed out in this topic and postpone the opening of the new site until you have all the issues ironed out, but that's just me. Obmike.
  8. Aha so you want the preview images to be on the right side of the file description! I get it now http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/laugh.gif Good thinking! http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif Maybe it's an issue with the browser cache? I have no idea really, I don't know how this stuff works... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/unsure.gif Not a cache issue, I never had Chrome on my machine until I just now downloaded it for this test. I wanted to make sure it was not just a firefox issue. Anyway, I don't think it will be a tough fix since the code is there, just need to do a small amount of bug hunting around the lines of code that are supposed to display those images. It could be something as simple as a missing html tag or a missing semicolon in the style sheet. Obmike
  9. @xxXEvandarXxx Thats odd. I just downloaded the latest version of Google Chrome and the there are no preview images using that browser as well. I can see from your screenshot they should be there and I check the source of the page with FireBug and the code for the image is there but the image is not. Again I tested in Frefox with and without any sort of addons enabled in and with the latest version of Google Chrome, same result. <div class="file-image"> </div>
  10. I use Firefox 5 and I can see preview images. Maybe you're running some add-on that blocks them? You cannot see preview images where that posted image says 'previews'. Another case of bad design. What that page is showing is the category list for 'Armour'. The 'Preview' link is actually a hypertext link that brings up a window with the 'Full Description' of the mod. Very confusing, to say the least. I agree, I would like to see something like this. Notice the "Full Description" Link. You could use that to expand the DIV vertically which allows you to see the rest of the description without leaving the page. Clicking on the image would use the lightbox effect that you currently have on the page but instead of opening the full description it just shows the full size of the preview image. Just a thought. http://img842.imageshack.us/img842/9738/screenshotovz.png
  11. I use Firefox 5 and I can see preview images. Maybe you're running some add-on that blocks them? Just ran FireFox in safe mode (meaning no mods activated and default theme) and still does not show preview images for me where I pointed them out in the screenshot. Maybe it's not supposed to, but after you saying you can see them, I don't know.
  12. These two screenshots should tell the tale.. New site in FireFox 5 http://img691.imageshack.us/img691/6899/screenshotnkq.png New site In IE 7 http://img99.imageshack.us/img99/6870/screenshotkz.png
  13. After getting the ok from LHammonds I guess I can share the method I used to bypass the word restrictions on the forum so others can benefit form it as well. If you encounter a word that is restricted to you simply add a + sign in front of the word and the forum will no longer restrict it. Example: color (restricted) +color (not restricted) it's that easy and hope it helps others who might have the same issue I was having. Mike
  14. Ok. I found a workaround that will allow me to search for the words that were otherwise restricted to me, but I first want to make sure this is not a feature the admins put into place for a reason or if it's a bug. If it is a feature then I will not divulge the workaround, if it's a bug I will in case others have the same problem I did. Will wait for a admin to respond to see if it's ok to post or not. Mike.
  15. @BlackRampage I am aware of the flood protect feature however this is not the issue as it was the first term I searched for after logging in. @tortured Tomato The link you posted does show up with the highlighting which makes me even more confused. It appears that some people can search for the term but others cannot and linking to the search term as you did above seems to work so I am not sure if this is a bug in the InvisionBoard software itself (maybe a conflict with a forum mod or something) or if the admins have indeed restricted certain words from being searched by some members, but not others (seems odd but who knows) Any admins out there want to confirm ? I added a screenshot to show that I am not going crazy. Mike.
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