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Everything posted by PierreTruDank

  1. Do you have any mods for Automatron? If you don't then that is probably why it isn't crashing for you.
  2. I did but now I am not even getting the option for Fallout 4, only Skyrim, Fallout 3 and New Vegas.
  3. They didn't mention this issue, but everyone who reported CTDs at load and who posted their load order, I saw an automaton mod there. AKWCR is the big one.
  4. Look at my post, I believe I figured out the problem, but use Loot or FO4edit to check it, but essentailly bethesda did something with the DLC ESMs and so now mods which require "DLCRobot.esm" will not work because it says it is missing. AWKCR is an example if you use the Automatron version.
  5. Then is it because Bethesda messed with something and now the authors need to change their ESMs?
  6. There is a strange glitch where every mod which requires Automaton, says that Automatron's esm, DLCRobot.esm is missing, however I can see it right there, it is active under plugins. And so when ever I load my save it crashes, I have seen others have this problem as well.
  7. You can't tear the Pierre
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