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  1. I don't know about you guys, but I think the whole "go help/establish settlement X" -system could have been designed a bit better. Especially for Survival mode, where fast travel is disabled. It's a bit frustrating to get a quest from Preston to go help a settlement all the way on the other side of the map, even with mods that make him give out those quests a lot less. It's also quite confusing why a settlement gives you a quest to help a settlement, or establish a settlement, all the way, again, on the other side of the map. Add to that the radiant quests that make no sense; settlers asking for the protagonist to take care of a group of bad guys miles and miles away because they're "disrupting trading" or some such, when there's plenty of other threats much closer to home. For me, it would make much more sense, and feel a lot nicer, if the Minutemen spread out from Sanctuary a bit more linearly, as their influence grows, and settlements and denizens of the Commonwealth become more aware of their presence. So, here are the outlines of an idea for a mod that I had... Commonwealth citizens actually physically approach the Sole Survivor (or Preston, if he's in the settlement), instead of "sending word" to Preston via ambiguous means What this would mean, is that when you arrive in a settlement, or spend time in one, there would be a "random encounter" that could proc, much like attacks, where a person (or several) would approach the settlement and start hanging around in it, approaching you if you get close enough to them. If they'd spot Preston, they could go to him instead of the protagonist, at least in the beginning, as it would be more fitting that he's a bit more well known at that point. Said citizen(s) would then either speak to Preston, thus activating the "I've gotten word from a settlement" -mode (more on that later) for him, or speak to you directly, at which point you could agree to help them, or not. Applicable affinity modifiers, of course. The chance for this random encounter could depend on how recently you've gotten such requests, as well as the settlements themselves - some settlements would be in more dire need than others. The citizens wouldn't travel across half the map to ask for help Basically, while word of the Minutemen would definitely reach all corners of the map via Travis and DC Radio, the people in need couldn't just trek miles and miles to try and find the Sole Survivor. Rather, they'd come from the settlements closest to the one you're in currently. If said settlements would be empty to begin with, there could be a wandering NPC or a family who would have been on the road and would have been looking for a place to settle down in, and would have their sights set on an empty settlement, and they would then beseech the protagonist to help them liberate, and set up shop in said settlement. The point here is, though, that if you'd gotten to, say, Sunshine Tidings, you wouldn't then get a quest to go help Nordhagen Beach or Murkwater Construction Site or something like that, but rather the progression would be more linear. Or, you could, of course, decide to get those (not-so-linear) settlements yourself, before such quests appear. Preston would approach you with the information he'd gotten, but give you the option to decline instead of automatically sending you on a quest When Preston would be in the "word from a settlement" -mode, you would be given a few different options, instead of having to automatically take the quest; 1. Piss off Preston. No time to help anyone right now. A straight up decline of the quest. The quest (to liberate a settlement) would then go on a cooldown or back into rotation, but it'd be available later for sure. This would be a huge affinity hit with Preston, dependent on in how dire need of help the people would be in. 2. Remind me later, OK? This would also give a hit in affinity for Preston, although not as much as the first option, and depending on the need (based on settlements), Preston would either push the issue, or, he'd agree to remind you of it later. Next day, a few days, something like that, depending on the situation of the people in need. There would have to be some kind of a smart way of queuing these (re)quests if there are several pending. 3. [Persuade] Look, Preston, we just can't help them right now. I'm sorry. The difficulty of the persuasion check would depend on the settlement (completely arbitrary, up to the mod creator) and their needs. If it would fail, Preston would just push for a Yes/No -answer, so either 1. or 4., where 1. obviously gives the affinity hit, but failing the test itself wouldn't affect affinity. 4. Of course, Preston. We're the Minutemen, after all! This would just accept the quest. Similar options might also appear in the conversation when a person approaches the Sole Survivor instead of Preston (later in the game, would make sense), if Preston is the active companion, so when they're turned down, Preston may step in, and so on. Also, Preston could possibly contact you via radio, if he's in a different settlement. There are ham radios. Maybe a portable Minuteman version? Plenty of options, of course, to enable/disable such things. But, then you could have the conversation with Preston, just with Preston being on the radio (add some radio distortion to his voice, maybe?) Radiant quest logic would be revamped No more would the settlers send you on a mission to the other side of the map for bogus reasons, but rather, if possible within the game mechanics and code, the radiant quests would actually be logical to the settlements where they're given at; the missions would take place in locations near to the settlement. --- I have some coding experience, but not with FO4 mods, so I have no idea about the hurdles one would have to jump to create something like this. Some of it might not even be possible, at all. I know there are mods that curb the radiant quests (or disable them completely), but this would be much more of an "overhaul" of the settlement progression system, with radiant quest logic improved as a bonus. As the influence of the Minutemen would spread, starting from Sanctuary, and as you'd establish more settlements, so would the pleas for help start coming in from those areas. Instead of Preston just being some damn psychic who gets telepathic messages from the other side of the map and sends you on your way. Also, having the people actually appear in the settlements would be a really nice touch. Dialogue could be pulled from existing options or just be silent. VO wouldn't necessarily have to match the text options. Also, if it could be made compatible with stuff like We Are the Minutemen, all the better. Anyways, those are just a few thoughts on this idea. I'm 500 hours into this amazing game, with yet another (currently level 70ish) character going strong. Probably going to start one more at some point, and having a mod like this would be so very, very nice. I've been toying around with learning mods for FO4 myself, since, as I said, I have some experience with code, but I know enough to know that it would be a bit of a chore to learn enough to make a working mod, let alone something as complex as what I've outlined. Still, maybe someone more capable gets some ideas from this.
  2. Breakthrough! Just like that, I think I stumbled upon a solution. It's one of those "I can't believe I spent so much time trying to figure this out and didn't think of this" -moments. I had set the default FOV in the .ini file (all three, actually - game folder fallout_default, and my docs falloutprefs and fallout .ini -files, don't ask me why, I think I had some trouble with keeping the changes permanent) to 90, since I'm used to playing FPS games with a 90 degree FOV. To me, 75 FOV seems unnatural and makes me feel like I don't have any peripheral vision in the game. So, it just dawned on me, and I dropped the FOV's in the .ini -files back to the default 75. Now as I go into the game, the scope works fine, and even after I change the FOV to 90 via the console (fov 90), the scopes keep working fine. Typing fov 90 every time I play is a small chore as long as the scopes work, so I'm now one happy wastelander. People smarter than me are welcome to post here to explain what exactly it was with the FOV that caused all this, so that other people with this problem know what to do. I think not touching the default FOV is the solution, though. Anyways, I'd edit the thread subject to state "solved" or something, but I guess you can't edit that. I added a note in the original post, though. Very cool. Now I'm off to shoot some mutants. :)
  3. Well, my desktop resolution is 1600x1200, which is also the resolution I took the screenshot on. I normally play FPS' on 1280x960 mostly because I get a bit better Hz on my crappy old CRT monitor on that resolution, and it also improves the game's performance slightly. What can you do, I have an old (ca. 2005) setup. So, using the desktop resolution in game didn't do much for me. Is the black area in the scope zoom some fixed texture, or does the black area just fill everything around the center reticule? When I open scope01.nif mesh in NifSkope, here's what I see: http://i54.tinypic.com/1zmdloo.jpg That box there, is that the screen area that's supposed to be black? Because it doesn't look like it's 4:3. I have no idea how to use NifSkope, but I thought I'd get it since I found something on it with Google. Might be it has nothing to do with this issue. Anyways, I'll check back in this thread after a while. Off-topic: there are lots of nightvision (goggle) addons, and a couple binocular/telescope/detachable scope addons, but is there a nightvision binocular addon, or nightvision scopes for guns? Goggle addons which give you full nightvision are a nice addition when using Fellout (FOOK2), but nightvision binoculars without full goggle effect would be more interesting IMO. Oh well. :) Thanks again.
  4. EDIT: I think I stumbled upon a solution, read my latest. Hi people, I just recently started playing FO3 again, and I loaded the game up with mods. FOOK2, WMK, MMM, DUI, as well as some other smaller ones which should not be affecting the scope view. I will list all my mods later if required. The problem is this: http://i53.tinypic.com/nzeohl.jpg The black area of the scope - I don't know if it's called the overlay or the reticle or something like that, I'm really not well versed in these things - does not fill the entire screen. I'm playing on 1280x960 (4:3 resolution), and I tried - and took the screen shot on - 1600x1200 as well, to see if it makes a difference. My monitor is a 4:3 CRT so I have to use a 4:3 resolution. I've been Googling this issue for the past week, finding bits and pieces here and there, but so far I've found no real information on what's causing the problem, and how I could fix it. I tried exporting the scope01.nif and .dds from the meshes and textures, and placing them in the data files, but that didn't do anything. I also downloaded some other scope meshes, and tried them, but it didn't help. I was wondering if anyone has information on this issue straight away, as in "oh right it's THAT bug, I know that one, I've seen it before, I know exactly what to do". Failing that, perhaps someone is more knowledgeable on what might be causing it. Thanks.
  5. Well, I learned how to replace the heads of individual characters, including my own, so for the most important characters I don't have to look at black eyes. I guess if I would want to have colored eyes on all of the characters, I would need to do head morph replacements on all of them. Not sure yet if there's like some generic head I can replace, and even then they'll just have a single eye color. Still, looking at blue or brown eyes would be much better than looking at pitch black eyes. Anyways, I guess this thread has been concluded unless someone knows of a mod that does this already.
  6. Hi, I cleared all my mods, tried the DAO-Modmanager + Chargen trick, but it changed nothing as far as eyes are concerned. Everyone's eyes were pitch black. Then I cleared all my mods again, installed Dragon Age Redesigned v7.3 with everything it required (Bidelle's, More Hairstyles, Vibrant Colors), and once again I had characters with beautiful eyes. Morrigan, Leliana, Wynne and such were obviously all sporting eye color now, as well as unique head morphs, but also when adventuring here and there I once again saw some NPC's with colored eyes, and some with pitch black eyes. This means that whatever Dragon Age Redesigned does to unique characters, it also does it to some random NPC's. I would be quite interested in finding out whether this could be applied to all NPC's. It's bad enough not being able to see the blood spatter, as it would be a fun thing to have to give some realism, but to have everyone with these pitch black demon eyes kind of gets quite tiresome after a while. I'm very new at these mods and I'm not quite sure if I've understood this correctly, but it's these "morphs" which are giving some of the characters eye color, and not an eye mod at all? What we need then, is a mod that morphs every single head in the game to such a version that allows those of us with older GPU's to see eye color. I don't suppose someone has made such a mod already? :) As an aside, the Dragon Age Redesigned does nothing for the PC's eyes, even if I go create a new character. I still end up with some dozen different pitch black choices.
  7. Hi, I'm using a Radeon X850, and as such have no shader 3.0, which I'm guessing is the reason for not getting the blood spatters, and getting black eyes on most of the characters. First of all, I'm talking about pitch black here, not "dark because I have low brightness". Secondly, some characters actually have had nonblack eyes, such as Morrigan (her golden eyes), the werewolves, and now recently as I got the mod "Dragon Age Redesigned v 7.3", which changed the appearance of Leliana. Suddenly Leliana has bright blue eyes now. So. clearly I can have actual eyes on people, so my question is that is there a mod that does this? I tried two of the most popular eye mods, but they don't seem to have any effect. I'm looking for an eye mod which does this on a general level, so as to give all characters in the game "normal" and not pitch black eyes. I did try searching for such a mod or discussion of such a mod but failed to come up with results, so I thought I'd ask. Sorry if it's an old question (which it probably is). Thanks in advance, though. EDIT: Having looked a bit more into this issue now, I guess me being able to see eyes on some models and not on every model has something to do with actual model replacements which I'm using, and not eyes themselves. I looked into this black eye issue way back, but back then - as it seems is the case now - there were just a lot of directions as to how to get the eyes brighter. The thing is though, us using low res can't get the black eyes brighter. Clearly though it has absolutely nothing to do with my GPU not being able to render eyes since I'm right now seeing bright green, blue and grey eyes on some characters, but that the engine has been made so that it's using shader 3, or something similar. I suppose I'll try to dig deeper and see if there's a way to switch out the heads of everyone in the game to something that supports these older cards. If you know of an eye mod that replaces this ridiculously high requirement for eyes and allows us older hardware users to see eye colors, it would be much appreciated. EDIT 2: I took a couple screen shots from the game, just to show what I mean in case anyone is still unclear. http://img185.imageshack.us/img185/2290/elfwoman.jpg - This is a normal NPC elf woman in the Dalish camp in the beginning phases of the Dalish elf story. As you can see she has clear blue beautiful eyes. http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/2706/elfhuntress.jpg - This is a normal NPC elf huntress standing right next to the above elf woman in the same Dalish camp. She still has the pitch black irises. Some of the NPC's in the game now seem to have beautiful colored eyes whether they're random NPC's or lore characters, but some still sport those colorless black eyes. Clearly I've been able to do something with some mod to give some characters eye color for us who are using low graphics, so I'd love to know if there's a mod that gives them to all.
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