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  1. UI in F76 use SWF files so you would have to extract those files from SeventySix - Interface.ba2. Find file you need, make changes with SWF decompiler/editor and then make ba2 file with it. btw you can't get ban for using mods... those are only client side. Using cheat engine or other hacks get you banned.
  2. Yes, if you don't want to replace armour or body texture it should work. Just convert textures and you are good to go. BTW If you want to use F4 armour you just need convert texture files. If it use other body type like CBBE, you would need to add textures files for body too but this will mess up other things. If mesh is from something else like skyrim you need to convert it to F4 first.
  3. Check link below, it should answer your questions ;) https://www.reddit.com/r/FalloutMods/comments/a4j0vs/f76_tutorial_for_porting_over_fo4_models_into_76/ If you need some more help feel free to ask :)
  4. Map is just a image file, but this would require some changes in GUI I'm not sure if this would be possible right now. And the worst part would be that if bethesda makes any changes in this interface mod would stop working and had to be remade again.
  5. Set your fallout76custom.ini to read only after you add your mods.
  6. Well, first of all you would have to find name of the Rranger Armour mesh files in meshes.ba2 (you need archive2 or any other ba2 explorer for that). Then you need to export that mesh, find mesh file of armour you want to repleace like eq.: wastelanderdress.nif. Place if in correct folder struction (eq. clothing\wastlanderdress\.....\filename.nif) make ba2 file from that folders and add it to the fallout76custom.ini.
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