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  1. In response to post #23644599. #23646929, #23648494, #23650844, #23650964, #23651009 are all replies on the same post. For the sake of convenience I'm going to put your post in my post partially, incase there's any confusion to who I'm responding to. "Piracy happens when there are no easier alternatives. Most piracy doesn't happen because people "want free s***"" "It's not wrong at all, actually. The endorsement = a basic estimation of a conversion rate. 5% - 10% conversion rate is actually lowballing it based on the total downloads. " I'll respond to the endorsement thing first. What uh. What exactly do you mean, and what's your reasoning for this? Are you saying that mod endorsements are a good indicator that someone would.. pay? Because I don't think there's any basis to make that argument at all, and more basis against it just from the simple fact that it's easier in every respect to hit endorse and leave the page than to pay for a mod. Now if you're not saying that, and I'm misunderstanding, I apologize. This is a response to the piracy thing: In my experience dealing with people during the age of wide spread internet piracy, through my highschool years up until now, I've never seen any indication that the people I knew who torrented, torrented because they couldn't otherwise access the material. They torrented because they couldn't otherwise purchase it without it hurting their wallet - OR they torrented because they felt that the price the seller charged wasn't in line with the quality of the work being sold. Valve's always said that piracy is from a lack of easy access and they're correct - but only on a global scale. When they say that, I believe they're talking about places like russia, and other countries that simply didn't have easy access to buy these things. They're not talking about the gmaer crowd in a highschool who just didn't want to pay 60 dollars for a bad game, or spend 60 dollars on a game they'd only get an afternoon of fun out of, but still did want to play it, or the yonug-adult group who had a similar mindset to the situation. As I said before, if anyone torrents one of these mods, it's more likely that he or she either doesn't want to pay period, or feels it isn't worth the money that they would have to pay for it. It's not a matter of them not having easy access. Aaannnnd now I'm running out the door. I'll check this stuff at work I guess, see if I can't muster up a response if needed. Assuming you don't respond and we never see eachother again - Have a nice day
  2. I don't believe Piracy would be an issue here. And if it is an "Issue" it's going to only be an issue from a very.... on-paper perspective. My assumptions is that those who would pirate a paid mod would be those who wouldn't actually buy the mod in the first place. Now there is an issue here that you have reason to be angry about - your mod is being used by those who did not give you anything in exchange - and that's fine, feel whatever there is to feel about that. But to claim there is going to be a monetary hit for something like that is wrong, I think. There are arguments to be made about piracy hurting large scale videogame sales, and that may or may not be true, but I don't think those same arguments apply here well because of the community we're working with. My belief with that, as I've said above, is that those who pirate your mods won't otherwise buy them, so I don't think there's any cause for monetary concern from any party involved, just.. uh.. "moral" ? concerns. If any of this was hard to follow, I apologize. I'm very tired and in just a few moments I'll be running out my door to work, so I hope you can understand I'm very distracted at the moment. If anything here doesn't make sense, chalk it up to that.
  3. In response to post #23644599. #23646929, #23648494 are all replies on the same post. Hello, I'm in a rush this morning unfortunately and I haven't read too far into the main post of this page, and unfortunately haven't read very far into your post. Time constraints and all. That being said, I think the assumption that those who endorsed are those who would pay for it is grossly wrong. I've endorsed many many mods, and I love mods. But if I had to pay for them, I simply wouldn't use them at all. Either that or I'd make my own to fill their roles. I think that's a reasonable thing to assume, and frankly I would hazard a guess that only 10 percent at highest of those who endorsed would ever pay for any mod in general. Even at that I-believe-to-be-inflated rate, you're only making something like 1,000 dollars if my tired-math is correct. That's certainly a nice pleasant number I'm sure, but it's no 10,000, and frankly I doubt you would make a tenth of that 1,000 dollars, no matter the mod. (I'm tired so I'm not sure if I've come off as this, so I'd like to directly say here that I'm not insinuating anything about you or your particular mod, and in fact I'm not actually familiar with it to judge. No insult or degredation intended. I'm making assumptions about people's actions towards all mods in general.)
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