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Everything posted by Arkitus

  1. Just chilling.
  2. So i've been taking the time to re-texture some of the items in game, such as weapons and armors. But i am having a problem with some of them. First i re-textured the shivering isles armors and weapons, this posed no problem and worked like it was supposed to, seeing how i put them in the folders like i was told. Example below: Data>Textures>Weapons>Madness> and then all the weapons in here for the madness set. All of them came out fine. Now i tried to do the same thing, with the original part of the game. But when i did, the textures didn't work, i re-checked the directional path that the BSA file had them as, and did the same as i did for the shivering isles items, but with the correct path. Data>Textures>Weapons> Files went here. But when i did this, like i said it didn't work. For instance the ebony sword, i changed the texture on it and it's still the same. So would someone mind providing me some assistance?
  3. Go to sleep, you'll be attacked by ghosts, then you can go to the Imperial City and get Velwyn to come back. Anything I say after this point in the quest might spoil it for you! If you go to sleep in the manor, things will progress as normal. Thanks so much for this response, i had been so pre occupied with the new character i made, and how smexi he is that i didn't give that much thought. Plus the pilgrimage quest had me laughing my pants off because of the women robbing the men the way they did, kinda reminded me of some of my ex's lol.
  4. Alright I've got a simple question here and i hope it can be answered. I bought the house in anvil, that seems to have a seal or whatever in the basement, all the chairs and crap in it are knocked over and such, is there some method to fix all this, and make it look lived in? Oh and how to i get that seal to open and where does it lead? For those who do take the time to answer these questions, i appreciate it.
  5. Nevermind, figured it out.
  6. Tried to get 3DSMax and well i won't go there on that topic, but also tried something called 3max or something, and that screwed up to. But blender is a good editing program? As for gimp i could never get the hang of it or photoshop but i will download it and give it another shot. Mainly all i need is something to edit the actual models.
  7. Good evening modders, while at this time i am attempting to get 3dsmax i'd like to request a few mods, and trust me i have looked and seen nothing to fit the taste or requirements. Note: Let me state, that at the moment i can't use mods that require obse. So, as long as the mods don't involve that, i should be fine. I noticed i couldn't have that when some peoples bows i had downloaded were showing up without their textures, they were all black and transparent. -_-" So i am limited as to what i can use unfortunately, seeing how i waste $25 on D2D. But let me get on with the requests. First Request: I'd like to have a ranger armor like the one i had in aion, i loved the armor and worked like hell to make it on aion, i'm hoping it can be used here as well, i am sure other people would like the armor if it's made as well, it's a sleek, and neat looking design. For those who have played aion, it's none other then the wise dragon kings leather set. I've added a image below for the mods to take a look at. http://i940.photobucket.com/albums/ad241/MetalHeadx1989/WDKA.png Second Request: I'd like a version of Jojjo's Drake Armor, but i would like it to be Black with Red trim, i can't figure out how to change colors correctly on the .dds files since all i have is paint.net and that gives limited options lol. I'd like to thank those who do participate in this and work to get it done, if indeed it get's worked on. I'm searching around and trying to learn to make mods for oblivion as well, it's not as easy as it was to do on gta sa or 18 wos i can tell you that lol.
  8. I've tried looking for mods, but know what urks me? All the endorsements in the mod section, there should be a separate section for the endorsements, because in the end their cluttering up the actual mod thread, and like hell i am searching 3000 pages to find mods, when for 4-5 all i see is 1 mod and 15 endorsements. I'm a nut on clean and organized sites, and that is not organized.
  9. Yes i know i won't get a refund. So i waste $25, which means i won't be able to get another version anytime soon. Makes me want to rip out d2d's jugulars.
  10. I've bought the game from D2D Direct 2 Drive, or Direct 2 Buy, idk what the heck it's called. It's the Game Of The Year Edition Deluxe. But when i tried to install OBSE this is the error i got, and mind you i don't know what version oblivion is on, but people said after shivering isles i wouldn't have to patch it, and i even tried to find the patch to make sure, but all links including the ones on this site, end up dead. So that was no help at all. But here is the error i am getting. "You have an unknown version of Oblivion. Please check http://obse.silverlock.org to make sure you're using the latest version of obse, then send a email to the contact addresses listed in the obse readme, if this version is not supported in the latest release. (CRC = 4156B428). Keep in mind i have the latest version of obse, 2.0 or 20 or something like that.
  11. Been looking all over the place for a sword and armor set that match what i'd like to have in oblivion, i used to mod for gta sa and 18 wos, but i can't seem to figure it out on here, altho i would love to get into it, so i can make nice things. But let me get on with the request shall i? I'd like to see a armor, like the drake armor that Jojjo made, but i'd like to see it black with red trim. I'd also like to see a long sword like this to match it http://quizilla.teennick.com/user_images/L/LA/LAD/LadySerity/1132691794_zlongsword.jpg and a shield like this to match http://www.toledosword.com/im/King_Arthur_Round_Table_Templar_Knight_Shield_s.jpg
  12. Arkitus

    Hello Nexus.

    Good evening to the Nexus members. I'm a newbie here, but i have been a gamer for a long time. I'm going to be getting TES4 Oblivion once again this coming week, due to getting the old disc back from a friend and it looking like a rat chewed on it, so i have to purchase a new disc. But i am here to see what kind of mods the game has out now, and to see how to install said mods. :) So i do believe i will be sticking around for a while. ~Jason.
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